
Vew the reports:


Phytophthora infected Lupinus angustifolius root.

Reference genome info

Here is the reference informtion

Lupinus angustifolius from Ensembl



Phytophthora cinnamomi from FungiDB 21st Jan 2021

Pc gff file was converted to gtf with gffread. fasta files were combined before indexing gtf files were combined before indexing

Data processing

Read trimming with Skewer v0.2.2 followed by STAR v2.7.7a. STAR gene level counts (reverse strand) were imported into R. Lupin and phytophthora counts were separated. DESeq2 was run to quantify differences between treatment groups.

Read in data

#conda activate R40

Load counts into R

tmp <- read.table("3col.tsv.gz")
y<-as.matrix(acast(tmp, V2~V1, value.var="V3"))
colnames(y) <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(y),"_"),"[[",1)
##                 BS01 BS02 BS03 BS04 BS05 BS06 BS07 BS08 BS09 BS10 BS11 BS12
## ENSRNA049758817    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## ENSRNA049758844    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## ENSRNA049758846    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    1
## ENSRNA049758848    0    0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## ENSRNA049758851    3    1    1    1    2    1    0    0    2    2    2    3
## ENSRNA049758853    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
##                 BS13 BS14 BS15 BS16 BS17 BS18 BS19 BS20 BS21 BS22 BS23 BS24
## ENSRNA049758817    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## ENSRNA049758844    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## ENSRNA049758846    0    0    0    0    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## ENSRNA049758848    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
## ENSRNA049758851    0    0    0    0    0    2    0    0    1    0    1    0
## ENSRNA049758853    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0

Load samplesheet and change the colnames.

ss <- read.table("samplesheet.tsv")
##      V1       V2
## 1  BS01  LaH-0_1
## 2  BS02  LaH-0_2
## 3  BS03  LaH-0_3
## 4  BS04 LaH-18_1
## 5  BS05 LaH-18_2
## 6  BS06 LaH-18_3
## 7  BS07 LaH-30_1
## 8  BS08 LaH-30_2
## 9  BS09 LaH-30_3
## 10 BS10 LaH-48_1
## 11 BS11 LaH-48_2
## 12 BS12 LaH-48_3
## 13 BS13 PcHY-0_1
## 14 BS14 PcHY-0_2
## 15 BS15 PcHY-0_3
## 16 BS16 LaP-18_1
## 17 BS17 LaP-18_2
## 18 BS18 LaP-18_3
## 19 BS19 LaP-30_1
## 20 BS20 LaP-30_2
## 21 BS21 LaP-30_3
## 22 BS22 LaP-48_1
## 23 BS23 LaP-48_2
## 24 BS24 LaP-48_3
ss$V1 == colnames(y)
colnames(y) <- ss$V2

QC analysis of counts and split by species.


## [1] 61301    24
pc <- y[grep("PHYCI",rownames(y)),]
## [1] 26131    24
la <- y[grep("PHYCI",rownames(y),invert=TRUE),]
## [1] 35170    24
barplot(colSums(y),horiz=TRUE,las=1,xlab="total number of assigned reads")

barplot(colSums(pc),horiz=TRUE,las=1,xlab="number of PC assigned reads")

barplot(colSums(la),horiz=TRUE,las=1,xlab="number of LA assigned reads")

barplot(log10(colSums(pc)),horiz=TRUE,las=1,xlab="log10 number of PC assigned reads")

barplot(log10(colSums(la)),horiz=TRUE,las=1,xlab="log10 number of LA assigned reads")

barplot( colSums(pc)/colSums(y), horiz=TRUE,las=1,xlab="proportion of PC/total reads" )

# revert to defaults

Multidimensional scaling analysis

mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(y)))
plot(mds*1.05, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2", type = "p",pch=19,col="lightblue",bty="n")
text(mds, labels=colnames(y)) 
mtext("overall MDS plot")

mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(pc)))
plot(mds*1.05, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2", type = "p",pch=19,col="lightblue",bty="n")
text(mds, labels=colnames(pc))
mtext("Pc MDS plot")

mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(la)))
plot(mds*1.05, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2", type = "p",pch=19,col="lightblue",bty="n")
text(mds, labels=colnames(la))
mtext("La MDS plot")


