This code is available at

This script analyses fragment insert size by creating a violin plot. This chart illustrates the distribution of insert sizes as well as the median insert size for each sample. In 150 bp paired-end sequencing an insert size of >300 bp is optimal. Each sample has a median of either close to or >300 bp in length and therefore these results indicate cost efficiency and high yield in our profiling.

## [1] "/mnt/data/aaron/projects/guppy-methylation"
## Loading required package: sm
## Warning in fun(libname, pkgname): couldn't connect to display ":0"
## Package 'sm', version 2.2-5.6: type help(sm) for summary information
## Loading required package: zoo
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     as.Date, as.Date.numeric
myfilelist <- list.files("insertlenMD", full.names = TRUE, pattern = "insertlen.txt")

myread <- function(myfile){
  x <- as.numeric(readLines(myfile))
  x <- head(x,2000000)
  x <- x[which(x<2000)]
  x <- x[which(x>0)]

x <- lapply(myfilelist,myread)
mysamplenames <- sapply(strsplit(myfilelist,"/"),"[[",2)
mysamplenames <- sapply(strsplit(mysamplenames,"\\."),"[[",1)
##  [1] "Clear2F-R1" "Clear2F-R2" "Clear2F-R3" "Foundation" "Green3F-R1"
##  [6] "Green3F-R2" "Green3F-R3" "Lilac4F-R1" "Lilac4F-R2" "Lilac4F-R3"
names(x) <- mysamplenames
## List of 10
##  $ Clear2F-R1: num [1:1823714] 392 269 378 272 186 345 463 275 157 433 ...
##  $ Clear2F-R2: num [1:1809311] 285 367 309 207 225 183 351 406 417 298 ...
##  $ Clear2F-R3: num [1:1818925] 240 304 369 255 450 240 305 240 411 203 ...
##  $ Foundation: num [1:1795642] 388 285 283 479 574 445 277 279 757 394 ...
##  $ Green3F-R1: num [1:1800843] 523 384 549 623 270 109 156 515 303 264 ...
##  $ Green3F-R2: num [1:1811170] 349 374 584 367 311 278 323 265 333 471 ...
##  $ Green3F-R3: num [1:1802823] 143 275 266 367 421 442 149 229 320 381 ...
##  $ Lilac4F-R1: num [1:1796626] 289 430 448 355 446 469 598 391 721 397 ...
##  $ Lilac4F-R2: num [1:1810358] 380 678 319 618 151 392 186 411 425 534 ...
##  $ Lilac4F-R3: num [1:1803593] 604 480 497 268 364 529 301 385 555 492 ...
vioplot(x,main = "Insert length (bp)" , horizontal=TRUE,  side="right" , las=1 , ylim=c(0,1000))
## Warning: weights overwritten by binning
## Warning: weights overwritten by binning
## Warning: weights overwritten by binning
## Warning: weights overwritten by binning
## Warning: weights overwritten by binning
## Warning: weights overwritten by binning
## Warning: weights overwritten by binning
## Warning: weights overwritten by binning
## Warning: weights overwritten by binning
## Warning: weights overwritten by binning

