

This guide is a Rmarkdown script that conducts differential expression and enrichment analysis, which are very popular workflows for transcriptome data.

The goal of this work is to understand how ClusterProfiler manages the background list, as we have observed some weird behaviour. In particular we see that when we provide a custom background, those genes do not appear in the final analysis unless they are also included in the gene list.

In the code chunk below called libs, you can add and remove required R library dependancies. Check that the libraries listed here match the Dockerfile, otherwise you might get errors.


For this guide I will be using bulk RNA-seq data from a previous study, which is deposited at NCBI GEO and SRA under accession numbers: GSE55123 and SRP038101 (Lund et al, 2014). The experiment is designed to investigate the effect of Azacitidine treatment on AML3 cells.

The raw data have been processed by the DEE2 project, and the summary gene expression counts are available at the website, and programmatically with the getDEE2 bioconductor package (Ziemann et al, 2019).

Alternatively, you could fetch data from another resource like NCBI GEO, Zenodo or from the host storage drive.

mdat <- getDEE2Metadata("hsapiens")

# get sample sheet
ss <- subset(mdat,SRP_accession=="SRP038101")

# fetch the whole set of RNA-seq data
x <- getDEE2("hsapiens",ss$SRR_accession , metadata=mdat, legacy=TRUE)
## For more information about DEE2 QC metrics, visit
mx <- x$GeneCounts
rownames(mx) <- paste(rownames(mx),x$GeneInfo$GeneSymbol)
## [1] 58302     6
# aza no filtering
ss$trt <- grepl("Treated",ss$Experiment_title)

ss %>%
  kbl(caption="sample sheet for Aza treatment in AML3 cells") %>%
  kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
sample sheet for Aza treatment in AML3 cells
SRR_accession QC_summary SRX_accession SRS_accession SRP_accession Experiment_title GEO_series trt
156267 SRR1171523 PASS SRX472607 SRS559064 SRP038101 GSM1329859: Untreated.1; Homo sapiens; RNA-Seq FALSE
156268 SRR1171524 WARN(3,4) SRX472608 SRS559066 SRP038101 GSM1329860: Untreated.2; Homo sapiens; RNA-Seq FALSE
156269 SRR1171525 WARN(3,4) SRX472609 SRS559065 SRP038101 GSM1329861: Untreated.3; Homo sapiens; RNA-Seq FALSE
156270 SRR1171526 WARN(3,4) SRX472610 SRS559068 SRP038101 GSM1329862: Treated.1; Homo sapiens; RNA-Seq TRUE
156271 SRR1171527 WARN(3,4) SRX472611 SRS559067 SRP038101 GSM1329863: Treated.2; Homo sapiens; RNA-Seq TRUE
156272 SRR1171528 WARN(3,4) SRX472612 SRS559069 SRP038101 GSM1329864: Treated.3; Homo sapiens; RNA-Seq TRUE

Data quality control

QC is important, even if you are using public transcriptome data. For RNA-seq it is a good idea to show the number of reads for each sample.

barplot(rev(colSums(mx)),horiz=TRUE,las=1,main="number of reads per sample in SRP038101")

Now make a MDS plot.

mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(mx)))

# expand plot area

cols <- as.character(grepl("Treated",ss$Experiment_title))
cols <- gsub("FALSE","lightblue",cols)
cols <- gsub("TRUE","pink",cols)
plot(mds, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2",
  pch=19,cex=2,col=cols, main="MDS plot")
text(cmdscale(dist(t(mx))), labels=colnames(mx) )

Differential expression analysis

I will be using DESeq2 for DE analysis, the count matrix is prefiltered using a detection threshold of 10 reads per sample across all samples. All genes that meet the detection threshold will comprise the background list. The first 6 rows of the count matrix are shows.