P cinnamomi. These will be called Pc1 to Pc6

  1. PcHY vs LaP18. “DE early”

  2. PcHY vs LaP30. “DE mid”

  3. PcHY vs LaP48. “DE late”

  4. LaPc18 vs LaPc30 “Change from early to mid”

  5. LaPc30 vs LaPc48 “Change from mid to late”

  6. LaPc18 vs LaPc48 “Difference between early and late”

ss$grp <- sapply(strsplit(ss$V2,"_"),"[[",1)
##              LaH-0_1 LaH-0_2 LaH-0_3 LaH-18_1 LaH-18_2 LaH-18_3 LaH-30_1
## PHYCI_100000       0       0       0        0        0        0        0
## PHYCI_100005       0       0       0        0        0        0        0
## PHYCI_100006       0       0       0        0        0        0        0
## PHYCI_100014       0       0       0        0        0        0        0
## PHYCI_100017       0       0       0        0        0        0        0
## PHYCI_100037       0       0       0        0        0        0        0
##              LaH-30_2 LaH-30_3 LaH-48_1 LaH-48_2 LaH-48_3 PcHY-0_1 PcHY-0_2
## PHYCI_100000        0        0        0        0        0      714      637
## PHYCI_100005        0        0        0        0        0       81       56
## PHYCI_100006        0        0        0        0        0       54       58
## PHYCI_100014        0        0        0        0        0    55779    55655
## PHYCI_100017        0        0        0        0        0      227      267
## PHYCI_100037        0        0        0        0        0        2        0
##              PcHY-0_3 LaP-18_1 LaP-18_2 LaP-18_3 LaP-30_1 LaP-30_2 LaP-30_3
## PHYCI_100000      741       28       39       12      118      139       54
## PHYCI_100005       73     1520     2497     1110     2774     1932     2063
## PHYCI_100006       66        0        0        0        0        2        1
## PHYCI_100014    52086     2102     3226     1099    15044    13468     6225
## PHYCI_100017      189        1        1        1       21       14        7
## PHYCI_100037        3        0        0        0        0        1        0
##              LaP-48_1 LaP-48_2 LaP-48_3
## PHYCI_100000      158      277      123
## PHYCI_100005     1526     1219     1558
## PHYCI_100006        4       14        6
## PHYCI_100014    21762    31309    21788
## PHYCI_100017       27       52       37
## PHYCI_100037        0        0        1
sspc1 <- subset(ss,grp=="PcHY-0" | grp=="LaP-18")
sspc1$trt <- as.numeric(sspc1$grp=="LaP-18")
pc1 <- pc[,which(colnames(pc) %in% sspc1$V2)] 
##              PcHY-0_1 PcHY-0_2 PcHY-0_3 LaP-18_1 LaP-18_2 LaP-18_3
## PHYCI_100000      714      637      741       28       39       12
## PHYCI_100005       81       56       73     1520     2497     1110
## PHYCI_100006       54       58       66        0        0        0
## PHYCI_100014    55779    55655    52086     2102     3226     1099
## PHYCI_100017      227      267      189        1        1        1
## PHYCI_100037        2        0        3        0        0        0
##      V1       V2    grp trt
## 13 BS13 PcHY-0_1 PcHY-0   0
## 14 BS14 PcHY-0_2 PcHY-0   0
## 15 BS15 PcHY-0_3 PcHY-0   0
## 16 BS16 LaP-18_1 LaP-18   1
## 17 BS17 LaP-18_2 LaP-18   1
## 18 BS18 LaP-18_3 LaP-18   1
sspc2 <- subset(ss,grp=="PcHY-0" | grp=="LaP-30")
sspc2$trt <- as.numeric(sspc2$grp=="LaP-30")
pc2 <- pc[,which(colnames(pc) %in% sspc2$V2)]
##              PcHY-0_1 PcHY-0_2 PcHY-0_3 LaP-30_1 LaP-30_2 LaP-30_3
## PHYCI_100000      714      637      741      118      139       54
## PHYCI_100005       81       56       73     2774     1932     2063
## PHYCI_100006       54       58       66        0        2        1
## PHYCI_100014    55779    55655    52086    15044    13468     6225
## PHYCI_100017      227      267      189       21       14        7
## PHYCI_100037        2        0        3        0        1        0
##      V1       V2    grp trt
## 13 BS13 PcHY-0_1 PcHY-0   0
## 14 BS14 PcHY-0_2 PcHY-0   0
## 15 BS15 PcHY-0_3 PcHY-0   0
## 19 BS19 LaP-30_1 LaP-30   1
## 20 BS20 LaP-30_2 LaP-30   1
## 21 BS21 LaP-30_3 LaP-30   1
sspc3 <- subset(ss,grp=="PcHY-0" | grp=="LaP-48")
sspc3$trt <- as.numeric(sspc3$grp=="LaP-48")
pc3 <- pc[,which(colnames(pc) %in% sspc3$V2)]
##              PcHY-0_1 PcHY-0_2 PcHY-0_3 LaP-48_1 LaP-48_2 LaP-48_3
## PHYCI_100000      714      637      741      158      277      123
## PHYCI_100005       81       56       73     1526     1219     1558
## PHYCI_100006       54       58       66        4       14        6
## PHYCI_100014    55779    55655    52086    21762    31309    21788
## PHYCI_100017      227      267      189       27       52       37
## PHYCI_100037        2        0        3        0        0        1
##      V1       V2    grp trt
## 13 BS13 PcHY-0_1 PcHY-0   0
## 14 BS14 PcHY-0_2 PcHY-0   0
## 15 BS15 PcHY-0_3 PcHY-0   0
## 22 BS22 LaP-48_1 LaP-48   1
## 23 BS23 LaP-48_2 LaP-48   1
## 24 BS24 LaP-48_3 LaP-48   1
sspc4 <- subset(ss,grp=="LaP-18" | grp=="LaP-30")
sspc4$trt <- as.numeric(sspc4$grp=="LaP-30")
pc4 <- pc[,which(colnames(pc) %in% sspc4$V2)]
##              LaP-18_1 LaP-18_2 LaP-18_3 LaP-30_1 LaP-30_2 LaP-30_3
## PHYCI_100000       28       39       12      118      139       54
## PHYCI_100005     1520     2497     1110     2774     1932     2063
## PHYCI_100006        0        0        0        0        2        1
## PHYCI_100014     2102     3226     1099    15044    13468     6225
## PHYCI_100017        1        1        1       21       14        7
## PHYCI_100037        0        0        0        0        1        0
##      V1       V2    grp trt
## 16 BS16 LaP-18_1 LaP-18   0
## 17 BS17 LaP-18_2 LaP-18   0
## 18 BS18 LaP-18_3 LaP-18   0
## 19 BS19 LaP-30_1 LaP-30   1
## 20 BS20 LaP-30_2 LaP-30   1
## 21 BS21 LaP-30_3 LaP-30   1
sspc5 <- subset(ss,grp=="LaP-30" | grp=="LaP-48")
sspc5$trt <- as.numeric(sspc5$grp=="LaP-48")
pc5 <- pc[,which(colnames(pc) %in% sspc5$V2)]
##              LaP-30_1 LaP-30_2 LaP-30_3 LaP-48_1 LaP-48_2 LaP-48_3
## PHYCI_100000      118      139       54      158      277      123
## PHYCI_100005     2774     1932     2063     1526     1219     1558
## PHYCI_100006        0        2        1        4       14        6
## PHYCI_100014    15044    13468     6225    21762    31309    21788
## PHYCI_100017       21       14        7       27       52       37
## PHYCI_100037        0        1        0        0        0        1
##      V1       V2    grp trt
## 19 BS19 LaP-30_1 LaP-30   0
## 20 BS20 LaP-30_2 LaP-30   0
## 21 BS21 LaP-30_3 LaP-30   0
## 22 BS22 LaP-48_1 LaP-48   1
## 23 BS23 LaP-48_2 LaP-48   1
## 24 BS24 LaP-48_3 LaP-48   1
sspc6 <- subset(ss,grp=="LaP-18" | grp=="LaP-48")
sspc6$trt <- as.numeric(sspc6$grp=="LaP-48")
pc6 <- pc[,which(colnames(pc) %in% sspc6$V2)]
##              LaP-18_1 LaP-18_2 LaP-18_3 LaP-48_1 LaP-48_2 LaP-48_3
## PHYCI_100000       28       39       12      158      277      123
## PHYCI_100005     1520     2497     1110     1526     1219     1558
## PHYCI_100006        0        0        0        4       14        6
## PHYCI_100014     2102     3226     1099    21762    31309    21788
## PHYCI_100017        1        1        1       27       52       37
## PHYCI_100037        0        0        0        0        0        1
##      V1       V2    grp trt
## 16 BS16 LaP-18_1 LaP-18   0
## 17 BS17 LaP-18_2 LaP-18   0
## 18 BS18 LaP-18_3 LaP-18   0
## 22 BS22 LaP-48_1 LaP-48   1
## 23 BS23 LaP-48_2 LaP-48   1
## 24 BS24 LaP-48_3 LaP-48   1