Import data sets

Foundation.bam.vcf_meth_average <- read.delim("~/projects/guppy-methylation/methaverageMD/Foundation.bam.vcf_meth_average.tsv",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Clear2F.R1.bam.vcf_meth_average <- read.delim("~/projects/guppy-methylation/methaverageMD/Clear2F-R1.bam.vcf_meth_average.tsv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Clear2F.R2.bam.vcf_meth_average <- read.delim("~/projects/guppy-methylation/methaverageMD/Clear2F-R2.bam.vcf_meth_average.tsv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Clear2F.R3.bam.vcf_meth_average <- read.delim("~/projects/guppy-methylation/methaverageMD/Clear2F-R3.bam.vcf_meth_average.tsv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Green3F.R1.bam.vcf_meth_average <- read.delim("~/projects/guppy-methylation/methaverageMD/Green3F-R1.bam.vcf_meth_average.tsv",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Green3F.R2.bam.vcf_meth_average <- read.delim("~/projects/guppy-methylation/methaverageMD/Green3F-R2.bam.vcf_meth_average.tsv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Green3F.R3.bam.vcf_meth_average <- read.delim("~/projects/guppy-methylation/methaverageMD/Green3F-R3.bam.vcf_meth_average.tsv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Lilac4F.R1.bam.vcf_meth_average <- read.delim("~/projects/guppy-methylation/methaverageMD/Lilac4F-R1.bam.vcf_meth_average.tsv",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Lilac4F.R2.bam.vcf_meth_average <- read.delim("~/projects/guppy-methylation/methaverageMD/Lilac4F-R2.bam.vcf_meth_average.tsv",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Lilac4F.R3.bam.vcf_meth_average <- read.delim("~/projects/guppy-methylation/methaverageMD/Lilac4F-R3.bam.vcf_meth_average.tsv",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
meth_average <- merge(Foundation.bam.vcf_meth_average, Clear2F.R1.bam.vcf_meth_average, all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
meth_average <- merge(meth_average, Clear2F.R2.bam.vcf_meth_average, all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
meth_average <- merge(meth_average, Clear2F.R3.bam.vcf_meth_average, all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
meth_average <- merge(meth_average, Green3F.R1.bam.vcf_meth_average, all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
meth_average <- merge(meth_average, Green3F.R2.bam.vcf_meth_average, all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
meth_average <- merge(meth_average, Green3F.R3.bam.vcf_meth_average, all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
meth_average <- merge(meth_average, Lilac4F.R1.bam.vcf_meth_average, all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
meth_average <- merge(meth_average, Lilac4F.R2.bam.vcf_meth_average, all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
meth_average <- merge(meth_average, Lilac4F.R3.bam.vcf_meth_average, all.x = TRUE, all.y = TRUE)
readlen <- read.table("~/projects/guppy-methylation/readlen.txt", quote="\"", comment.char="", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
General.statistics <- read.delim("~/projects/guppy-methylation/General.statistics.txt", comment.char="#",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
FastQCcounts <- read.delim("~/projects/guppy-methylation/fastqc_sequence_counts_plot MainQC.txt", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

This script analyses the chromosomal CpG methylation profiling by creating a bar plot which displays the percentage of CpG methylation present in chromosome 1 of each sample. We expect consistent methylation between the samples and ~80% methylation when using zebrafish as our comparative species. These results are in line with our expectations and therefore indicate quality methylation profiling.

#Isolate chromosome 1 methylation average
chr.meth <- meth_average[grep("LG1$",meth_average$chrm),]
##               sample chrm     CGn     CGb    CHGn   CHGb    CHHn   CHHb     CHn
## 2629  Clear2F-R1.bam  LG1 1111762 73.228% 2755100 0.505% 8042141 0.530% 8042141
## 5297  Clear2F-R2.bam  LG1 1120250 73.436% 2762232 0.506% 8070112 0.530% 8070112
## 7962  Clear2F-R3.bam  LG1 1120606 72.910% 2768290 0.499% 8085967 0.524% 8085967
## 10640 Foundation.bam  LG1 1128289 75.428% 2777525 0.485% 8119362 0.500% 8119362
## 13310 Green3F-R1.bam  LG1 1124674 72.852% 2757859 0.516% 8060404 0.533% 8060404
## 15962 Green3F-R2.bam  LG1 1119682 73.299% 2761440 0.524% 8068501 0.547% 8068501
##          CHb
## 2629  0.524%
## 5297  0.524%
## 7962  0.517%
## 10640 0.496%
## 13310 0.529%
## 15962 0.541%
#Isolate CpG percentage from chromosome 1 methylation average and remove percent sign
chr.meth.cpg <- as.numeric(gsub("%","",chr.meth[,4]))
## [1] 73.228 73.436 72.910 75.428 72.852 73.299
#Create sample names
mysamplenames <- sapply(strsplit(chr.meth$sample,"\\."),"[[",1)
mysamplenames <- gsub(".bam","",chr.meth[,1])
mysamplenames <- gsub("2F-","",mysamplenames)
mysamplenames <- gsub("3F-","",mysamplenames)
mysamplenames <- gsub("4F-","",mysamplenames)
##  [1] "ClearR1"    "ClearR2"    "ClearR3"    "Foundation" "GreenR1"   
##  [6] "GreenR2"    "GreenR3"    "LilacR1"    "LilacR2"    "LilacR3"
#Attach sample names to percent values
names(chr.meth.cpg) <- mysamplenames
##    ClearR1    ClearR2    ClearR3 Foundation    GreenR1    GreenR2    GreenR3 
##     73.228     73.436     72.910     75.428     72.852     73.299     71.968 
##    LilacR1    LilacR2    LilacR3 
##     73.316     72.229     73.114
#Create bar chart
barplot(chr.meth.cpg, main="% Chr1 CpG Methylation", horiz=TRUE, las=1, xlim = c(60,80))