mxf <- mx[which(rowMeans(mx)>=10),]
## [1] 13168     6
head(mxf,6) %>%
  kbl(caption="Count matrix format") %>%
  kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Count matrix format
SRR1171523 SRR1171524 SRR1171525 SRR1171526 SRR1171527 SRR1171528
ENSG00000225630 MTND2P28 494 396 340 333 415 418
ENSG00000237973 MTCO1P12 52 39 40 30 37 29
ENSG00000248527 MTATP6P1 853 544 537 582 702 716
ENSG00000228327 AL669831.1 17 13 21 21 22 12
ENSG00000228794 LINC01128 42 27 30 32 40 23
ENSG00000230699 AL645608.3 20 11 13 10 15 22
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = mxf , colData = ss, design = ~ trt )
res <- DESeq(dds)
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing
z <- results(res)
vsd <- vst(dds, blind=FALSE)
zz <-cbind(,mxf)
def <[order(zz$pvalue),])

head(def,10) %>%
  kbl(caption="Top DE genes for Aza treatment") %>%
  kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Top DE genes for Aza treatment
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj SRR1171523 SRR1171524 SRR1171525 SRR1171526 SRR1171527 SRR1171528
ENSG00000165949 IFI27 1960.1970 -3.384492 0.0938869 -36.04861 0 0 4689 3583 2758 309 384 334
ENSG00000090382 LYZ 7596.0299 -1.650342 0.0561143 -29.41036 0 0 14212 10237 10789 3476 3764 3738
ENSG00000115461 IGFBP5 531.2217 -5.071157 0.1795239 -28.24781 0 0 1320 823 1025 23 26 43
ENSG00000157601 MX1 827.1511 -2.877795 0.1047823 -27.46450 0 0 1732 1501 1206 184 223 186
ENSG00000111331 OAS3 2127.2010 -2.661214 0.0972124 -27.37525 0 0 4204 3977 2972 562 614 560
ENSG00000070915 SLC12A3 424.5509 -3.374852 0.1298671 -25.98697 0 0 1012 721 653 63 85 76
ENSG00000234745 HLA-B 3197.0159 -1.431566 0.0604169 -23.69479 0 0 6085 4256 4023 1590 1872 1719
ENSG00000137965 IFI44 409.0957 -2.978581 0.1319352 -22.57608 0 0 829 740 635 76 111 89
ENSG00000204525 HLA-C 1631.6421 -1.461550 0.0660214 -22.13750 0 0 3112 2150 2106 791 923 891
ENSG00000110042 DTX4 524.1318 -2.470219 0.1173182 -21.05572 0 0 1166 883 688 166 168 145

Make a smear plot.

sigf <- subset(def,padj<=0.05)


HEADER=paste(DET,"detected genes;",NSIG,"w/FDR<0.05;",NUP,"up;",NDN,"down")

plot(log10(def$baseMean) ,def$log2FoldChange,
  main="5-azacitidine treatment in AML3 cells",
  xlab="log10(basemean)",ylab="log2(fold change)")

points(log10(sigf$baseMean) ,sigf$log2FoldChange,


In the next sections I will run enrichment analysis with over-representation analysis (ORA) test and compare it to functional class scoring. I will also investigate some strange behviour of the ORA tool clusterprofiler.

ORA with Clusterprofiler custom background with otherwise default analysis

I’ve compiled a reporting checklist:

Reporting criteria Method/resource used
Origin of gene sets Human Phenotype Ontology (2023-06-16)
Tool used ClusterProfiler (check version at foot of report)
Statistical test used hypergeometric test
P-value correction for multiple comparisons FDR method
Background list Genes with >=10 reads per sample on average across all samples
Gene Selection Criteria DESeq2 FDR<0.05
ORA directionality Separate tests for up- and down-regulation
Data availability via DEE2 at accession SRP038101 (human)
Other parameters Min gene set size of 10

Here I provide a custom background gene list.

Get the gene sets loaded in R. These are HPO gene sets

# from 16th June 2023
genesets2 <- read.gmt("c5.hpo.v2023.1.Hs.symbols.gmt")
gsets <- gmtPathways("c5.hpo.v2023.1.Hs.symbols.gmt")

message(paste("number of genes described in the annotation set:",length(unique(genesets2$gene))))
## number of genes described in the annotation set: 4874

Now filter the gene names into three lists, up-regulated, down-regulated and background. Background is simply all genes that were detected.

defup <- rownames(subset(def,padj<=0.05 & log2FoldChange>0))
defup <- unique(sapply(strsplit(defup," "),"[[",2))

defdn <- rownames(subset(def,padj<=0.05 & log2FoldChange<0))
defdn <- unique(sapply(strsplit(defdn," "),"[[",2))

bg <- rownames(def)
bg <- unique(sapply(strsplit(bg," "),"[[",2))

message(paste("number of genes in background:",length(bg)))
## number of genes in background: 13164