Lupin. These will be called La1 to La5

  1. LaH-0 vs LaP18 “DE early”

  2. LaH-0 vs LaP30 “DE mid”

  3. LaH-0 vs LaP48 “DE late”

  4. LaPc18 vs LaPc30 “Change from early to mid”

  5. LaPc30 vs LaPc48 “Change from mid to late”

  6. LaPc18 vs LaPc48 “Difference between early and late”

##                 LaH-0_1 LaH-0_2 LaH-0_3 LaH-18_1 LaH-18_2 LaH-18_3 LaH-30_1
## ENSRNA049758817       0       0       0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758844       0       0       0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758846       0       0       0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758848       0       0       0        1        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758851       3       1       1        1        2        1        0
## ENSRNA049758853       0       0       0        0        0        0        0
##                 LaH-30_2 LaH-30_3 LaH-48_1 LaH-48_2 LaH-48_3 PcHY-0_1 PcHY-0_2
## ENSRNA049758817        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758844        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758846        0        0        0        0        1        0        0
## ENSRNA049758848        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758851        0        2        2        2        3        0        0
## ENSRNA049758853        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
##                 PcHY-0_3 LaP-18_1 LaP-18_2 LaP-18_3 LaP-30_1 LaP-30_2 LaP-30_3
## ENSRNA049758817        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758844        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758846        0        0        1        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758848        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758851        0        0        0        2        0        0        1
## ENSRNA049758853        0        0        0        0        0        0        0
##                 LaP-48_1 LaP-48_2 LaP-48_3
## ENSRNA049758817        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758844        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758846        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758848        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758851        0        1        0
## ENSRNA049758853        0        0        0
ssla1 <- subset(ss,grp=="LaH-0" | grp=="LaP-18")
ssla1$trt <- as.numeric(ssla1$grp=="LaP-18")
la1 <- la[,which(colnames(pc) %in% ssla1$V2)]
##                 LaH-0_1 LaH-0_2 LaH-0_3 LaP-18_1 LaP-18_2 LaP-18_3
## ENSRNA049758817       0       0       0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758844       0       0       0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758846       0       0       0        0        1        0
## ENSRNA049758848       0       0       0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758851       3       1       1        0        0        2
## ENSRNA049758853       0       0       0        0        0        0
##      V1       V2    grp trt
## 1  BS01  LaH-0_1  LaH-0   0
## 2  BS02  LaH-0_2  LaH-0   0
## 3  BS03  LaH-0_3  LaH-0   0
## 16 BS16 LaP-18_1 LaP-18   1
## 17 BS17 LaP-18_2 LaP-18   1
## 18 BS18 LaP-18_3 LaP-18   1
ssla2 <- subset(ss,grp=="LaH-0" | grp=="LaP-30")
ssla2$trt <- as.numeric(ssla2$grp=="LaP-30")
la2 <- la[,which(colnames(pc) %in% ssla2$V2)]
##                 LaH-0_1 LaH-0_2 LaH-0_3 LaP-30_1 LaP-30_2 LaP-30_3
## ENSRNA049758817       0       0       0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758844       0       0       0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758846       0       0       0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758848       0       0       0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758851       3       1       1        0        0        1
## ENSRNA049758853       0       0       0        0        0        0
##      V1       V2    grp trt
## 1  BS01  LaH-0_1  LaH-0   0
## 2  BS02  LaH-0_2  LaH-0   0
## 3  BS03  LaH-0_3  LaH-0   0
## 19 BS19 LaP-30_1 LaP-30   1
## 20 BS20 LaP-30_2 LaP-30   1
## 21 BS21 LaP-30_3 LaP-30   1
ssla3 <- subset(ss,grp=="LaH-0" | grp=="LaP-48")
ssla3$trt <- as.numeric(ssla3$grp=="LaP-48")
la3 <- la[,which(colnames(pc) %in% ssla3$V2)]
##                 LaH-0_1 LaH-0_2 LaH-0_3 LaP-48_1 LaP-48_2 LaP-48_3
## ENSRNA049758817       0       0       0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758844       0       0       0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758846       0       0       0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758848       0       0       0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758851       3       1       1        0        1        0
## ENSRNA049758853       0       0       0        0        0        0
##      V1       V2    grp trt
## 1  BS01  LaH-0_1  LaH-0   0
## 2  BS02  LaH-0_2  LaH-0   0
## 3  BS03  LaH-0_3  LaH-0   0
## 22 BS22 LaP-48_1 LaP-48   1
## 23 BS23 LaP-48_2 LaP-48   1
## 24 BS24 LaP-48_3 LaP-48   1
ssla4 <- subset(ss,grp=="LaP-18" | grp=="LaP-30")
ssla4$trt <- as.numeric(ssla4$grp=="LaP-30")
la4 <- la[,which(colnames(pc) %in% ssla4$V2)]
##                 LaP-18_1 LaP-18_2 LaP-18_3 LaP-30_1 LaP-30_2 LaP-30_3
## ENSRNA049758817        0        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758844        0        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758846        0        1        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758848        0        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758851        0        0        2        0        0        1
## ENSRNA049758853        0        0        0        0        0        0
##      V1       V2    grp trt
## 16 BS16 LaP-18_1 LaP-18   0
## 17 BS17 LaP-18_2 LaP-18   0
## 18 BS18 LaP-18_3 LaP-18   0
## 19 BS19 LaP-30_1 LaP-30   1
## 20 BS20 LaP-30_2 LaP-30   1
## 21 BS21 LaP-30_3 LaP-30   1
ssla5 <- subset(ss,grp=="LaH-30" | grp=="LaP-48")
ssla5$trt <- as.numeric(ssla5$grp=="LaP-48")
la5 <- la[,which(colnames(pc) %in% ssla4$V2)]
##                 LaP-18_1 LaP-18_2 LaP-18_3 LaP-30_1 LaP-30_2 LaP-30_3
## ENSRNA049758817        0        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758844        0        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758846        0        1        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758848        0        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758851        0        0        2        0        0        1
## ENSRNA049758853        0        0        0        0        0        0
##      V1       V2    grp trt
## 7  BS07 LaH-30_1 LaH-30   0
## 8  BS08 LaH-30_2 LaH-30   0
## 9  BS09 LaH-30_3 LaH-30   0
## 22 BS22 LaP-48_1 LaP-48   1
## 23 BS23 LaP-48_2 LaP-48   1
## 24 BS24 LaP-48_3 LaP-48   1
ssla6 <- subset(ss,grp=="LaH-18" | grp=="LaP-48")
ssla6$trt <- as.numeric(ssla6$grp=="LaP-48")
la6 <- la[,which(colnames(pc) %in% ssla6$V2)]
##                 LaH-18_1 LaH-18_2 LaH-18_3 LaP-48_1 LaP-48_2 LaP-48_3
## ENSRNA049758817        0        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758844        0        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758846        0        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758848        1        0        0        0        0        0
## ENSRNA049758851        1        2        1        0        1        0
## ENSRNA049758853        0        0        0        0        0        0
##      V1       V2    grp trt
## 4  BS04 LaH-18_1 LaH-18   0
## 5  BS05 LaH-18_2 LaH-18   0
## 6  BS06 LaH-18_3 LaH-18   0
## 22 BS22 LaP-48_1 LaP-48   1
## 23 BS23 LaP-48_2 LaP-48   1
## 24 BS24 LaP-48_3 LaP-48   1

DE function

Here is a function for differential expression.

run_de <- function(ss,xx){
y <- round(xx)
y <- y[rowMeans(y)>10,]
mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(y)))
plot( mds , xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2",
  type = "n" , xlim=c(XMIN,XMAX),main="MDS plot",bty="n")
text(mds, labels=colnames(y) )
# DE
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=y, colData = ss, design = ~ trt)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
de <- DESeq2::results(dds)
de <- de[order(de$pvalue),]
up <- rownames(subset(de, log2FoldChange>0 & padj<0.05 ))
dn <- rownames(subset(de, log2FoldChange<0 & padj<0.05 ))
# MA plot
sig <-subset(de, padj < 0.05 )
GENESUP <- length(up)
GENESDN <- length(dn)
SUBHEADER = paste(GENESUP, "up, ", GENESDN, "down")
ns <-subset(de, padj > 0.05 )
     xlab="log2 basemean", ylab="log2 foldchange",
     pch=19, cex=0.5, col="dark gray",
     main="smear plot")
       pch=19, cex=0.5, col="red")
# heatmap
yn <- y/colSums(y)*1000000
yf <- yn[which(rownames(yn) %in% rownames(de)[1:50]),]
mycols <- gsub("0","yellow",ss$trt)
mycols <- gsub("1","orange",mycols)
colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))
heatmap.2(  as.matrix(yf), col=colfunc(25),scale="row",
    ColSideColors =mycols ,trace="none",
    margin = c(10,10), cexRow=0.6, cexCol=0.8 , main="Top 50 genes by p-val")
mtext("yellow=ctrl, orange=trt")

Run differential expression

Here execute the analysis.

pc1de <- run_de(sspc1,pc1)
## converting counts to integer mode
##   the design formula contains one or more numeric variables with integer values,
##   specifying a model with increasing fold change for higher values.
##   did you mean for this to be a factor? if so, first convert
##   this variable to a factor using the factor() function
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing

##  chr [1:3097] "PHYCI_100005" "PHYCI_148089" "PHYCI_178772" "PHYCI_261186" ...
##  chr [1:5631] "PHYCI_121119" "PHYCI_29764" "PHYCI_273086" "PHYCI_105396" ...

