
Doing sone analysis of lipidomics data.


Import lipidomics data


Overall class analysis


# subset
#MDS plot
mtext("MDS plot for lipid classes")

# remove PC
# sample correlation
mtext("Spearman correlation b/w samples for lipid classes, dark colours are higher correlation" )

# lipid class correlation
mtext("Spearman correlation between lipid classes, dark colours are higher correlation" )

# Make a heatmap of class differences
colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))
heatmap.2(y,scale="row",trace="none",margins = c(5,5),,col=colfunc(25))
mtext("heatmap of lipid classes")

# set up sample list

WT vs Mst-TG

# ttest
tres<-apply(y , 1 , function(x) {  t.test( x[which(group=="Mst-TG")] , x[which(group=="WT")]) } )
res<-cbind(pvals,fdr,lfc,y[,c(  which(group=="WT") , which(group=="Mst-TG") )])
head(res,10) %>% kbl(caption = "Top 10 lipid classes for WT vs TG") %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Top 10 lipid classes for WT vs TG
pvals fdr lfc WT_1 WT_10 WT_2 WT_3 WT_4 WT_5 WT_6 WT_7 WT_8 WT_9 Mst-TG_21 Mst-TG_22 Mst-TG_23 Mst-TG_24 Mst-TG_25 Mst-TG_26 Mst-TG_27 Mst-TG_28 Mst-TG_29 Mst-TG_30
Ubiquinone.1 0.0e+00 0.00e+00 1.9096090 69440.50 94234.70 84368.76 91888.87 78190.70 102821.72 89319.69 84853.82 84420.87 81675.58 22108.73 30522.51 19628.26 28518.31 23993.07 20805.09 20628.13 22532.67 21849.45 18638.85
DHC 1.0e-07 1.70e-06 -0.7982886 1400.63 1660.82 1124.54 1341.88 1080.33 1494.04 1132.05 1117.33 964.18 1575.07 2659.95 1697.54 2390.99 2301.05 2263.70 2032.43 2245.66 2047.97 2296.20 2482.21
SM 1.0e-07 1.70e-06 -0.8247198 129593.56 115927.18 123323.82 124765.14 118901.15 122924.13 119945.68 126784.98 104776.26 120019.92 186172.45 195166.56 240743.14 196976.01 218784.23 209062.21 218878.92 201137.02 208811.66 262027.76
MHC 2.0e-07 2.10e-06 -1.1985088 749.30 615.98 582.60 795.49 1244.07 596.03 642.10 933.57 989.87 807.48 1766.55 1417.66 1981.18 1982.94 2326.77 1607.89 1751.03 2284.39 1514.46 1627.46
PS 2.8e-06 2.22e-05 -0.4437706 206058.33 180052.07 206707.82 246156.89 212697.12 188468.88 235447.96 186304.19 185490.48 236096.49 256900.12 324559.01 298023.46 278198.83 286018.18 297218.39 311293.61 267598.99 277180.48 236864.06
COH.1 3.4e-06 2.25e-05 -0.3786773 415973.17 410295.99 410678.35 430875.54 485252.15 475017.09 395077.94 432397.27 403230.79 478520.00 544449.00 514400.53 611671.79 650897.73 552959.80 525837.82 601992.79 580842.08 566323.19 489786.64
PE 4.9e-06 2.51e-05 0.5218124 5886110.35 5036781.03 5477237.33 6964716.93 4887244.17 5667202.15 6204941.35 5033420.16 5237042.41 5860565.75 3938260.90 5043402.09 3732113.12 4269089.98 4340068.38 3445959.96 3624499.16 3792878.03 3881193.37 3114116.65
PC.P. 5.0e-06 2.51e-05 0.4728615 40088.22 51624.90 47535.20 47643.24 36768.93 49757.30 47627.95 46257.08 39526.64 43308.40 30327.82 35370.79 31825.80 32237.90 34620.07 31746.62 30401.80 27747.37 34240.79 35820.69
TG.O. 6.2e-06 2.77e-05 0.6397977 5248.90 6065.19 5251.28 5677.64 6435.93 5318.91 5337.77 4632.58 5384.85 6863.77 4872.30 4633.82 2940.97 3550.94 2602.45 3399.24 3814.41 4188.60 2961.04 3116.35
LPC 9.2e-06 3.67e-05 -0.5157493 34760.29 42331.93 36095.46 39123.34 41049.69 39126.90 33598.81 34991.14 29371.54 37345.15 44929.98 56513.64 49323.57 54633.72 63702.44 45531.13 51893.36 46079.23 52067.56 61174.24
# Now do a volcano plot
plot(res$lfc,-log10(res$pvals),pch=19,cex=0.9,xlim=c(-2.5,1.5),xlab="log2 fold change",ylab="-log10(p-value)")
mtext("volcano plot of lipid class differences: WT vs Mst1-TG")