Enrichment firstly with upregulated genes

ora_up <- = defup ,
  universe = bg,  maxGSSize = 5000, TERM2GENE = genesets2,
  pAdjustMethod="fdr",  pvalueCutoff = 1, qvalueCutoff = 1  ))

ora_up$geneID <- NULL
ora_up <- subset(ora_up,p.adjust<0.05 & Count >=10)
ora_ups <- rownames(ora_up)

gr <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(ora_up$GeneRatio,"/"),"[[",1)) /

br <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(ora_up$BgRatio,"/"),"[[",1)) /

ora_up$es <- gr/br
ora_up <- ora_up[order(-ora_up$es),]

head(ora_up) %>%
  kbl(row.names = FALSE, caption="Top upregulated pathways in Aza treatment") %>%
  kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Top upregulated pathways in Aza treatment
ID GeneRatio BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue Count es
HP_DUODENAL_STENOSIS 15/517 25/3151 9.00e-07 0.0003330 0.0003003 15 3.656867
HP_PYRIDOXINE_RESPONSIVE_SIDEROBLASTIC_ANEMIA 13/517 23/3151 1.26e-05 0.0010577 0.0009538 13 3.444874
HP_BICORNUATE_UTERUS 19/517 34/3151 1.00e-07 0.0002410 0.0002174 19 3.405905
HP_APLASIA_HYPOPLASIA_OF_THE_UVULA 15/517 27/3151 3.50e-06 0.0005492 0.0004953 15 3.385988
HP_ABSENT_FACIAL_HAIR 11/517 20/3151 8.51e-05 0.0053648 0.0048379 11 3.352128
HP_ABSENT_TESTIS 13/517 24/3151 2.34e-05 0.0017425 0.0015714 13 3.301338
topup2 <- rev(head(ora_up$es,10))
names(topup2) <- rev(head(ora_up$ID,10))

The reported background size does not match the dataset.

Now repeat with the downregulated genes


ora_dn <- = defdn ,
  universe = bg,  maxGSSize = 5000, TERM2GENE = genesets2,
  pAdjustMethod="fdr",  pvalueCutoff = 1, qvalueCutoff = 1  ))

ora_dn$geneID <- NULL
ora_dn <- subset(ora_dn,p.adjust<0.05 & Count >=10)
ora_dns <- rownames(ora_dn)

gr <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(ora_dn$GeneRatio,"/"),"[[",1)) /

br <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(ora_dn$BgRatio,"/"),"[[",1)) /

ora_dn$es <- gr/br
ora_dn <- ora_dn[order(-ora_dn$es),]

head(ora_dn,n_pw) %>%
  kbl(row.names = FALSE, caption="Top downregulated pathways in Aza treatment") %>%
  kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Top downregulated pathways in Aza treatment
ID GeneRatio BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue Count es
HP_DYSPAREUNIA 10/540 15/3151 0.0000267 0.0021618 0.0020208 10 3.890124
HP_ABNORMALITY_OF_IMMUNE_SERUM_PROTEIN_PHYSIOLOGY 18/540 32/3151 0.0000005 0.0001377 0.0001288 18 3.282292
HP_ABNORMAL_CIRCULATING_INTERLEUKIN_CONCENTRATION 12/540 22/3151 0.0000698 0.0047552 0.0044450 12 3.182828
HP_AMYLOIDOSIS 12/540 23/3151 0.0001235 0.0067306 0.0062916 12 3.044444
HP_ARTERIAL_THROMBOSIS 12/540 23/3151 0.0001235 0.0067306 0.0062916 12 3.044444
HP_ABSCESS 28/540 54/3151 0.0000000 0.0000017 0.0000016 28 3.025652
HP_ABNORMAL_ERYTHROCYTE_SEDIMENTATION_RATE 19/540 38/3151 0.0000029 0.0004979 0.0004654 19 2.917593
HP_BONE_MARROW_HYPERCELLULARITY 12/540 24/3151 0.0002091 0.0105164 0.0098305 12 2.917593
HP_RECURRENT_BRONCHITIS 10/540 20/3151 0.0007201 0.0254437 0.0237843 10 2.917593
HP_ABNORMAL_MACROPHAGE_MORPHOLOGY 13/540 26/3151 0.0001131 0.0063726 0.0059569 13 2.917593
topdn2 <- head(ora_dn$es,n_pw)
names(topdn2) <- head(ora_dn$ID,n_pw)