This script creates a bar plot which displays the percentage of CpG methylation present in the mitochondrial chromosome of each sample. The mitochondrial chromosome contains little to no methylation. Each sample had consistently low mtDNA CpG methylation (<0.3%) and is therefore evidence of quality methylation profiling.

mt.meth <- meth_average[grep("MT$",meth_average$chrm),]
##               sample chrm CGn    CGb CHGn   CHGb CHHn   CHHb  CHn    CHb
## 2652  Clear2F-R1.bam   MT 789 0.206% 1006 0.187% 4915 0.235% 4915 0.227%
## 5320  Clear2F-R2.bam   MT 791 0.200% 1007 0.188% 4912 0.215% 4912 0.211%
## 7985  Clear2F-R3.bam   MT 788 0.265% 1009 0.219% 4916 0.282% 4916 0.271%
## 10663 Foundation.bam   MT 791 0.245% 1008 0.213% 4913 0.228% 4913 0.226%
## 13333 Green3F-R1.bam   MT 790 0.216% 1008 0.206% 4912 0.229% 4912 0.225%
## 15985 Green3F-R2.bam   MT 789 0.241% 1007 0.216% 4917 0.266% 4917 0.257%
## 18642 Green3F-R3.bam   MT 790 0.219% 1008 0.227% 4915 0.256% 4915 0.251%
## 21301 Lilac4F-R1.bam   MT 791 0.227% 1008 0.227% 4913 0.258% 4913 0.253%
## 23965 Lilac4F-R2.bam   MT 790 0.202% 1008 0.196% 4919 0.217% 4919 0.213%
## 26603 Lilac4F-R3.bam   MT 787 0.202% 1008 0.189% 4916 0.241% 4916 0.232%
mt.meth.cpg <- as.numeric(gsub("%","",mt.meth[,4]))
##  [1] 0.206 0.200 0.265 0.245 0.216 0.241 0.219 0.227 0.202 0.202
##  [1] "ClearR1"    "ClearR2"    "ClearR3"    "Foundation" "GreenR1"   
##  [6] "GreenR2"    "GreenR3"    "LilacR1"    "LilacR2"    "LilacR3"
names(mt.meth.cpg) <- mysamplenames
##    ClearR1    ClearR2    ClearR3 Foundation    GreenR1    GreenR2    GreenR3 
##      0.206      0.200      0.265      0.245      0.216      0.241      0.219 
##    LilacR1    LilacR2    LilacR3 
##      0.227      0.202      0.202
barplot(mt.meth.cpg, main = "% Mitochondrial CpG Methylation", horiz = TRUE, las = 1,xlim = c(0,0.3))

This script creates a bar plot which displays the percentage of CpG methylation present in the lambda phage DNA spiked into each sample. Because the lambda phage contains no methylation and the same sample of lambda phage was spiked into each population DNA sample, we expect very low methylation (<5%) and consistency between the samples. Each sample had consistently low CpG methylation (<0.3%) and is therefore evidence of quality methylation profiling.