# Now do some boxplots with jitter on top
lapply( rownames(res)[1:10] , function(NAME) {
 z<[which(rownames(y) %in% NAME  ) ,])
 p<-z %>% ggplot(aes(group,z[,1]))+ geom_boxplot(outlier.shape=NA ) +  geom_jitter(width = 0.05,col="red") +  ylim(0, MAX) + ggtitle(NAME)
} )

## [[1]]

## [[2]]

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## [[10]]

WT vs Gal-3 KO

# ttest             
tres<-apply(y , 1 , function(x) {  t.test( x[which(group=="Gal-3 KO")] , x[which(group=="WT")] ) } )
res<-cbind(pvals,fdr,lfc,y[,c(  which(group=="WT") , which(group=="Gal-3 KO") )])
head(res,10) %>% kbl(caption = "Top 10 lipid classes for WT vs KO") %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Top 10 lipid classes for WT vs KO
pvals fdr lfc WT_1 WT_10 WT_2 WT_3 WT_4 WT_5 WT_6 WT_7 WT_8 WT_9 Gal-3 KO_11 Gal-3 KO_12 Gal-3 KO_13 Gal-3 KO_14 Gal-3 KO_15 Gal-3 KO_16 Gal-3 KO_17 Gal-3 KO_18 Gal-3 KO_19 Gal-3 KO_20
Sph 0.0039170 0.0156678 -0.2415801 583.32 638.32 479.43 632.85 530.80 505.70 620.62 598.04 433.98 653.16 595.38 615.21 795.21 701.60 703.58 687.83 655.45 633.68 722.96 600.02
S1P 0.0114421 0.0352064 0.3345190 64.51 56.20 69.42 71.69 104.17 71.08 72.82 59.71 95.79 81.50 61.20 69.74 46.94 59.67 61.41 58.93 62.91 58.72 55.83 56.97
dhCer 0.0005209 0.0052092 -0.2922900 872.95 731.46 823.99 890.99 756.78 815.93 924.98 805.51 804.78 907.65 831.88 1172.06 1059.33 1073.98 1063.81 1135.74 832.22 1031.04 1059.82 947.04
Cer 0.0148005 0.0422871 -0.1883775 24898.05 25519.12 20835.14 30692.76 23722.15 25584.07 23055.37 23090.36 19645.09 27617.23 24286.18 25725.38 29425.82 28216.24 27466.34 29948.10 30495.98 27615.47 30802.74 24802.55
C1P 0.3634940 0.5013710 -0.1862685 1.01 2.29 1.36 1.67 1.52 2.72 2.10 1.02 2.32 2.13 1.38 2.70 2.22 2.46 2.83 2.67 1.95 1.01 1.79 1.63
MHC 0.0307400 0.0723295 0.3719164 749.30 615.98 582.60 795.49 1244.07 596.03 642.10 933.57 989.87 807.48 562.72 734.90 744.74 504.42 793.46 593.81 469.95 592.06 573.99 578.37
DHC 0.0024653 0.0133371 -0.6226913 1400.63 1660.82 1124.54 1341.88 1080.33 1494.04 1132.05 1117.33 964.18 1575.07 1520.94 2248.55 2143.51 2433.03 1780.66 1221.04 1831.88 2389.01 2905.43 1374.60
THC 0.1927813 0.3084501 -0.1645101 109.96 183.48 145.65 150.23 245.99 171.27 160.96 151.57 194.49 173.11 190.10 230.13 230.75 200.94 154.94 205.83 203.99 137.58 173.10 163.08
GM3 0.0000401 0.0016059 0.5230165 11130.63 10595.92 10890.82 10605.90 15374.76 12213.94 9906.28 10363.66 11083.33 10590.30 7194.44 8498.71 9204.49 7408.90 8986.38 9263.75 7313.35 8377.98 5752.27 6468.03
GM1 0.0035320 0.0156678 0.9656636 0.62 0.79 1.22 1.02 1.69 0.96 0.71 1.21 2.01 0.98 0.60 0.58 0.67 0.65 0.59 0.70 0.84 0.53 0.00 0.58
# Now do a volcano plot
plot(res$lfc,-log10(res$pvals),pch=19,cex=0.9,xlim=c(-1.5,1.5),xlab="log2 fold change",ylab="-log10(p-value)")
mtext("volcano plot of lipid class differences: WT vs Gal3KO")

# Now do some boxplots with jitter on top
lapply( rownames(res)[1:10] , function(NAME) {
 z<[which(rownames(y) %in% NAME  ) ,])
 p<-z %>% ggplot(aes(group,z[,1]))+ geom_boxplot(outlier.shape=NA ) +  geom_jitter(width = 0.05,col="red") +  ylim(0, MAX) + ggtitle(NAME)
} )

## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

## [[1]]

## [[2]]

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## [[8]]