Make a barplot


cols <- c(rep("blue",n_pw),rep("red",n_pw))

  main="top DE Human Phenotype Ontology",

mtext("ORA test")

ORA with Clusterprofiler with custom background and special gene set list to fix the potential bug

I’ve compiled a reporting checklist:

Reporting criteria Method/resource used
Origin of gene sets Human Phenotype Ontology (2023-06-16)
Tool used ClusterProfiler (check version at foot of report)
Statistical test used hypergeometric test
P-value correction for multiple comparisons FDR method
Background list Genes with >=10 reads per sample on average across all samples
Gene Selection Criteria DESeq2 FDR<0.05
ORA directionality Separate tests for up- and down-regulation
Data availability via DEE2 at accession SRP038101 (human)
Other parameters Min gene set size of 10

Here I provide a background gene list for cluterprofiler to use, like a user should.

I have also done some modification to the HPO gene sets, to en

Now filter the gene names into three lists, up-regulated, down-regulated and background. Background is simply all genes that were detected.

defup <- rownames(subset(def,padj<=0.05 & log2FoldChange>0))
defup <- unique(sapply(strsplit(defup," "),"[[",2))

defdn <- rownames(subset(def,padj<=0.05 & log2FoldChange<0))
defdn <- unique(sapply(strsplit(defdn," "),"[[",2))

bg <- rownames(def)
bg <- unique(sapply(strsplit(bg," "),"[[",2))
message(paste("number of genes in background:",length(bg)))
## number of genes in background: 13164

Adding all detected genes to the background appears to improve results!

bgdf <- data.frame("background",bg)
colnames(bgdf) <- c("term","gene")
genesets2 <- rbind(genesets2,bgdf)

Enrichment firstly with upregulated genes

orafix_up <- = defup ,
  universe = bg,  maxGSSize = 5000, TERM2GENE = genesets2,
  pAdjustMethod="fdr",  pvalueCutoff = 1, qvalueCutoff = 1  ))

orafix_up$geneID <- NULL
orafix_up <- subset(orafix_up,p.adjust<0.05 & Count >=10)
orafix_ups <- rownames(orafix_up)

gr <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(orafix_up$GeneRatio,"/"),"[[",1)) /

br <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(orafix_up$BgRatio,"/"),"[[",1)) /

orafix_up$es <- gr/br
orafix_up <- orafix_up[order(-orafix_up$es),]

head(orafix_up) %>%
  kbl(row.names = FALSE, caption="Top upregulated pathways in Aza treatment") %>%
  kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Top upregulated pathways in Aza treatment
ID GeneRatio BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue Count es
HP_DUODENAL_STENOSIS 15/1672 25/13164 0.0e+00 1.70e-06 0.0000013 15 4.723923
HP_PYRIDOXINE_RESPONSIVE_SIDEROBLASTIC_ANEMIA 13/1672 23/13164 7.0e-07 2.14e-05 0.0000158 13 4.450073
HP_BICORNUATE_UTERUS 19/1672 34/13164 0.0e+00 2.00e-07 0.0000002 19 4.399733
HP_APLASIA_HYPOPLASIA_OF_THE_UVULA 15/1672 27/13164 1.0e-07 5.10e-06 0.0000038 15 4.374003
HP_ABSENT_FACIAL_HAIR 11/1672 20/13164 7.5e-06 1.56e-04 0.0001157 11 4.330263
HP_ABSENT_TESTIS 13/1672 24/13164 1.4e-06 3.68e-05 0.0000273 13 4.264653
topup2 <- rev(head(orafix_up$es,10))
names(topup2) <- rev(head(orafix_up$ID,10))