##               baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE     stat        pvalue
## PHYCI_100005 7458.5689      10.997984 0.2230196 49.31397  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_148089 4240.2584       8.645469 0.1582754 54.62296  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_178772 1454.0794      10.493558 0.2608642 40.22613  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_261186 1638.8110       9.831829 0.2595520 37.88000  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_304292 2032.5337       5.963319 0.1285101 46.40349  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_311759  502.6617       7.419734 0.1824379 40.66992  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_312248  946.1004       8.014527 0.1838346 43.59641  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_314066 5082.9059       9.221590 0.2080240 44.32946  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_94709  2090.7740       3.304664 0.0790668 41.79585  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_99054  1491.6292      10.570734 0.2782320 37.99251  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_462950 1079.1206       4.358389 0.1173852 37.12895 9.587183e-302
## PHYCI_226119  991.9203       8.536650 0.2343888 36.42090 1.987581e-290
## PHYCI_99743  1269.6615       7.457800 0.2052497 36.33525 4.493054e-289
## PHYCI_82350   432.5156       6.879233 0.1901251 36.18267 1.140430e-286
## PHYCI_96449   317.9925       7.602397 0.2137732 35.56291 5.247620e-277
## PHYCI_129006 1232.7239       7.581010 0.2159319 35.10833 5.030335e-270
## PHYCI_90225   496.1246       4.510982 0.1288738 35.00310 2.018007e-268
## PHYCI_66467   545.5239       4.614214 0.1323926 34.85251 3.901331e-266
## PHYCI_90480   495.5453       8.490696 0.2460764 34.50431 6.911825e-261
## PHYCI_32109  1870.3312       9.162297 0.2740070 33.43818 3.822824e-245
##                       padj
## PHYCI_100005  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_148089  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_178772  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_261186  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_304292  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_311759  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_312248  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_314066  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_94709   0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_99054   0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_462950 1.184801e-298
## PHYCI_226119 2.251598e-287
## PHYCI_99743  4.698352e-286
## PHYCI_82350  1.107358e-283
## PHYCI_96449  4.755743e-274
## PHYCI_129006 4.273898e-267
## PHYCI_90225  1.613694e-265
## PHYCI_66467  2.946372e-263
## PHYCI_90480  4.945229e-258
## PHYCI_32109  2.598374e-242

pc2de <- run_de(sspc2,pc2)
## converting counts to integer mode
##   the design formula contains one or more numeric variables with integer values,
##   specifying a model with increasing fold change for higher values.
##   did you mean for this to be a factor? if so, first convert
##   this variable to a factor using the factor() function
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing

##  chr [1:4431] "PHYCI_148089" "PHYCI_304292" "PHYCI_562950" "PHYCI_83306" ...
##  chr [1:5982] "PHYCI_75824" "PHYCI_22350" "PHYCI_98777" "PHYCI_98676" ...

##                baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE     stat        pvalue
## PHYCI_148089  7311.4238       8.098697 0.1975795 40.98957  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_304292 17192.2704       7.712978 0.1581552 48.76843  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_562950  1146.5213       5.193429 0.1364593 38.05846  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_83306   1240.3340       5.722536 0.1299755 44.02781  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_92107    990.1029       5.065277 0.1299843 38.96837  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_96416    906.9505       7.480746 0.1911710 39.13117  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_314066  9749.7982       8.827690 0.2467176 35.78055 2.216680e-280
## PHYCI_178772  2806.5556      10.111498 0.2978683 33.94620 1.387911e-252
## PHYCI_82350   1020.2754       6.739978 0.2028019 33.23429 3.442681e-242
## PHYCI_94850   2009.4592       8.648859 0.2603423 33.22111 5.336546e-242
## PHYCI_314209   579.6973       6.314685 0.1908979 33.07885 5.987175e-240
## PHYCI_95536   1043.6801       8.607659 0.2616344 32.89957 2.229401e-237
## PHYCI_117702  4753.9360      11.341791 0.3464195 32.74005 4.206719e-235
## PHYCI_226119  3844.5930       9.152973 0.2839611 32.23319 6.051493e-228
## PHYCI_195336  2104.5977       5.724698 0.1777601 32.20463 1.520367e-227
## PHYCI_312248  2354.9656       8.002739 0.2496927 32.05036 2.170423e-225
## PHYCI_93493   2747.5803      10.417656 0.3251041 32.04406 2.655837e-225
## PHYCI_261186  3537.7954       9.610484 0.3022085 31.80083 6.303262e-222
## PHYCI_77017    405.0280       6.536352 0.2080040 31.42417 9.463696e-217
## PHYCI_129006  4165.6141       8.003471 0.2555795 31.31500 2.916188e-215
##                       padj
## PHYCI_148089  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_304292  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_562950  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_83306   0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_92107   0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_96416   0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_314066 4.404227e-277
## PHYCI_178772 2.412884e-249
## PHYCI_82350  5.320090e-239
## PHYCI_94850  7.422068e-239
## PHYCI_314209 7.569966e-237
## PHYCI_95536  2.583876e-234
## PHYCI_117702 4.500543e-232
## PHYCI_226119 6.011726e-225
## PHYCI_195336 1.409684e-224
## PHYCI_312248 1.886640e-222
## PHYCI_93493  2.172787e-222
## PHYCI_261186 4.870320e-219
## PHYCI_77017  6.927426e-214
## PHYCI_129006 2.027917e-212

pc3de <- run_de(sspc3,pc3)
## converting counts to integer mode
##   the design formula contains one or more numeric variables with integer values,
##   specifying a model with increasing fold change for higher values.
##   did you mean for this to be a factor? if so, first convert
##   this variable to a factor using the factor() function
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing

##  chr [1:4418] "PHYCI_117702" "PHYCI_175455" "PHYCI_211022" "PHYCI_211711" ...
##  chr [1:4319] "PHYCI_93190" "PHYCI_93788" "PHYCI_120595" "PHYCI_75824" ...