## [[9]]
## Warning: Removed 1 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

## [[10]]

Mst1-TG vs TG KO

# ttest             
tres<-apply(y , 1 , function(x) {  t.test( x[which(group=="TG KO")] , x[which(group=="Mst-TG")] ) } )
res<-cbind(pvals,fdr,lfc,y[,c(  which(group=="Mst-TG") , which(group=="TG KO") )])
head(res,10) %>% kbl(caption = "Top 10 lipid classes for TG vs TGKO") %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Top 10 lipid classes for TG vs TGKO
pvals fdr lfc Mst-TG_21 Mst-TG_22 Mst-TG_23 Mst-TG_24 Mst-TG_25 Mst-TG_26 Mst-TG_27 Mst-TG_28 Mst-TG_29 Mst-TG_30 TG KO_31 TG KO_32 TG KO_33 TG KO_34 TG KO_35 TG KO_36 TG KO_37 TG KO_38 TG KO_39 TG KO_40
MHC 0.0003160 0.0126417 0.6293783 1766.55 1417.66 1981.18 1982.94 2326.77 1607.89 1751.03 2284.39 1514.46 1627.46 1515.47 1180.99 1526.62 1058.02 749.72 1100.58 1827.61 962.91 879.73 1002.83
CE 0.0048351 0.0967016 -0.3548359 60317.81 57642.35 58466.46 78116.27 63169.91 50213.34 58817.30 57223.12 77709.94 69237.48 69873.11 62218.87 61346.62 76803.19 101741.62 89360.49 91084.00 74445.99 98187.41 81776.83
Sph 0.0086360 0.1011539 0.2717791 667.83 758.51 664.57 683.06 921.78 670.03 888.11 721.26 844.33 839.23 896.64 575.04 599.19 610.84 638.32 678.68 647.39 554.22 573.93 569.44
PC.P. 0.0101154 0.1011539 -0.3471938 30327.82 35370.79 31825.80 32237.90 34620.07 31746.62 30401.80 27747.37 34240.79 35820.69 39092.11 37203.20 38318.15 43609.07 61508.71 42616.81 27258.64 42169.52 37765.28 43045.76
THC 0.0134002 0.1072015 0.3370801 203.07 238.60 261.59 318.74 294.87 261.42 313.27 364.35 211.46 274.64 279.36 224.26 187.05 221.63 183.43 219.16 295.95 159.56 207.16 193.13
TG.O…NL. 0.0164175 0.1094501 -0.6991282 263.08 607.36 219.34 207.34 236.32 255.23 320.10 447.70 313.21 582.46 584.36 711.63 279.01 377.01 510.80 339.79 461.19 865.02 612.50 863.32
PC.O. 0.0296513 0.1536026 -0.2447030 21266.79 26951.31 21817.71 22514.62 22538.87 21861.51 22607.75 20939.36 24195.60 23670.15 26510.11 25745.89 25645.53 27317.24 40301.84 26108.75 20700.95 25360.28 24725.50 28160.34
LPE 0.0307205 0.1536026 0.2256225 52763.02 28970.20 40037.37 44411.38 35022.44 33762.28 36121.02 34637.51 38419.85 39149.95 33594.74 33781.02 30721.73 31922.15 37457.31 35676.41 28695.93 28725.68 31308.30 35920.56
PI 0.0513911 0.2188437 -0.1386641 658019.88 800978.51 749995.65 776203.43 773124.87 624898.72 683314.38 654400.39 701806.59 577477.68 865885.27 727780.66 677775.61 671856.84 861964.80 703628.00 752329.47 769865.32 799269.96 876083.23
PE 0.0584529 0.2188437 -0.1681670 3938260.90 5043402.09 3732113.12 4269089.98 4340068.38 3445959.96 3624499.16 3792878.03 3881193.37 3114116.65 4489186.42 4276699.78 4271488.13 3985580.44 5810090.24 4005966.37 4367211.20 4022500.25 4620537.85 4176337.81
# Now do a volcano plot
plot(res$lfc,-log10(res$pvals),pch=19,cex=0.9,xlim=c(-1.5,1.5),xlab="log2 fold change",ylab="-log10(p-value)")
mtext("volcano plot of lipid class differences: Mst-TG vs TG-KO")

# Now do some boxplots with jitter on top
lapply( rownames(res)[1:10] , function(NAME) {
 z<[which(rownames(y) %in% NAME  ) ,])
 p<-z %>% ggplot(aes(group,z[,1]))+ geom_boxplot(outlier.shape=NA ) +  geom_jitter(width = 0.05,col="red") +  ylim(0, MAX) + ggtitle(NAME)
} )

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## [[2]]

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## [[7]]

## [[8]]

## [[9]]

## [[10]]
## null device 
##           1

Subset x for individual lipid species


#MDS plot
mtext("MDS plot for individual lipids")