Now with the downregulated genes


orafix_dn <- = defdn ,
  universe = bg,  maxGSSize = 5000, TERM2GENE = genesets2,
  pAdjustMethod="fdr",  pvalueCutoff = 1, qvalueCutoff = 1  ))

orafix_dn$geneID <- NULL
orafix_dn <- subset(orafix_dn,p.adjust<0.05 & Count >=10)
orafix_dns <- rownames(orafix_dn)

gr <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(orafix_dn$GeneRatio,"/"),"[[",1)) /

br <- as.numeric(sapply(strsplit(orafix_dn$BgRatio,"/"),"[[",1)) /

orafix_dn$es <- gr/br
orafix_dn <- orafix_dn[order(-orafix_dn$es),]

head(orafix_dn,n_pw) %>%
  kbl(row.names = FALSE, caption="Top downregulated pathways in Aza treatment") %>%
  kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Top downregulated pathways in Aza treatment
ID GeneRatio BgRatio pvalue p.adjust qvalue Count es
HP_DYSPAREUNIA 10/1926 15/13164 0.0000065 0.0003550 0.0003088 10 4.556594
HP_ABNORMALITY_OF_IMMUNE_SERUM_PROTEIN_PHYSIOLOGY 18/1926 32/13164 0.0000001 0.0000074 0.0000065 18 3.844626
HP_ABNORMAL_CIRCULATING_INTERLEUKIN_CONCENTRATION 12/1926 22/13164 0.0000144 0.0006907 0.0006010 12 3.728122
HP_AMYLOIDOSIS 12/1926 23/13164 0.0000260 0.0011202 0.0009747 12 3.566030
HP_ARTERIAL_THROMBOSIS 12/1926 23/13164 0.0000260 0.0011202 0.0009747 12 3.566030
HP_ABSCESS 28/1926 54/13164 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0000000 28 3.544017
HP_RECURRENT_BRONCHITIS 10/1926 20/13164 0.0001984 0.0053598 0.0046634 10 3.417445
HP_ABNORMAL_ERYTHROCYTE_SEDIMENTATION_RATE 19/1926 38/13164 0.0000003 0.0000255 0.0000222 19 3.417445
HP_ABNORMAL_MACROPHAGE_MORPHOLOGY 13/1926 26/13164 0.0000216 0.0009828 0.0008551 13 3.417445
HP_BONE_MARROW_HYPERCELLULARITY 12/1926 24/13164 0.0000452 0.0016970 0.0014765 12 3.417445
topdn2 <- head(orafix_dn$es,n_pw)
names(topdn2) <- head(orafix_dn$ID,n_pw)

Make a barplot


cols <- c(rep("blue",n_pw),rep("red",n_pw))

  main="top DE Human Phenotype Ontology",

mtext("ORA fix test")

Enrichment analysis with functional class scoring

Reporting criteria Method/resource used
Origin of gene sets Human Phenotype Ontology (2023-06-16)
Tool used FGSEA (check version at foot of report)
Statistical test used Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
P-value correction for multiple comparisons FDR method
Background list Genes with >=10 reads per sample on average across all samples
Gene Selection Criteria DESeq2 FDR<0.05
ORA directionality Separate tests for up- and down-regulation
Data availability via DEE2 at accession SRP038101 (human)
Other parameters Min gene set size of 10
def2 <- def
def2$genename <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(def2)," "),"[[",2)
def2 <- def2[,c("stat","genename")]
def2 <- aggregate(. ~ genename, def2, sum)
stat <- def2$stat
names(stat) <- def2$genename
fgseaRes <- fgsea(pathways=gsets, stats=stat, minSize=10, nPermSimple = 10000)
fgseaRes <- fgseaRes[order(fgseaRes$pval),]
fgsea_up <- subset(fgseaRes,padj<0.05 & ES>0)
fgsea_ups <- fgsea_up$pathway
fgsea_dn <- subset(fgseaRes,padj<0.05 & ES<0)
fgsea_dns <- fgsea_dn$pathway

fgsea_up <-  data.frame(fgsea_up[order(-fgsea_up$ES),])

fgsea_dn <-  data.frame(fgsea_dn[order(fgsea_dn$ES),])