##                baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE     stat        pvalue
## PHYCI_117702  7180.3208      11.196418 0.2908850 38.49088  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_175455  1550.1181       7.181042 0.1751215 41.00605  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_211022 21589.4507       6.186448 0.1490174 41.51493  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_211711 17551.6039      12.018585 0.3173072 37.87681  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_304292 22534.1708       7.365443 0.1249478 58.94816  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_91208   4977.9701       8.423477 0.2100068 40.11049  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_270176  2889.9084       5.744200 0.1596402 35.98216 1.590633e-283
## PHYCI_93271  14277.8039      11.740598 0.3282673 35.76536 3.818083e-280
## PHYCI_221789 28790.4124       8.219553 0.2351920 34.94826 1.375939e-267
## PHYCI_93493   2840.4293       9.725936 0.2900585 33.53095 1.706616e-246
## PHYCI_98096   1173.9039       3.649188 0.1094984 33.32642 1.600183e-243
## PHYCI_94539    962.4735       6.449695 0.1948639 33.09845 3.128135e-240
## PHYCI_314066  6649.5784       7.534062 0.2327583 32.36860 7.594337e-230
## PHYCI_127817  7207.8895       8.141552 0.2569893 31.68051 2.883282e-220
## PHYCI_12045   6647.9654      12.566207 0.3972484 31.63312 1.294193e-219
## PHYCI_105524   593.0126       6.417022 0.2040211 31.45274 3.850613e-217
## PHYCI_99949   1230.6371       8.509814 0.2792963 30.46877 6.758654e-204
## PHYCI_20242   1610.8834       4.671332 0.1536513 30.40216 5.143525e-203
## PHYCI_95536   1413.7804       8.305252 0.2737516 30.33864 3.547774e-202
## PHYCI_312248  1607.3979       6.709817 0.2252223 29.79198 4.962244e-195
##                       padj
## PHYCI_117702  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_175455  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_211022  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_211711  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_304292  0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_91208   0.000000e+00
## PHYCI_270176 3.207397e-280
## PHYCI_93271  6.736531e-277
## PHYCI_221789 2.157931e-264
## PHYCI_93493  2.408889e-243
## PHYCI_98096  2.053325e-240
## PHYCI_94539  3.679468e-237
## PHYCI_314066 8.245698e-227
## PHYCI_127817 2.906966e-217
## PHYCI_12045  1.217835e-216
## PHYCI_105524 3.396962e-214
## PHYCI_99949  5.611671e-201
## PHYCI_20242  4.033381e-200
## PHYCI_95536  2.635623e-199
## PHYCI_312248 3.502104e-192

pc4de <- run_de(sspc4,pc4)
## converting counts to integer mode
##   the design formula contains one or more numeric variables with integer values,
##   specifying a model with increasing fold change for higher values.
##   did you mean for this to be a factor? if so, first convert
##   this variable to a factor using the factor() function
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing

##  chr [1:1326] "PHYCI_12045" "PHYCI_117702" "PHYCI_92137" "PHYCI_90358" ...
##  chr [1:1086] "PHYCI_223483" "PHYCI_15784" "PHYCI_96550" "PHYCI_18201" ...

##                baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE       stat       pvalue
## PHYCI_12045   493.01890       3.467028 0.2503337  13.849625 1.278781e-43
## PHYCI_117702  500.40890       3.505902 0.2932693  11.954549 6.146648e-33
## PHYCI_92137   381.19590       2.179718 0.1824115  11.949459 6.534912e-33
## PHYCI_90358   306.12263       3.125956 0.2619359  11.934053 7.864928e-33
## PHYCI_90348   241.21394       3.341102 0.2824812  11.827696 2.807428e-32
## PHYCI_10098   177.57117       4.038288 0.3422626  11.798802 3.959073e-32
## PHYCI_273086  214.14227       3.597291 0.3305310  10.883369 1.383536e-27
## PHYCI_89525   451.95737       3.208252 0.2973471  10.789585 3.855282e-27
## PHYCI_93841   478.20968       3.708064 0.3464435  10.703229 9.829174e-27
## PHYCI_108488 1378.76622       8.297350 0.7860479  10.555781 4.776520e-26
## PHYCI_158482  224.21351       5.143427 0.4882836  10.533687 6.042062e-26
## PHYCI_223483  441.68792      -1.509241 0.1447522 -10.426375 1.879210e-25
## PHYCI_308281 1235.11526       1.599409 0.1538290  10.397319 2.550083e-25
## PHYCI_15784    47.82216      -5.195938 0.5224053  -9.946180 2.620499e-23
## PHYCI_89007   159.31340       3.820137 0.3916107   9.754936 1.757118e-22
## PHYCI_96257   178.93061       3.504188 0.3646497   9.609738 7.273353e-22
## PHYCI_93271   385.17698       2.990896 0.3133651   9.544447 1.368351e-21
## PHYCI_95308   427.23652       1.824879 0.1931011   9.450380 3.376014e-21
## PHYCI_96550    97.64992      -2.436131 0.2626229  -9.276154 1.757061e-20
## PHYCI_304292 2257.62318       1.484546 0.1603177   9.260029 2.043765e-20
##                      padj
## PHYCI_12045  1.173793e-39
## PHYCI_117702 1.804804e-29
## PHYCI_92137  1.804804e-29
## PHYCI_90358  1.804804e-29
## PHYCI_90348  5.153877e-29
## PHYCI_10098  6.056722e-29
## PHYCI_273086 1.814211e-24
## PHYCI_89525  4.423455e-24
## PHYCI_93841  1.002467e-23
## PHYCI_108488 4.384368e-23
## PHYCI_158482 5.041827e-23
## PHYCI_223483 1.437439e-22
## PHYCI_308281 1.800555e-22
## PHYCI_15784  1.718111e-20
## PHYCI_89007  1.075239e-19
## PHYCI_96257  4.172632e-19
## PHYCI_93271  7.388290e-19
## PHYCI_95308  1.721579e-18
## PHYCI_96550  8.488454e-18
## PHYCI_304292 9.379862e-18

pc5de <- run_de(sspc5,pc5)
## converting counts to integer mode
##   the design formula contains one or more numeric variables with integer values,
##   specifying a model with increasing fold change for higher values.
##   did you mean for this to be a factor? if so, first convert
##   this variable to a factor using the factor() function
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing

##  chr [1:3053] "PHYCI_8031" "PHYCI_233579" "PHYCI_93203" "PHYCI_118265" ...
##  chr [1:2648] "PHYCI_12583" "PHYCI_475096" "PHYCI_92428" "PHYCI_120131" ...