# sample correlation
mtext("Spearman correlation b/w samples for lipid species, dark colours are higher correlation" )

#remove lipids with SD=0
x<-x[which(!rownames(x) %in% names(which(apply(x,1,sd)==0))),]
# lipid class correlation
mtext("Spearman correlation between lipid species, dark colours are higher correlation" )

# Make a heatmap of class differences
colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))
heatmap.2(x,scale="row",trace="none",margins = c(5,5),,col=colfunc(25))
mtext("heatmap of lipid species")

# set up sample list

WT vs Mst-TG

# ttest
tres<-apply(x , 1 , function(x) {  t.test( x[which(group=="WT")] , x[which(group=="Mst-TG")] ) } )
res<-cbind(pvals,fdr,lfc,x[,c(  which(group=="WT") , which(group=="Mst-TG") )])
head(res,20) %>% kbl(caption = "Top 20 lipid species for WT vs TG") %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Top 20 lipid species for WT vs TG
pvals fdr lfc WT_1 WT_10 WT_2 WT_3 WT_4 WT_5 WT_6 WT_7 WT_8 WT_9 Mst-TG_21 Mst-TG_22 Mst-TG_23 Mst-TG_24 Mst-TG_25 Mst-TG_26 Mst-TG_27 Mst-TG_28 Mst-TG_29 Mst-TG_30
PC.18.0_18.1. 0 0e+00 1.7254945 24504.86 17277.21 25676.66 26243.62 27129.20 19208.69 20790.91 24548.82 18295.67 22297.25 67443.18 63714.17 78948.50 72329.75 75042.83 75260.25 77187.94 76003.69 74767.80 86579.46
PC.P. 0 0e+00 2.0622720 110.74 77.81 115.53 138.28 97.57 78.95 79.42 90.25 72.54 95.41 393.11 406.49 439.68 358.74 388.44 453.10 395.28 348.75 363.15 448.02
PC.O.34.1. 0 0e+00 1.1263383 1839.31 2116.37 1844.36 1717.39 1890.96 1755.93 1536.68 1567.26 1275.99 1687.32 3345.06 4100.97 3561.33 3557.31 3505.45 3695.87 4225.42 3735.39 3823.26 4067.14
Ubiquinone 0 0e+00 -1.9096090 69440.50 94234.70 84368.76 91888.87 78190.70 102821.72 89319.69 84853.82 84420.87 81675.58 22108.73 30522.51 19628.26 28518.31 23993.07 20805.09 20628.13 22532.67 21849.45 18638.85
PS.36.1. 0 0e+00 1.1349891 12781.57 13240.14 11170.60 14107.65 19779.85 11096.07 11770.12 13071.26 10587.40 15479.93 27624.62 25600.78 30333.46 31983.52 29581.94 31237.34 32170.85 31656.31 27403.86 24683.58
SM.d18.1.24.1. 0 1e-07 1.2063640 11367.62 13602.89 9332.74 10718.32 13081.21 11494.75 8766.85 12189.55 7496.89 13721.46 23867.21 21727.38 27968.76 22801.84 29394.05 25006.27 25164.66 24990.41 25922.91 31077.01
PE.P. 0 1e-07 1.2023068 7202.58 8025.94 7715.38 9667.64 8843.98 7464.89 6989.02 6669.02 6167.23 9880.73 15696.66 20876.60 16430.85 20019.82 21522.00 16439.49 17658.73 17510.19 17595.90 17174.88
PE.18.0_18.1. 0 1e-07 0.8189492 21360.04 16666.59 17370.51 23705.98 21341.14 18823.88 17755.25 15346.34 16082.06 21407.68 31458.96 37465.01 31544.92 35432.36 36458.04 32454.94 32535.32 35935.39 32976.47 28673.59
PC.16.0_18.1. 0 1e-07 0.5819789 63364.51 76173.40 64386.55 67590.70 82863.67 74768.30 62525.18 74024.95 60597.34 70678.64 110013.99 97425.68 103684.64 101679.55 94976.74 104638.87 106513.88 107527.63 101115.69 115723.37
PC.P. 0 1e-07 1.5822021 45.24 53.16 42.55 53.99 54.64 44.64 42.26 63.27 32.78 55.73 152.84 144.47 150.03 140.18 161.98 145.82 151.10 101.49 142.27 171.80
LPC.20.1…sn1. 0 2e-07 0.8160187 74.40 80.19 96.72 78.36 100.61 82.37 63.94 86.02 78.65 76.04 126.97 121.81 138.73 145.16 160.96 138.24 151.71 150.79 138.89 165.63
SM.d18.1.24.0. 0 2e-07 0.9041109 9622.53 6425.50 9313.23 8921.02 9724.42 8296.79 10026.16 9019.54 9744.21 7903.94 14379.56 13944.52 18686.11 17379.05 17086.56 16099.73 18521.90 14979.90 17365.45 18106.03
Hex2Cer.d18.1.22.0. 0 2e-07 0.8183770 438.24 362.60 338.06 464.62 252.26 412.80 369.03 333.90 337.54 417.91 686.24 555.47 718.97 635.96 655.95 588.46 642.25 645.27 730.58 713.05
PC.O. 0 2e-07 0.8672917 147.57 158.57 173.23 152.84 136.50 134.70 124.70 117.14 102.73 137.28 220.03 291.28 248.60 223.84 257.94 225.02 247.55 271.71 249.12 291.95
PC.P. 0 5e-07 -0.9876941 3625.98 4034.51 3992.15 4331.49 2995.99 3659.25 3469.77 3279.70 3241.57 3940.79 1633.11 2218.98 1559.09 1876.18 2147.81 1670.05 1673.70 1733.68 2003.77 1925.87
PE.18.1_22.6…a. 0 6e-07 -1.0530455 683129.91 826556.51 776076.74 877109.53 669771.58 852434.08 864780.69 689009.51 615909.41 776951.41 371026.85 459195.56 301933.39 406502.98 433603.26 322963.53 341306.87 351653.50 356831.71 333092.08
PC.20.0_20.4. 0 7e-07 1.0342401 353.51 193.53 411.45 351.91 232.13 242.17 397.62 299.10 375.50 225.44 543.72 555.75 676.92 596.04 587.28 602.77 655.35 764.13 659.67 671.15
SM.d18.0.16.0. 0 7e-07 0.8971226 3642.66 3498.69 3227.21 3321.26 3340.91 2873.18 3836.88 3007.61 3186.03 3761.68 5818.58 5822.77 6236.79 5755.50 6352.26 5644.97 6916.77 7409.20 5613.61 7183.43
PC.P. 0 8e-07 2.2759353 820.37 919.07 1065.36 1056.11 710.35 924.46 717.81 819.64 509.34 960.22 3423.16 4734.08 3975.62 3952.43 4230.07 4280.71 3653.39 3191.61 4312.11 5426.52
PS.40.5. 0 8e-07 0.5347556 20112.38 18435.13 22070.10 23067.34 22809.89 19086.58 25071.80 20849.23 19517.96 23550.63 27559.96 32881.94 32765.56 29491.06 32365.76 33384.26 34255.46 28284.00 30675.73 29184.64
# Now do a volcano plot
plot(res$lfc,-log10(res$pvals),pch=19,cex=0.9,xlim=c(-4,4),xlab="log2 fold change",ylab="-log10(p-value)")
mtext("volcano plot of lipid species differences: WT vs Mst1-TG")