head(fgsea_up,n_pw) %>%
  kbl(row.names = FALSE, caption="FGSEA:Top upregulated pathways in Aza treatment") %>%
  kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
FGSEA:Top upregulated pathways in Aza treatment
pathway pval padj log2err ES NES size leadingEdge
HP_ABNORMAL_CIRCULATING_THYROID_HORMONE_CONCENTRATION 0.0003160 0.0048732 0.4984931 0.7985978 1.964217 10 THRA , ALMS1 , TBL1X , ALG8 , USP9X , SECISBP2
HP_PERIVENTRICULAR_CYSTS 0.0002330 0.0037337 0.5188481 0.7873824 1.985135 11 ODC1 , CPLX1 , LETM1 , FGFRL1, NSD2
HP_DELAYED_ABILITY_TO_STAND 0.0010066 0.0121395 0.4550599 0.7534817 1.899666 11 GAA , ZNF407, ALMS1 , DLAT , SDHB
HP_MANDIBULAR_APLASIA 0.0015857 0.0172355 0.4550599 0.7420725 1.870901 11 CDC6 , FAM20C, ORC6 , CDC45 , ORC1 , GMNN
HP_ABSENT_EARLOBE 0.0000834 0.0017152 0.5384341 0.7410369 2.089438 16 ZNF407, PLK4 , ESCO2 , CENPE , CEP152, PCNT , POLR3A, NUP85 , RBBP8 , ATR , EP300
HP_CRANIAL_ASYMMETRY 0.0002051 0.0033989 0.5188481 0.7385034 2.005872 14 CPLX1 , AKT3 , LETM1 , POLR3A, FGFRL1, PEX19 , NRAS , NSD2 , MTOR
HP_THICK_CEREBRAL_CORTEX 0.0033422 0.0294751 0.4317077 0.7298203 1.795053 10 CPLX1 , NIPA2 , NIPA1 , TBC1D24 , ATP6V0A2, TUBG1
HP_ANOTIA 0.0008575 0.0107571 0.4772708 0.7238365 1.871884 12 CDC6 , ORC6 , CDC45 , POLR1A, ORC1 , FANCB , GMNN
HP_TRIANGULAR_MOUTH 0.0022139 0.0222889 0.4317077 0.7082807 1.879360 13 BUB1B , NXN , NCAPG2, ERCC2
HP_ABNORMAL_SERUM_IRON_CONCENTRATION 0.0046128 0.0373066 0.3350686 0.6998680 1.809900 12 KIF23 , BMP2 , TFR2 , FOXP1 , STEAP3 , RACGAP1, TRNT1
head(fgsea_dn,n_pw) %>%
  kbl(row.names = FALSE, caption="FGSEA:Top downregulated pathways in Aza treatment") %>%
  kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
FGSEA:Top downregulated pathways in Aza treatment
pathway pval padj log2err ES NES size leadingEdge
HP_SPLANCHNIC_VEIN_THROMBOSIS 0.0019428 0.0203682 0.4550599 -0.8177850 -1.824457 10 NOTCH1, EPAS1 , JAK2 , KCNN4 , TET2
HP_ESOPHAGEAL_CARCINOMA 0.0028419 0.0265741 0.4317077 -0.8075621 -1.801650 10 STAT1 , TGFBR2, CTHRC1, TOM1
HP_DYSPAREUNIA 0.0002546 0.0040042 0.4984931 -0.8070432 -1.999732 15 HLA-B , IRF5 , IL17RA , FGFR1 , IKZF1 , DUSP6 , SEMA3A , SPRY4 , AIP , TRAF3IP2
HP_DECREASED_URINE_OUTPUT 0.0002318 0.0037324 0.5188481 -0.8016222 -1.947843 14 IRF5, C3 , THBD, CFH , PBX1
HP_PUSTULE 0.0000966 0.0019164 0.5384341 -0.7975651 -2.006372 16 HLA-B , IL17RA , SLC39A4, CTSB , IL1RN , JAK3 , MEFV
HP_ONYCHOLYSIS 0.0015676 0.0170932 0.4550599 -0.7967846 -1.815830 11 HLA-C, IFIH1, ITGA3, FZD6 , CAST
HP_PROTRUSIO_ACETABULI 0.0044211 0.0362212 0.4070179 -0.7958344 -1.775486 10 COL1A2, MMP2 , TGFBR2, FKBP10, PLOD1
HP_ABNORMAL_MORPHOLOGY_OF_THE_CHOROIDAL_VASCULATURE 0.0005842 0.0078497 0.4772708 -0.7946172 -1.892557 13 HLA-A, TIMP3, CFH , XYLT1, CCM2
HP_ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID_ANTIBODY_POSITIVITY 0.0003525 0.0052762 0.4984931 -0.7923969 -1.925427 14 STAT1 , FCGR2B, DEF6 , SPP1 , TOM1 , PRKCD , STAT4 , FCGR2A, CASP10
HP_MATERNAL_DIABETES 0.0000744 0.0015698 0.5384341 -0.7870946 -1.999821 17 SLC12A3, GJA1 , DLL1 , FGFR1 , TGIF1 , PLAGL1 , MTHFR , GAS1 , PTCH1
fgsea_up <- head(fgsea_up,n_pw)
fgsea_up_vec <- fgsea_up$ES
names(fgsea_up_vec) <- fgsea_up$pathway
fgsea_up_vec <- rev(fgsea_up_vec)