lp.meth <- meth_average[grep("lambda_phage$",meth_average$chrm),]
##               sample         chrm  CGn    CGb CHGn   CHGb  CHHn   CHHb   CHn
## 2628  Clear2F-R1.bam lambda_phage 6157 0.222% 6393 0.247% 11392 0.237% 11392
## 5296  Clear2F-R2.bam lambda_phage 6218 0.180% 6447 0.197% 11493 0.166% 11493
## 7961  Clear2F-R3.bam lambda_phage 6221 0.191% 6447 0.197% 11486 0.165% 11486
## 10639 Foundation.bam lambda_phage 6223 0.171% 6447 0.199% 11496 0.170% 11496
## 13309 Green3F-R1.bam lambda_phage 6221 0.258% 6449 0.290% 11497 0.228% 11497
## 15961 Green3F-R2.bam lambda_phage 6220 0.268% 6446 0.286% 11494 0.258% 11494
## 18618 Green3F-R3.bam lambda_phage 6222 0.253% 6449 0.258% 11493 0.228% 11493
## 21277 Lilac4F-R1.bam lambda_phage 6221 0.254% 6448 0.264% 11495 0.238% 11495
## 23941 Lilac4F-R2.bam lambda_phage 6222 0.225% 6447 0.235% 11495 0.235% 11495
## 26579 Lilac4F-R3.bam lambda_phage 6207 0.255% 6434 0.262% 11472 0.234% 11472
##          CHb
## 2628  0.240%
## 5296  0.177%
## 7961  0.177%
## 10639 0.180%
## 13309 0.250%
## 15961 0.268%
## 18618 0.239%
## 21277 0.248%
## 23941 0.235%
## 26579 0.244%
lp.meth.cpg <- as.numeric(gsub("%","",lp.meth[,4]))
names(lp.meth.cpg) <- mysamplenames
##    ClearR1    ClearR2    ClearR3 Foundation    GreenR1    GreenR2    GreenR3 
##      0.222      0.180      0.191      0.171      0.258      0.268      0.253 
##    LilacR1    LilacR2    LilacR3 
##      0.254      0.225      0.255
barplot(lp.meth.cpg, main = "% Lambda Phage CpG Methylation", horiz = TRUE, las = 1, xlim = c(0,0.3))

This script creates a bar plot which displays the percentage of CpG methylation present in the pUC19 plasmid spiked into each sample. Because the pUC19 plasmid is fully methylated and the same sample of the plasmid was spiked into each population DNA sample, we expect very high methylation (>95%) and consistency between the samples. Each sample had consistently high CpG methylation (>97%) and is therefore evidence of quality methylation profiling.

pUC19.meth <- meth_average[grep("pUC19$",meth_average$chrm),]
pUC19.meth.cpg <- as.numeric(gsub("%","",pUC19.meth[,4]))
names(pUC19.meth.cpg) <- mysamplenames
##    ClearR1    ClearR2    ClearR3 Foundation    GreenR1    GreenR2    GreenR3 
##     99.021     98.715     98.923     99.512     98.746     98.212     97.947 
##    LilacR1    LilacR2    LilacR3 
##     98.428     98.019     97.982
barplot(pUC19.meth.cpg, main = "% pUC19 CpG Methylation", horiz = TRUE, las = 1, xlim = c(90,100))

This script analyses the chromosomal CpH methylation by creating a bar plot which displays the percentage of CpH methylation present in chromosome 1 of each sample. Because methylation is rare at CpH sites we expect very low methylation in every sample and a consistent percentage of methylation among the samples. Each sample had consistently low chromosomal CpH methylation (<0.6%) and is therefore evidence of quality methylation profiling.

chr.meth.cph <- as.numeric(gsub("%","",chr.meth[,10]))
names(chr.meth.cph) <- mysamplenames
##    ClearR1    ClearR2    ClearR3 Foundation    GreenR1    GreenR2    GreenR3 
##      0.524      0.524      0.517      0.496      0.529      0.541      0.527 
##    LilacR1    LilacR2    LilacR3 
##      0.539      0.499      0.517
barplot(chr.meth.cph, main = "% Chr1 CpH Methylation", horiz = TRUE, las = 1, xlim = c(0,0.6))

This script creates a bar plot which displays the percentage of CpH methylation present in the mitochondrial chromosome of each sample. The mitochondrial chromosome typically contains little to no methylation. Each sample had consistently low mtDNA CpH methylation (<0.3%) and is therefore evidence of quality methylation profiling.

mt.meth.cph <- as.numeric(gsub("%","",mt.meth[,10]))
names(mt.meth.cph) <- mysamplenames
##    ClearR1    ClearR2    ClearR3 Foundation    GreenR1    GreenR2    GreenR3 
##      0.227      0.211      0.271      0.226      0.225      0.257      0.251 
##    LilacR1    LilacR2    LilacR3 
##      0.253      0.213      0.232
barplot(mt.meth.cph, main = "% mtDNA CpH Methylation", horiz = TRUE, las = 1,xlim = c(0,0.3))

This script creates a bar plot which displays the percentage of CpH methylation present in the lambda phage DNA spiked into each sample. Because methylation is rare at CpH sites and the same sample of lambda phage was spiked into each population DNA sample, we expect very low methylation (<5%) and consistency between the samples. Each sample had consistently low CpH methylation (<0.3%) and is therefore evidence of quality methylation profiling.