mtext("Top 50 lipid species, by small p-values: WT vs Mst1-TG")

# Now do some boxplots with jitter on top
lapply( rownames(res)[1:20] , function(NAME) {
 z<[which(rownames(x) %in% NAME  ) ,])
 p<-z %>% ggplot(aes(group,z[,1]))+ geom_boxplot(outlier.shape=NA ) +  geom_jitter(width = 0.05,col="red") +  ylim(0, MAX) + ggtitle(NAME)
} )

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## [[10]]

## [[11]]

## [[12]]

## [[13]]

## [[14]]

## [[15]]

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## [[18]]

## [[19]]

## [[20]]

WT vs Gal-3 KO

# ttest
tres<-apply(x , 1 , function(x) {  t.test( x[which(group=="Gal-3 KO")] , x[which(group=="WT")] ) } )
res<-cbind(pvals,fdr,lfc,x[,c(  which(group=="WT") , which(group=="Gal-3 KO") )])
head(res,20) %>% kbl(caption = "Top 20 lipid species for WT vs KO") %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Top 20 lipid species for WT vs KO
pvals fdr lfc WT_1 WT_10 WT_2 WT_3 WT_4 WT_5 WT_6 WT_7 WT_8 WT_9 Gal-3 KO_11 Gal-3 KO_12 Gal-3 KO_13 Gal-3 KO_14 Gal-3 KO_15 Gal-3 KO_16 Gal-3 KO_17 Gal-3 KO_18 Gal-3 KO_19 Gal-3 KO_20
PC.16.1_22.6. 3.00e-07 0.0001916 -0.5772205 2005.90 2581.91 2255.13 2110.27 2090.41 2949.89 2272.74 2577.04 2029.41 2338.19 2742.98 3883.29 3790.62 3482.08 3390.94 3754.98 3334.15 3544.86 3537.70 3168.40
Cer.d18.2.23.0. 1.10e-06 0.0004012 -0.8297307 313.88 257.09 393.35 438.12 286.97 339.26 443.92 364.56 375.41 343.93 505.89 517.06 646.55 660.44 573.86 731.74 804.29 608.13 699.42 573.76
PC.P.…b. 2.30e-06 0.0004012 -0.6793725 60.98 55.66 71.99 76.11 51.33 56.85 73.37 45.02 58.96 76.19 105.45 68.92 110.41 100.07 101.73 104.14 107.48 109.24 110.58 85.22
PI.36.2. 2.70e-06 0.0004012 0.4042892 66461.56 83395.60 70628.62 76388.92 81113.86 80454.68 78704.32 80084.05 66223.20 77079.46 54551.99 57771.11 46554.39 62868.96 52125.67 52126.91 67431.81 59573.43 59033.67 62628.22
PC.P.…a. 2.90e-06 0.0004012 -0.6883036 30.25 30.16 30.39 36.81 26.59 24.50 38.63 23.79 27.55 38.68 47.14 36.86 61.93 49.04 53.09 54.16 48.34 53.67 47.59 43.44
LPC.19.0…a…sn1…104_sn1. 3.20e-06 0.0004012 -1.0402278 116.46 62.06 124.63 95.58 58.73 54.18 82.21 57.18 99.27 71.24 112.48 144.31 213.26 199.08 164.28 137.47 179.44 190.91 192.83 155.48
Cer.d17.1.22.0. 4.90e-06 0.0004480 -1.0673785 198.64 95.07 176.86 269.41 97.26 126.02 210.75 127.51 173.78 143.47 276.63 209.45 392.59 405.61 340.97 310.22 401.75 322.08 417.99 315.04
Cer.d17.1.24.0. 5.70e-06 0.0004480 -0.7402628 100.00 72.12 100.85 136.47 61.95 81.86 93.50 76.09 96.37 86.35 118.24 112.67 178.77 153.29 170.09 157.19 158.52 149.65 173.91 140.39
Cer.d17.1.20.0. 5.90e-06 0.0004480 -0.7533047 67.65 70.98 73.58 97.80 57.90 71.39 77.99 71.59 56.77 92.03 104.08 82.17 146.84 134.29 115.61 133.87 134.73 128.64 145.61 117.63
PC.39.5..b. 6.00e-06 0.0004480 -0.8417115 268.18 261.02 333.50 255.35 168.42 253.74 301.05 223.64 280.33 202.25 388.79 400.66 409.99 580.97 359.63 530.06 478.48 373.69 548.08 495.18
Cer.d18.0.22.0. 9.10e-06 0.0006183 -0.5765950 279.42 194.50 290.22 337.77 198.18 246.72 285.89 240.10 287.83 226.78 295.33 413.52 393.90 413.44 355.00 440.13 337.50 416.82 436.70 356.33
PI.38.6. 1.14e-05 0.0007089 -0.5901676 3985.77 2320.35 3894.46 3856.82 2309.54 3499.73 3684.30 2642.95 3491.17 2594.10 4483.15 5531.18 4761.39 4372.28 4822.92 5274.06 4914.87 5433.40 4815.89 4184.65
PE.18.0_18.2. 1.29e-05 0.0007366 0.4253943 84087.61 92241.40 94072.14 98088.36 96865.75 94344.96 104900.82 104838.46 74884.75 96293.97 70859.87 75818.13 56679.74 77345.46 60130.50 58320.77 80002.33 66668.56 73880.54 80711.53
PC.O. 1.65e-05 0.0008751 -0.4184049 15901.12 19765.67 17360.50 17013.95 13248.82 18913.11 15805.49 13732.36 13792.92 15374.44 20458.81 22941.15 22303.39 20914.58 18376.87 20720.27 22659.39 21122.02 25460.41 20088.97
Cer.d16.1.20.0. 2.02e-05 0.0009582 -0.5540988 17.96 19.43 17.47 25.37 21.29 21.88 19.83 17.55 16.80 21.01 24.83 22.05 33.24 30.55 27.46 33.25 31.80 28.11 34.21 26.08
SM.d18.2.23.0. 2.08e-05 0.0009582 -0.7563716 797.29 429.61 1022.86 904.04 654.48 658.24 999.76 688.44 940.65 577.74 1146.94 1075.95 1310.04 1253.31 1255.30 1258.02 1399.53 1101.59 1838.84 1322.18
LPC.20.0…sn2. 2.19e-05 0.0009582 -0.7941525 39.26 31.30 40.81 28.69 33.48 26.39 36.64 39.20 46.75 20.45 53.76 50.16 50.80 72.76 47.32 54.79 72.30 55.93 78.93 57.98
Cer.d18.2.21.0. 2.72e-05 0.0010663 -0.8164422 59.77 62.34 84.97 87.40 68.42 97.45 102.13 74.96 85.01 67.95 96.45 107.26 148.05 151.62 124.06 175.13 182.48 124.99 143.83 138.07
PE.P.…a. 2.99e-05 0.0010663 -0.7212752 2647.38 2183.71 2251.27 3451.15 1499.42 2163.31 3199.44 1745.78 1826.15 3488.75 3815.83 3319.29 3823.00 4361.89 3810.77 4355.55 4689.81 3436.46 3981.49 4725.61
Cer.d18.2.24.0. 3.02e-05 0.0010663 -0.4960995 372.92 439.76 488.60 432.20 501.65 494.31 479.64 515.60 457.86 424.97 546.32 562.57 671.73 621.56 617.96 713.55 786.20 630.63 779.87 568.02
# Now do a volcano plot
plot(res$lfc,-log10(res$pvals),pch=19,cex=0.9,xlim=c(-2,2),xlab="log2 fold change",ylab="-log10(p-value)")
mtext("volcano plot of lipid species differences: WT vs Gal-3 KO")

