

Previously we containerised an R based workflow. It would be desirable to have workflows like this that can take advantage of the many available nodes on high performance computers. Typically, huge workloads in genomics and bioinformatics use compiled command line tools written in C/rust/java. For example, in malaria population genomics, it might be useful to use fastq trimming tools to remove low quality bases before mapping the reads to the reference genome, followed by variant calling.

Overview of today’s activity

  1. Use conda to install python, snakemake and plugin

  2. Set up cluster information in ~/.config/snakemake/slurm/config.yaml

  3. Get the “malaria” working folder which has the reference genome and raw data

  4. Build apptainer-based dependencies trimmomatic, bwa, samtools and bcftools

  5. Write the Snakefile

  6. Index the reference genome

  7. Execute the workflow and check the results

Part 1 - Setting up Snakemake

On the cluster, snakemake isn’t installed, but we can use conda to do that.

Let’s see if conda is installed

module avail


module spider

Looks like miniconda is there.

module load miniconda

This will bring us our “base” environment.

We should create a named environment for a recennt Python release, where this workflow will be executed.

conda create -n py312 python=3.12

List available user environments.

conda env list

Now activate the new environment.

conda activate py312

Now snakemake can be installed here. The slurm plugin will allow snakemake to use the slurm scheduler which will divide the workload over the nodes of the cluster.

pip install snakemake
pip install snakemake-executor-plugin-slurm

Now try snakemake -h to how the help screen.

Part 2 - Setting up cluster information

Create the folder for the configuration file to exist.

mkdir -p ~/.config/snakemake/slurm/

Now we need to create a text file. Here, I do it with nano.

nano ~/.config/snakemake/slurm/config.yaml 

Here is the configuration that I have been using:

# ~/.config/snakemake/slurm/config.yaml

  mkdir -p logs/{rule} &&
  - partition=standard
  - mem_mb=4000
  - time="02:00:00"
jobs: 100
use-conda: true
restart-times: 3
max-jobs-per-second: 1
max-status-checks-per-second: 10
local-cores: 1
latency-wait: 60
keep-going: true
rerun-incomplete: true
printshellcmds: true
scheduler: greedy

Exit and save nano with Ctrl+x.

Part 3 - Get the “malaria” working folder

It contains the fastq sequence files, the reference genome and a few handy scripts.

cd malaria

Part 4 - Build apptainer tools

We will need to build the key dependencies that interact with the data.

I have written a script that does this automatically for us.


You will see that each tool has a tag name which gives us the version number.

You can see that apptainer can be used for individual small tools in this way, which is different to the use last week, where we had a monolithic image that contained all of the apps. Each approach has some benefits and drawbacks.

Execute the script


Part 5 - Prepare the Snakefile

The Snakefile that you see in the downloaded malaria folder details our workflow.

Let’s read through and understand it all.

Part 6 - Index the genome

The workflow doesn’t include a bwa index, so let’s do that now with our bwa apptainer.

With a normal bwa install it would be run like this:

bwa index ref/Plasmodium_falciparum.ASM276v2.dna_sm.toplevel.fa.gz

But with the apptainer it is done like this:

apptainer run --writable-tmpfs bwa.sif index ref/Plasmodium_falciparum.ASM276v2.dna_sm.toplevel.fa.gz

To check that the index was generated, check the files present in the ref folder:

ls ref

You should see five new files with different suffices including amb, ann, bwt, pac and sa.

Part 7 - run the whole thing

If everything has been set up properly so far, you can try to execute the workflow.

Firstly we will do it without SLURM scheduling, allocating 10 CPU threads on a single machine.

snakemake --jobs 10

Now we’ll try running it making use of SLURM cluster, allowing distribution of jobs over multiple nodes.

Before we do that we need to delete the recent output.

snakemake --delete-all-output
snakemake --executor slurm --jobs 10 --latency-wait 60

Part 8 - extending the work

The pipeline stops after generating the BAM files, but a typical genomics pipeline would do some downstream work on it, like variant calling. If you want to develop your skills further, I recommend you extend the pipeline further by index the bam files with samtools and call variants with bcftools.