lp.meth.cph <- as.numeric(gsub("%","",lp.meth[,10]))
names(lp.meth.cph) <- mysamplenames
##    ClearR1    ClearR2    ClearR3 Foundation    GreenR1    GreenR2    GreenR3 
##      0.240      0.177      0.177      0.180      0.250      0.268      0.239 
##    LilacR1    LilacR2    LilacR3 
##      0.248      0.235      0.244
barplot(lp.meth.cph, main = "% Lambda Phage CpH Methylation", horiz = TRUE, las = 1,xlim = c(0,0.3))

This script creates a bar plot which displays the percentage of CpH methylation present in the pUC19 plasmid spiked into each sample. Because methylation is rare at CpH sites and the same sample of lambda phage was spiked into each population DNA sample, we expect very low methylation (<5%) and consistency between the samples. Each sample had consistently low CpH methylation (<1.4%) with minimal variation between the samples. The analysis of the pUC19 CpH methylation is therefore evidence of quality methylation profiling.

pUC19.meth.cph <- as.numeric(gsub("%","",pUC19.meth[,10]))
names(pUC19.meth.cph) <- mysamplenames
##    ClearR1    ClearR2    ClearR3 Foundation    GreenR1    GreenR2    GreenR3 
##      0.567      1.289      0.608      0.730      1.124      0.765      0.832 
##    LilacR1    LilacR2    LilacR3 
##      0.761      0.685      0.943
barplot(pUC19.meth.cph, main = "% pUC19 Plasmid CpH Methylation", horiz = TRUE, las = 1,xlim = c(0,1.4))

This script creates a bar plot which displays the percentage of GC base pairs present in each of our population DNA samples. Due to the nature of methylome sequencing, only the cytosines which are methylated are those that are left after the enzymatic methyl-sequencing has been performed. We therefore expect significantly reduced GC content when compared to a standard guppy genome sequencing (39.3% GC). Each sample had 21% methylation, which is in line with our expectation of <39.3%.

GSR1 <- General.statistics[grep("R1_001",General.statistics$Sample.Name),]
GSR1GC <- as.numeric(gsub("%","",GSR1[,5]))
names(GSR1GC) <- mysamplenames
##    ClearR1    ClearR2    ClearR3 Foundation    GreenR1    GreenR2    GreenR3 
##         21         21         21         21         21         21         21 
##    LilacR1    LilacR2    LilacR3 
##         21         21         21
barplot(GSR1GC, main = "% GC Content", horiz=TRUE, las=1, xlim = c(0,25))

This script creates a bar plot which displays the total reads present in each of our population DNA samples. As these are the results of whole genome enzymatic methyl-sequencing, we expect a very large quantity of reads. One article states 800,000,000 reads (trimmed and mapped) that are 101 bp in length are required for accurate coverage of the human genome when performing bisulfite sequencing. Although we are working with the guppy genome instead, this number of reads can serve as a rough benchmark. Considering our reads are 150 bp in length and the guppy genome is significantly smaller than the human genome (3,096,649,726 bp compared to 731,622,281 bp), our results are relatively close to this rough benchmark and indicate quality coverage of the guppy genome.

#Create additional columns to work out percentage of duplicate reads and percentage of unique reads
FastQCcounts$Total.Reads <- (FastQCcounts$Unique.Reads + FastQCcounts$Duplicate.Reads)

FQCR1 <- FastQCcounts[grep("R1_001",FastQCcounts$Category),]
mysamplenamesR <- sapply(strsplit(FastQCcounts$Category,"\\."),"[[",1)
mysamplenamesR <- gsub("_001","",FastQCcounts[,1])
mysamplenamesR <- gsub("2F-","",mysamplenamesR)
mysamplenamesR <- gsub("3F-","",mysamplenamesR)
mysamplenamesR <- gsub("4F-","",mysamplenamesR)
mysamplenamesR <- gsub("_"," ",mysamplenamesR)
##  [1] "ClearR1 R1"    "ClearR1 R2"    "ClearR2 R1"    "ClearR2 R2"   
##  [5] "ClearR3 R1"    "ClearR3 R2"    "Foundation R1" "Foundation R2"
##  [9] "GreenR1 R1"    "GreenR1 R2"    "GreenR2 R1"    "GreenR2 R2"   
## [13] "GreenR3 R1"    "GreenR3 R2"    "LilacR1 R1"    "LilacR1 R2"   
## [17] "LilacR2 R1"    "LilacR2 R2"    "LilacR3 R1"    "LilacR3 R2"
##  [1] "ClearR1"    "ClearR2"    "ClearR3"    "Foundation" "GreenR1"   
##  [6] "GreenR2"    "GreenR3"    "LilacR1"    "LilacR2"    "LilacR3"
TR <- FQCR1$Total.Reads