# Heatmap top 50 differences
mtext("Top 50 lipid species, by small p-values: WT vs Gal-3 KO")

# Now do some boxplots with jitter on top
lapply( rownames(res)[1:20] , function(NAME) {
 z<[which(rownames(x) %in% NAME  ) ,])
 p<-z %>% ggplot(aes(group,z[,1]))+ geom_boxplot(outlier.shape=NA ) +  geom_jitter(width = 0.05,col="red") +  ylim(0, MAX) + ggtitle(NAME)
} )

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Mst1-TG vs TG KO

# ttest
tres<-apply(x , 1 , function(x) {  t.test( x[which(group=="TG KO")] , x[which(group=="Mst-TG")] ) } )

res<-cbind(pvals,fdr,lfc,x[,c(  which(group=="Mst-TG") , which(group=="TG KO") )])
head(res,20) %>% kbl(caption = "Top 20 lipid species for TG vs TGKO") %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Top 20 lipid species for TG vs TGKO
pvals fdr lfc Mst-TG_21 Mst-TG_22 Mst-TG_23 Mst-TG_24 Mst-TG_25 Mst-TG_26 Mst-TG_27 Mst-TG_28 Mst-TG_29 Mst-TG_30 TG KO_31 TG KO_32 TG KO_33 TG KO_34 TG KO_35 TG KO_36 TG KO_37 TG KO_38 TG KO_39 TG KO_40
Cer.d18.1.24.1. 0.0000012 0.0008849 0.6036648 3526.01 3305.75 3921.43 4083.66 5022.14 4075.87 4268.58 3942.11 4032.92 4345.82 3006.73 3381.17 2132.27 2314.70 2260.59 2835.40 2370.07 2804.53 2770.54 2792.23
PE.18.0_18.1. 0.0000110 0.0023424 0.3601459 31458.96 37465.01 31544.92 35432.36 36458.04 32454.94 32535.32 35935.39 32976.47 28673.59 27016.78 31506.59 23270.88 24044.72 21961.07 24748.49 28401.66 26266.53 27522.74 26203.64
PC.18.0_20.4. 0.0000116 0.0023424 0.2891204 86691.44 103606.27 103656.76 95137.77 103757.42 94115.13 98681.67 101831.12 98820.16 90786.98 86924.72 88633.28 84800.70 86667.40 75302.75 82004.93 69284.80 73081.40 71262.24 81684.79
PC.P.35.2..b. 0.0000149 0.0023424 -0.5050396 15.64 22.91 16.33 18.47 19.51 19.91 16.75 13.96 15.75 16.74 26.45 19.95 24.21 22.26 27.82 29.84 25.72 22.28 24.25 26.95
HexCer.d18.1.24.1. 0.0000157 0.0023424 0.9034402 300.49 257.73 346.11 369.78 457.69 272.86 301.36 442.16 298.09 347.94 212.69 199.63 197.60 165.73 96.62 197.46 265.70 164.04 143.47 171.64
PE.P.…n3. 0.0000207 0.0025648 -0.6777362 12433.00 11374.51 14402.02 16007.38 10713.37 11445.38 11553.77 12293.85 14164.74 10832.54 18177.39 21534.40 19075.93 19744.63 28710.02 19164.45 16528.24 18329.26 20006.42 19035.54
Cer.d19.1.22.0. 0.0000536 0.0050541 -0.5961892 5.90 9.32 7.12 6.99 6.93 5.25 8.26 8.83 6.08 7.43 13.31 9.80 11.46 9.66 14.19 10.83 10.18 8.72 11.37 9.49
PI.16.0_20.4. 0.0000543 0.0050541 -0.3017549 8692.45 10284.39 8854.23 10836.13 10995.99 8180.19 9368.89 10449.17 9019.86 9754.62 12499.46 12023.32 13009.91 10167.07 12924.40 10543.53 12359.58 11459.45 11753.24 12131.09