##                 baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE      stat       pvalue
## PHYCI_12583    415.99068      -2.935618 0.2025090 -14.49623 1.279799e-47
## PHYCI_8031     964.85469       5.040191 0.3584301  14.06185 6.515650e-45
## PHYCI_475096   751.84974      -2.927662 0.2107154 -13.89392 6.895967e-44
## PHYCI_233579   415.16751       3.451813 0.2535534  13.61375 3.317605e-42
## PHYCI_93203  12975.14164       4.812676 0.3807587  12.63970 1.275349e-36
## PHYCI_118265   489.31697       2.989477 0.2427597  12.31455 7.563757e-35
## PHYCI_96111    326.61098       3.719613 0.3054987  12.17555 4.195803e-34
## PHYCI_92428   4555.33019      -2.678746 0.2244013 -11.93730 7.563682e-33
## PHYCI_208360  1154.52945       2.613164 0.2191556  11.92378 8.897718e-33
## PHYCI_230688   252.71981       6.081632 0.5114518  11.89092 1.319452e-32
## PHYCI_99495    385.28074       3.508029 0.2964809  11.83222 2.659999e-32
## PHYCI_77249   1126.84057       4.407950 0.3754663  11.73993 7.954898e-32
## PHYCI_120131   351.52736      -2.467330 0.2121501 -11.63011 2.897086e-31
## PHYCI_248382   226.35334       4.587882 0.3949973  11.61497 3.459104e-31
## PHYCI_397273   231.12373       4.266243 0.3692748  11.55303 7.126240e-31
## PHYCI_91722    303.81923       3.083876 0.2676523  11.52195 1.022692e-30
## PHYCI_261804  2708.65621      -2.631025 0.2353801 -11.17777 5.238886e-29
## PHYCI_437341    72.28638      -5.520404 0.4942563 -11.16911 5.775604e-29
## PHYCI_148089  3709.16170      -3.073780 0.2754378 -11.15961 6.427071e-29
## PHYCI_22350    162.73714       4.803891 0.4377361  10.97440 5.074204e-28
##                      padj
## PHYCI_12583  1.511059e-43
## PHYCI_8031   3.846514e-41
## PHYCI_475096 2.714023e-40
## PHYCI_233579 9.792741e-39
## PHYCI_93203  3.011610e-33
## PHYCI_118265 1.488421e-31
## PHYCI_96111  7.077121e-31
## PHYCI_92428  1.116305e-29
## PHYCI_208360 1.167282e-29
## PHYCI_230688 1.557877e-29
## PHYCI_99495  2.855147e-29
## PHYCI_77249  7.826956e-29
## PHYCI_120131 2.631223e-28
## PHYCI_248382 2.917260e-28
## PHYCI_397273 5.609301e-28
## PHYCI_91722  7.546825e-28
## PHYCI_261804 3.638560e-26
## PHYCI_437341 3.788475e-26
## PHYCI_148089 3.993917e-26
## PHYCI_22350  2.995556e-25

la1de <- run_de(ssla1,la1)
## converting counts to integer mode
##   the design formula contains one or more numeric variables with integer values,
##   specifying a model with increasing fold change for higher values.
##   did you mean for this to be a factor? if so, first convert
##   this variable to a factor using the factor() function
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing

##  chr [1:6518] "TanjilG_25668" "TanjilG_13054" "TanjilG_31530" ...
##  chr [1:7034] "TanjilG_21738" "TanjilG_30005" "TanjilG_03097" ...

##                 baseMean log2FoldChange      lfcSE      stat        pvalue
## TanjilG_21738  6084.0947      -5.652528 0.13930749 -40.57591  0.000000e+00
## TanjilG_25668  3933.4631       3.767639 0.10573880  35.63157 4.547324e-278
## TanjilG_30005  1200.9058      -6.397750 0.19248660 -33.23738 3.106683e-242
## TanjilG_03097  1621.5440      -5.792440 0.17643279 -32.83086 2.137015e-236
## TanjilG_08363  1845.9082      -3.806889 0.12168259 -31.28540 7.371131e-215
## TanjilG_03248 21389.4434      -7.396194 0.24433783 -30.27036 2.815846e-201
## TanjilG_10617  1120.1031      -5.145379 0.17660238 -29.13539 1.279558e-186
## TanjilG_26762  2768.7053      -8.161854 0.28742482 -28.39648 2.234732e-177
## TanjilG_13054  9628.9486       5.093092 0.17972001  28.33903 1.142542e-176
## TanjilG_06910  1323.2013      -3.372833 0.12116335 -27.83708 1.544363e-170
## TanjilG_25621  4335.8706      -2.137132 0.07884346 -27.10601 8.363966e-162
## TanjilG_31530  8651.7545       4.561844 0.16840806  27.08804 1.362170e-161
## TanjilG_01633  1052.7061      -5.487506 0.20437896 -26.84966 8.511093e-159
## TanjilG_00341   867.8256       5.108753 0.19029955  26.84585 9.429831e-159
## TanjilG_30454  1151.2735       5.869116 0.21960312  26.72601 2.346905e-157
## TanjilG_23160  2955.5919      -4.705178 0.17618628 -26.70570 4.041517e-157
## TanjilG_14202  2118.6838      -5.539758 0.21267236 -26.04832 1.405517e-149
## TanjilG_06104   575.4518      -5.522615 0.21272651 -25.96110 1.362457e-148
## TanjilG_27770  2787.5733      -3.449582 0.13382908 -25.77602 1.647014e-146
## TanjilG_31035 12137.9734      -4.078743 0.15880544 -25.68390 1.768797e-145
##                        padj
## TanjilG_21738  0.000000e+00
## TanjilG_25668 5.791927e-274
## TanjilG_30005 2.637988e-238
## TanjilG_03097 1.360958e-232
## TanjilG_08363 3.755444e-211
## TanjilG_03248 1.195514e-197
## TanjilG_10617 4.656495e-183
## TanjilG_26762 7.115945e-174
## TanjilG_13054 3.233902e-173
## TanjilG_06910 3.934109e-167
## TanjilG_25621 1.936942e-158
## TanjilG_31530 2.891661e-158
## TanjilG_01633 1.667781e-155
## TanjilG_00341 1.715825e-155
## TanjilG_30454 3.985671e-154
## TanjilG_23160 6.434600e-154
## TanjilG_14202 2.106126e-146
## TanjilG_06104 1.928180e-145
## TanjilG_27770 2.208212e-143
## TanjilG_31035 2.252916e-142

la2de <- run_de(ssla2,la2)
## converting counts to integer mode
##   the design formula contains one or more numeric variables with integer values,
##   specifying a model with increasing fold change for higher values.
##   did you mean for this to be a factor? if so, first convert
##   this variable to a factor using the factor() function
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing

##  chr [1:7804] "TanjilG_31530" "TanjilG_32339" "TanjilG_22068" ...
##  chr [1:7822] "TanjilG_18821" "TanjilG_00128" "TanjilG_09966" ...

##                baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE      stat        pvalue
## TanjilG_31530 18831.049       5.970301 0.1183801  50.43331  0.000000e+00
## TanjilG_32339  3137.729       5.036788 0.1503985  33.48960 6.829453e-246
## TanjilG_22068  3672.534       8.102453 0.2528472  32.04487 2.588392e-225
## TanjilG_13054 24324.690       6.705454 0.2100289  31.92633 1.151295e-223
## TanjilG_13015  4361.562       4.665514 0.1475629  31.61712 2.148236e-219
## TanjilG_17787  1569.649       7.148794 0.2267476  31.52753 3.644347e-218
## TanjilG_12890  2251.805       6.526765 0.2113502  30.88128 2.131034e-209
## TanjilG_28363  7500.044       6.952005 0.2328994  29.84981 8.827638e-196
## TanjilG_00065  2935.895       3.472683 0.1190245  29.17621 3.886634e-187
## TanjilG_21470  4248.520       4.295556 0.1492404  28.78279 3.522390e-182
## TanjilG_18821  2291.981      -4.777481 0.1662683 -28.73356 1.453791e-181
## TanjilG_17822 15370.904       7.411157 0.2609336  28.40246 1.885294e-177
## TanjilG_00128  2405.552      -7.394093 0.2606243 -28.37070 4.649857e-177
## TanjilG_14085  4546.297       4.318613 0.1541708  28.01187 1.164606e-172
## TanjilG_09966  6826.986      -4.020823 0.1442504 -27.87391 5.528228e-171
## TanjilG_17902 26138.068       3.882039 0.1401352  27.70209 6.588497e-169
## TanjilG_07217  6522.758       3.879310 0.1407028  27.57094 2.482738e-167
## TanjilG_01075  1772.947       5.692016 0.2067276  27.53390 6.899291e-167
## TanjilG_20161  1733.517       7.952862 0.2897401  27.44827 7.286875e-166
## TanjilG_06910  1053.586      -4.714447 0.1735662 -27.16224 1.815165e-162
##                        padj
## TanjilG_31530  0.000000e+00
## TanjilG_32339 8.644038e-242
## TanjilG_22068 2.184085e-221
## TanjilG_13054 7.285969e-220
## TanjilG_13015 1.087609e-215
## TanjilG_17787 1.537550e-214
## TanjilG_12890 7.706429e-206
## TanjilG_28363 2.793285e-192
## TanjilG_00065 1.093181e-183
## TanjilG_21470 8.916579e-179
## TanjilG_18821 3.345569e-178
## TanjilG_17822 3.977028e-174
## TanjilG_00128 9.054345e-174
## TanjilG_14085 2.105774e-169
## TanjilG_09966 9.329437e-168
## TanjilG_17902 1.042383e-165
## TanjilG_07217 3.696944e-164
## TanjilG_01075 9.702703e-164
## TanjilG_20161 9.708419e-163
## TanjilG_06910 2.297454e-159