names(TR) <- mysamplenames
##    ClearR1    ClearR2    ClearR3 Foundation    GreenR1    GreenR2    GreenR3 
##   79115494   70710131   72919139  151547956   84386620   71583417   94325467 
##    LilacR1    LilacR2    LilacR3 
##   82688556   71797715   66880152
barplot(TR, main = "Total Reads", las = 1,horiz=TRUE, xlim = c(40000000,160000000)) 

This script creates a bar plot which displays the percentage of duplicate reads present in each of our population DNA samples. When analysing the percentage of duplicate reads >40% duplicate reads could be considered high, <40% and >20% could be considered medium and <20% could be considered low. Our samples had a considerably low percentage of duplicate reads. This provides evidence of a high yield in our methylation profiling.

Dup <- FQCR1$Duplicate.Reads
PDup <- (Dup / TR * 100)
##    ClearR1    ClearR2    ClearR3 Foundation    GreenR1    GreenR2    GreenR3 
##   11.28753   10.35292   10.87860   13.24146   11.41534   10.71456   12.22378 
##    LilacR1    LilacR2    LilacR3 
##   10.85678   10.55580   10.39011
barplot(PDup, main = "% Duplicate Reads", horiz = TRUE, las = 1, xlim = c(0,15)) 

This script creates a bar plot which displays the percentage of unique reads present in each of our population DNA samples. The results and expectation of this metric are the inverse of percentage of duplicate reads.

Uni <- FQCR1$Unique.Reads
PUni <- (Uni / TR * 100)
##    ClearR1    ClearR2    ClearR3 Foundation    GreenR1    GreenR2    GreenR3 
##   88.71247   89.64708   89.12140   86.75854   88.58466   89.28544   87.77622 
##    LilacR1    LilacR2    LilacR3 
##   89.14322   89.44420   89.60989
barplot(PUni, main = "% Unique Reads", horiz = TRUE, las = 1, xlim = c(86,90))

This script creates a bar plot which displays the mean read length (in bp) of each population DNA sample. We expect the average read length to be ~150 bp. This read length optimises the sequencing process by balancing reading the most base pairs in each fragment while not creating poor quality reads. This is therefore the most cost efficient read length size. Each of our samples average read length is very close to this number. These results indicate cost efficiency and lead to high yield of our methylation profiling.

par(mar = c(5,10,5,5))
RL <- gsub("R1_001.fastq-trimmed-","",readlen[,1])
RL <- gsub(".fastq","",RL)
##  [1] "Clear2F-R1_pair1" "Clear2F-R1_pair2" "Clear2F-R2_pair1" "Clear2F-R2_pair2"
##  [5] "Clear2F-R3_pair1" "Clear2F-R3_pair2" "Foundation_pair1" "Foundation_pair2"
##  [9] "Green3F-R1_pair1" "Green3F-R1_pair2" "Green3F-R2_pair1" "Green3F-R2_pair2"
## [13] "Green3F-R3_pair1" "Green3F-R3_pair2" "Lilac4F-R1_pair1" "Lilac4F-R1_pair2"
## [17] "Lilac4F-R2_pair1" "Lilac4F-R2_pair2" "Lilac4F-R3_pair1" "Lilac4F-R3_pair2"
barplot(readlen$V2, main="Mean Read Length (bp)", names.arg = RL, las=1, horiz=TRUE, xlim = c(148,152))

This script creates a wasted bases analysis and displays the analysis in the form of a table. The table first shows the amount of bp present immediately after sequencing (basecountSTART) and then goes onto show how many bp are removed by each step in the data processing pipeline (trimming and mapping/removing duplicates) as well as how many bases are lost due to reads overlapping. The final column shows how many usable bp are left.