SM.44.3. 0.0000629 0.0051146 0.5058036 179.45 103.02 140.83 136.24 141.50 147.10 161.59 137.56 132.83 166.46 101.70 111.29 90.43 97.73 75.68 106.58 112.14 110.96 102.25 110.02
PE.P.…a. 0.0000722 0.0051146 -0.4143817 617.22 806.25 817.41 932.21 726.67 621.05 713.83 753.86 829.80 713.09 1118.87 975.79 854.32 924.47 1250.78 996.87 1036.06 856.75 1006.14 1017.24
Cer.d18.1.16.0. 0.0000756 0.0051146 0.5608687 1971.19 1995.44 2197.82 2337.49 3064.00 2700.57 2789.42 2742.38 2280.58 3019.70 2157.74 1931.41 1638.94 1597.68 1451.17 1993.21 1417.09 1671.13 1507.39 1648.42
SM.44.2. 0.0000969 0.0060091 0.4112218 258.11 180.71 240.11 199.07 258.62 228.59 258.83 205.16 243.56 248.20 178.82 195.60 150.05 169.04 130.15 188.47 177.90 200.91 157.21 197.18
Cer.d17.1.22.0. 0.0001062 0.0060795 -0.6440653 133.19 272.17 137.44 139.17 193.95 127.03 145.81 184.07 159.24 133.64 254.96 264.88 255.07 280.37 329.78 245.82 267.47 223.57 189.78 228.84
SM.d16.1.23.0..SM.d17.1.22.0. 0.0001191 0.0062500 -0.5032421 1941.30 3466.74 3056.03 1947.53 2711.38 2330.15 2341.65 2483.62 2352.19 2898.93 3283.80 3920.93 3224.24 3880.38 4217.32 3590.20 3461.22 3486.56 2743.97 4376.80
PI.38.5…a. 0.0001260 0.0062500 -0.4758094 11996.63 13584.02 8929.17 13043.50 12460.26 11133.14 11256.13 12576.95 11578.12 11287.78 15084.24 16313.17 13941.39 15266.50 22550.40 14719.22 16070.92 16895.72 17821.82 15224.43
PE.P. 0.0001344 0.0062500 -0.6131068 8676.96 15578.79 11101.14 13163.79 12978.24 8923.03 9711.28 9435.58 12338.09 10596.36 19261.87 15160.40 15504.55 13181.92 23673.45 16546.29 17275.01 14950.92 16207.91 20316.98
PC.P.35.2..a. 0.0001753 0.0074497 -0.4079258 30.39 36.17 27.46 26.38 31.27 25.90 27.21 29.44 27.13 29.46 35.34 27.80 40.65 33.54 41.29 44.90 42.01 42.31 36.51 41.49
SM.41.0. 0.0001859 0.0074497 -0.4390849 344.00 486.10 593.89 388.80 391.06 386.30 499.65 436.41 370.80 461.91 696.59 601.59 502.42 548.05 562.46 583.04 648.53 528.18 528.91 709.81
PI.18.1_18.2. 0.0001902 0.0074497 -0.9436883 4471.72 5446.83 2558.48 3782.57 4590.78 3400.89 3485.65 4562.18 3602.20 4152.42 5749.94 7611.73 5632.66 6033.38 11871.90 5620.12 8449.45 8224.63 9615.17 8231.92
PC.18.0_18.1. 0.0002145 0.0078130 0.4126401 67443.18 63714.17 78948.50 72329.75 75042.83 75260.25 77187.94 76003.69 74767.80 86579.46 66237.18 63944.90 53062.36 52850.81 30182.28 64502.12 58705.00 58509.77 53176.98 60218.89
# Now do a volcano plot
plot(res$lfc,-log10(res$pvals),pch=19,cex=0.9,xlim=c(-2,2),xlab="log2 fold change",ylab="-log10(p-value)")
mtext("volcano plot of lipid species differences: Mst-TG vs TG KO")