la3de <- run_de(ssla3,la3)
## converting counts to integer mode
##   the design formula contains one or more numeric variables with integer values,
##   specifying a model with increasing fold change for higher values.
##   did you mean for this to be a factor? if so, first convert
##   this variable to a factor using the factor() function
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing

##  chr [1:9144] "TanjilG_14085" "TanjilG_22068" "TanjilG_32339" ...
##  chr [1:9822] "TanjilG_05765" "TanjilG_03248" "TanjilG_13344" ...

##                baseMean log2FoldChange     lfcSE      stat        pvalue
## TanjilG_14085 10544.451       6.012654 0.1506101  39.92199  0.000000e+00
## TanjilG_22068 11968.768      10.242133 0.2684224  38.15677  0.000000e+00
## TanjilG_32339  5098.222       6.191774 0.1657555  37.35486 2.114549e-305
## TanjilG_04385 12639.966       7.233356 0.1951585  37.06400 1.068503e-300
## TanjilG_15363 17074.265      10.933488 0.2950412  37.05750 1.359810e-300
## TanjilG_05765  5217.183      -5.403651 0.1458608 -37.04663 2.034852e-300
## TanjilG_10317  2383.926       6.416327 0.1754468  36.57135 8.165695e-293
## TanjilG_13823 19785.918       5.507165 0.1549989  35.53036 1.670849e-276
## TanjilG_13054 34525.517       7.649860 0.2153720  35.51929 2.476631e-276
## TanjilG_11778  3028.944       8.226423 0.2357819  34.88996 1.055538e-266
## TanjilG_07217  7116.667       4.467228 0.1313454  34.01130 1.516531e-253
## TanjilG_17902 37223.668       4.869821 0.1438508  33.85329 3.246496e-251
## TanjilG_00940  2665.445       8.374035 0.2475449  33.82834 7.557868e-251
## TanjilG_31530 40299.460       7.513685 0.2227741  33.72783 2.260379e-249
## TanjilG_25612 11144.982       6.413451 0.1913927  33.50938 3.519062e-246
## TanjilG_03248 13282.255     -10.356194 0.3128179 -33.10614 2.424699e-240
## TanjilG_28363 13185.665       8.203310 0.2489496  32.95169 4.000586e-238
## TanjilG_13842  6944.686       4.756833 0.1454892  32.69545 1.812743e-234
## TanjilG_32922  6552.569       5.109301 0.1564465  32.65845 6.079320e-234
## TanjilG_13015  7087.619       5.828564 0.1787085  32.61493 2.519471e-233
##                        padj
## TanjilG_14085  0.000000e+00
## TanjilG_22068  0.000000e+00
## TanjilG_32339 1.766917e-301
## TanjilG_04385 6.696309e-297
## TanjilG_15363 6.817546e-297
## TanjilG_05765 8.501613e-297
## TanjilG_10317 2.924252e-289
## TanjilG_13823 5.235606e-273
## TanjilG_13054 6.898242e-273
## TanjilG_11778 2.646022e-263
## TanjilG_07217 3.456036e-250
## TanjilG_17902 6.781931e-248
## TanjilG_00940 1.457389e-247
## TanjilG_31530 4.047370e-246
## TanjilG_25612 5.881056e-243
## TanjilG_03248 3.798897e-237
## TanjilG_28363 5.899217e-235
## TanjilG_13842 2.524547e-231
## TanjilG_32922 8.020863e-231
## TanjilG_13015 3.157906e-230

la4de <- run_de(ssla4,la4)
## converting counts to integer mode
##   the design formula contains one or more numeric variables with integer values,
##   specifying a model with increasing fold change for higher values.
##   did you mean for this to be a factor? if so, first convert
##   this variable to a factor using the factor() function
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing

##  chr [1:6150] "TanjilG_24871" "TanjilG_32339" "TanjilG_21471" ...
##  chr [1:5356] "TanjilG_18821" "TanjilG_29255" "TanjilG_28251" ...

##                baseMean log2FoldChange      lfcSE      stat        pvalue
## TanjilG_18821  958.6247      -3.368914 0.13902077 -24.23317 9.951092e-130
## TanjilG_24871 1605.7445       1.872117 0.08262968  22.65672 1.197838e-113
## TanjilG_29255 2061.9297      -3.455047 0.15263411 -22.63614 1.910723e-113
## TanjilG_32339 3883.3694       2.217731 0.10549650  21.02185  4.139881e-98
## TanjilG_21471  308.1423       2.863579 0.15231568  18.80029  7.510458e-79
## TanjilG_28744 3799.6755       1.635618 0.08742142  18.70958  4.136511e-78
## TanjilG_25070 1107.9430       4.176298 0.22322301  18.70908  4.175010e-78
## TanjilG_13779  346.0633       5.484429 0.30645959  17.89609  1.264899e-71
## TanjilG_05531 1692.0481       3.534705 0.20144793  17.54649  6.326910e-69
## TanjilG_28251 3274.8345      -1.853097 0.10710549 -17.30161  4.574352e-67
## TanjilG_31962 2778.0230       2.516025 0.14721632  17.09066  1.741798e-65
## TanjilG_02661 3432.4887       3.347197 0.19953694  16.77482  3.729585e-63
## TanjilG_01449  888.5795       3.454625 0.21214527  16.28424  1.277034e-59
## TanjilG_06979 6173.4875      -1.259014 0.07792704 -16.15631  1.025124e-58
## TanjilG_09968 3110.7802      -1.244185 0.07747173 -16.05986  4.876232e-58
## TanjilG_03391 7387.1028       1.938485 0.12166806  15.93257  3.765546e-57
## TanjilG_06485 1715.8228       4.857889 0.30921939  15.71017  1.288362e-55
## TanjilG_05088 1458.4024      -4.076460 0.25997392 -15.68027  2.063853e-55
## TanjilG_21567  909.0565      -2.522357 0.16296146 -15.47824  4.866072e-54
## TanjilG_07959  968.4502       1.627990 0.10633481  15.31004  6.552226e-53
##                        padj
## TanjilG_18821 2.485484e-125
## TanjilG_24871 1.495920e-109
## TanjilG_29255 1.590804e-109
## TanjilG_32339  2.585045e-94
## TanjilG_21471  3.751774e-75
## TanjilG_28744  1.489703e-74
## TanjilG_25070  1.489703e-74
## TanjilG_13779  3.949173e-68
## TanjilG_05531  1.755858e-65
## TanjilG_28251  1.142536e-63
## TanjilG_31962  3.954989e-62
## TanjilG_02661  7.762821e-60
## TanjilG_01449  2.453576e-56
## TanjilG_06979  1.828895e-55
## TanjilG_09968  8.119577e-55
## TanjilG_03391  5.878253e-54
## TanjilG_06485  1.892907e-52
## TanjilG_05088  2.863825e-52
## TanjilG_21567  6.396836e-51
## TanjilG_07959  8.182748e-50