fgsea_dn <- head(fgsea_dn,n_pw)
fgsea_dn_vec <- fgsea_dn$ES * -1
names(fgsea_dn_vec) <- fgsea_dn$pathway

Make a barplot


cols <- c(rep("blue",n_pw),rep("red",n_pw))

  main="top DE Human Phenotype Ontology",

mtext("FCS test")

Compare pathway results

v1 <- list("ORA up"=ora_ups, "ORA fix up"=orafix_ups, "FCS up"=fgsea_ups)
v2 <- list("ORA dn"=ora_dns, "ORA fix dn"=orafix_dns, "FCS dn"=fgsea_dns)
v3 <- list("ORA"=union(ora_ups,ora_dns),
  "ORA fix"=union(orafix_ups,orafix_dns),

plot(euler(v1),quantities = list(cex = 2), labels = list(cex = 2),main="upregulated genes")

plot(euler(v2),quantities = list(cex = 2), labels = list(cex = 2),main="downregulated genes")

plot(euler(v3),quantities = list(cex = 2), labels = list(cex = 2),main="up- and down-regulated genes")

Jaccard index comparing ORA and FCS.

jaccard <- function(a, b) {
    intersection = length(intersect(a, b))
    union = length(a) + length(b) - intersection
    return (intersection/union)

ora <- c(ora_ups,ora_dns)
fcs <- c(fgsea_ups,fgsea_dns)

## [1] 0.4477912

Jaccard index comparing ORA and ORA fix.

ora <- c(ora_ups,ora_dns)
orafix <- c(orafix_ups,orafix_dns)

## [1] 0.3373333

Jaccard index comparing ORA fix and FCS.

orafix <- c(orafix_ups,orafix_dns)
fcs <- c(fgsea_ups,fgsea_dns)

## [1] 0.4517282

Drill in to a specific pathway

In this case the top upregulated and downregulated pathways

upname <- head(fgsea_up,1)$pathway
plotEnrichment(gsets[[upname]], stat, gseaParam = 1, ticksSize = 0.2)

dnname <- head(fgsea_dn,1)$pathway
plotEnrichment(gsets[[dnname]], stat, gseaParam = 1, ticksSize = 0.2)

Now a heatmap of these gene sets.

# reads per million normalisation
rpm <- apply(mxf,2, function(x) { x/sum(x) * 1000000} )
colnames(rpm) <- c("UNTR1","UNTR2","UNTR3","TRT1","TRT2","TRT3")
gnames_up <- gsets[[which(names(gsets) == upname)]]
gnames_dn <- gsets[[which(names(gsets) == dnname)]]
gene_ids <- rownames(mxf)
gene_names <- sapply(strsplit(gene_ids," "),"[[",2)
rpm_up <- rpm[which(gene_names %in% gnames_up),]
rownames(rpm_up) <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(rpm_up)," "),"[[",2)
rpm_dn <- rpm[which(gene_names %in% gnames_dn),]
rownames(rpm_dn) <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(rpm_dn)," "),"[[",2)
colsidecols <- c("blue","blue","blue","red","red","red")


Session information

For reproducibility

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## R version 4.3.0 (2023-04-21)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS
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