# Heatmap top 50 differences
mtext("Top 50 lipid species, by small p-values: Mst-TG vs TG KO")

# Now do some boxplots with jitter on top
lapply( rownames(res)[1:20] , function(NAME) {
 z<[which(rownames(x) %in% NAME  ) ,])
 p<-z %>% ggplot(aes(group,z[,1]))+ geom_boxplot(outlier.shape=NA ) +  geom_jitter(width = 0.05,col="red") +  ylim(0, MAX) + ggtitle(NAME)
} )

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## null device 
##           1

Session information

For reproducibility.

## R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/
## locale:
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##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] kableExtra_1.3.4 limma_3.48.1     ggplot2_3.3.5    gplots_3.1.1    
## [5] dplyr_1.0.7     
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] highr_0.9          pillar_1.6.1       bslib_0.2.5.1      compiler_4.1.2    
##  [5] jquerylib_0.1.4    bitops_1.0-7       tools_4.1.2        digest_0.6.27     
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## [13] lifecycle_1.0.0    tibble_3.1.3       pkgconfig_2.0.3    rlang_0.4.11      
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## [29] sass_0.4.0         gtools_3.9.2       caTools_1.18.2     webshot_0.5.2     
## [33] grid_4.1.2         tidyselect_1.1.1   svglite_2.0.0      glue_1.4.2        
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## [53] munsell_0.5.0      crayon_1.4.1