la5de <- run_de(ssla5,la5)
## converting counts to integer mode
##   the design formula contains one or more numeric variables with integer values,
##   specifying a model with increasing fold change for higher values.
##   did you mean for this to be a factor? if so, first convert
##   this variable to a factor using the factor() function
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing

##  chr [1:6150] "TanjilG_24871" "TanjilG_32339" "TanjilG_21471" ...
##  chr [1:5356] "TanjilG_18821" "TanjilG_29255" "TanjilG_28251" ...

##                baseMean log2FoldChange      lfcSE      stat        pvalue
## TanjilG_18821  958.6247      -3.368914 0.13902077 -24.23317 9.951092e-130
## TanjilG_24871 1605.7445       1.872117 0.08262968  22.65672 1.197838e-113
## TanjilG_29255 2061.9297      -3.455047 0.15263411 -22.63614 1.910723e-113
## TanjilG_32339 3883.3694       2.217731 0.10549650  21.02185  4.139881e-98
## TanjilG_21471  308.1423       2.863579 0.15231568  18.80029  7.510458e-79
## TanjilG_28744 3799.6755       1.635618 0.08742142  18.70958  4.136511e-78
## TanjilG_25070 1107.9430       4.176298 0.22322301  18.70908  4.175010e-78
## TanjilG_13779  346.0633       5.484429 0.30645959  17.89609  1.264899e-71
## TanjilG_05531 1692.0481       3.534705 0.20144793  17.54649  6.326910e-69
## TanjilG_28251 3274.8345      -1.853097 0.10710549 -17.30161  4.574352e-67
## TanjilG_31962 2778.0230       2.516025 0.14721632  17.09066  1.741798e-65
## TanjilG_02661 3432.4887       3.347197 0.19953694  16.77482  3.729585e-63
## TanjilG_01449  888.5795       3.454625 0.21214527  16.28424  1.277034e-59
## TanjilG_06979 6173.4875      -1.259014 0.07792704 -16.15631  1.025124e-58
## TanjilG_09968 3110.7802      -1.244185 0.07747173 -16.05986  4.876232e-58
## TanjilG_03391 7387.1028       1.938485 0.12166806  15.93257  3.765546e-57
## TanjilG_06485 1715.8228       4.857889 0.30921939  15.71017  1.288362e-55
## TanjilG_05088 1458.4024      -4.076460 0.25997392 -15.68027  2.063853e-55
## TanjilG_21567  909.0565      -2.522357 0.16296146 -15.47824  4.866072e-54
## TanjilG_07959  968.4502       1.627990 0.10633481  15.31004  6.552226e-53
##                        padj
## TanjilG_18821 2.485484e-125
## TanjilG_24871 1.495920e-109
## TanjilG_29255 1.590804e-109
## TanjilG_32339  2.585045e-94
## TanjilG_21471  3.751774e-75
## TanjilG_28744  1.489703e-74
## TanjilG_25070  1.489703e-74
## TanjilG_13779  3.949173e-68
## TanjilG_05531  1.755858e-65
## TanjilG_28251  1.142536e-63
## TanjilG_31962  3.954989e-62
## TanjilG_02661  7.762821e-60
## TanjilG_01449  2.453576e-56
## TanjilG_06979  1.828895e-55
## TanjilG_09968  8.119577e-55
## TanjilG_03391  5.878253e-54
## TanjilG_06485  1.892907e-52
## TanjilG_05088  2.863825e-52
## TanjilG_21567  6.396836e-51
## TanjilG_07959  8.182748e-50

Session Information

## R version 4.0.1 (2020-06-06)
## Platform: x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS/LAPACK: /ceph-g/opt/miniconda3/envs/R40/lib/
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
## [1] parallel  stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets 
## [8] methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] gplots_3.1.0                Biostrings_2.56.0          
##  [3] XVector_0.28.0              reshape2_1.4.4             
##  [5] mitch_1.0.10                DESeq2_1.28.1              
##  [7] SummarizedExperiment_1.18.2 DelayedArray_0.14.1        
##  [9] matrixStats_0.57.0          Biobase_2.48.0             
## [11] GenomicRanges_1.40.0        GenomeInfoDb_1.24.2        
## [13] IRanges_2.22.2              S4Vectors_0.26.1           
## [15] BiocGenerics_0.34.0        
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] bit64_4.0.5            splines_4.0.1          gtools_3.8.2          
##  [4] shiny_1.4.0.2          blob_1.2.1             GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.3
##  [7] yaml_2.2.1             pillar_1.4.4           RSQLite_2.2.1         
## [10] lattice_0.20-41        glue_1.4.1             digest_0.6.25         
## [13] RColorBrewer_1.1-2     promises_1.1.1         colorspace_1.4-1      
## [16] htmltools_0.5.0        httpuv_1.5.4           Matrix_1.2-18         
## [19] plyr_1.8.6             XML_3.99-0.5           pkgconfig_2.0.3       
## [22] genefilter_1.70.0      zlibbioc_1.34.0        purrr_0.3.4           
## [25] xtable_1.8-4           scales_1.1.1           later_1.1.0.1         
## [28] BiocParallel_1.22.0    tibble_3.0.1           annotate_1.66.0       
## [31] echarts4r_0.3.3        generics_0.0.2         ggplot2_3.3.2         
## [34] ellipsis_0.3.1         survival_3.2-3         magrittr_1.5          
## [37] crayon_1.3.4           mime_0.9               evaluate_0.14         
## [40] memoise_1.1.0          GGally_2.0.0           MASS_7.3-51.6         
## [43] beeswarm_0.2.3         tools_4.0.1            lifecycle_0.2.0       
## [46] stringr_1.4.0          munsell_0.5.0          locfit_1.5-9.4        
## [49] AnnotationDbi_1.50.3   compiler_4.0.1         caTools_1.18.0        
## [52] rlang_0.4.6            grid_4.0.1             RCurl_1.98-1.2        
## [55] htmlwidgets_1.5.1      rmarkdown_2.3          bitops_1.0-6          
## [58] gtable_0.3.0           DBI_1.1.0              reshape_0.8.8         
## [61] R6_2.4.1               gridExtra_2.3          knitr_1.28            
## [64] dplyr_1.0.0            fastmap_1.0.1          bit_4.0.4             
## [67] KernSmooth_2.23-17     stringi_1.4.6          Rcpp_1.0.4.6          
## [70] vctrs_0.3.1            geneplotter_1.66.0     tidyselect_1.1.0      
## [73] xfun_0.15