coul <- brewer.pal(4, "Pastel1")
#import data
basecount <- read.table("~/projects/guppy-methylation/basecount.txt", quote="\"", comment.char="", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#Add read 1 and 2 together in basecount start
basecountSTARTR1 <- basecount[grep("R1_001.fastq.gz",basecount$V2),]
basecountSTARTR2 <- basecount[grep("R2_001.fastq.gz",basecount$V2),]
basecountSTART <- basecountSTARTR1$V3 + basecountSTARTR2$V3
##  [1] "ClearR1"    "ClearR2"    "ClearR3"    "Foundation" "GreenR1"   
##  [6] "GreenR2"    "GreenR3"    "LilacR1"    "LilacR2"    "LilacR3"
names(basecountSTART) <- mysamplenames
##     ClearR1     ClearR2     ClearR3  Foundation     GreenR1     GreenR2 
## 23892879188 21354459562 22021579978 45767482712 25484759240 21618191934 
##     GreenR3     LilacR1     LilacR2     LilacR3 
## 28486291034 24971943912 21682909930 20197805904
#Add read 1 and 2 together in trimmed reads
basecountAFTERSKEWERR1 <- basecount[grep("pair1",basecount$V2),]
basecountAFTERSKEWERR2 <- basecount[grep("pair2",basecount$V2),]
basecountAFTERSKEWER <- basecountAFTERSKEWERR1$V3 + basecountAFTERSKEWERR2$V3
names(basecountAFTERSKEWER) <- mysamplenames
##     ClearR1     ClearR2     ClearR3  Foundation     GreenR1     GreenR2 
## 23726688110 21219905068 21864693234 45501760335 25331908492 21492313083 
##     GreenR3     LilacR1     LilacR2     LilacR3 
## 28306309237 24820993518 21547129588 20068129840
#Create "after overlapping reads removed values" by subtracting OVERLAPPING from AFTERMAPPED reads
AFTERMAPPED <- basecount[grep("AFTERMAPPED",basecount$V1),]
OVERLAPPING <- basecount[grep("OVERLAPPING",basecount$V1),]
##  [1]  8408181829 17501584680 17890535200 37443087526 20760281390 17691297992
##  [7] 23076685196 20474902945 17747008807 12891026471
names(basecountMAPPED) <- mysamplenames
##     ClearR1     ClearR2     ClearR3  Foundation     GreenR1     GreenR2 
##  8408181829 17501584680 17890535200 37443087526 20760281390 17691297992 
##     GreenR3     LilacR1     LilacR2     LilacR3 
## 23076685196 20474902945 17747008807 12891026471
names(UseableBP) <- mysamplenames
##     ClearR1     ClearR2     ClearR3  Foundation     GreenR1     GreenR2 
##  7726370969 16547937507 16292997753 36444018617 20076583515 16813219232 
##     GreenR3     LilacR1     LilacR2     LilacR3 
## 22310598896 19946472787 16739256850 12483562301
basecountTRIMMED <- basecountSTART - basecountAFTERSKEWER
basecountUNMAPPED <- basecountAFTERSKEWER - basecountMAPPED
#Create a data frame containing all vectors created above
DF <- data.frame(basecountSTART,basecountTRIMMED,basecountAFTERSKEWER,basecountUNMAPPED,basecountMAPPED,basecountOVERLAPPING,UseableBP)
DF %>%
  kbl(caption = "Wasted Bases Analysis") %>%
  kable_classic(full_width = F, html_font = "Cambria")
Wasted Bases Analysis
basecountSTART basecountTRIMMED basecountAFTERSKEWER basecountUNMAPPED basecountMAPPED basecountOVERLAPPING UseableBP
ClearR1 23892879188 166191078 23726688110 15318506281 8408181829 681810860 7726370969
ClearR2 21354459562 134554494 21219905068 3718320388 17501584680 953647173 16547937507
ClearR3 22021579978 156886744 21864693234 3974158034 17890535200 1597537447 16292997753
Foundation 45767482712 265722377 45501760335 8058672809 37443087526 999068909 36444018617
GreenR1 25484759240 152850748 25331908492 4571627102 20760281390 683697875 20076583515
GreenR2 21618191934 125878851 21492313083 3801015091 17691297992 878078760 16813219232
GreenR3 28486291034 179981797 28306309237 5229624041 23076685196 766086300 22310598896
LilacR1 24971943912 150950394 24820993518 4346090573 20474902945 528430158 19946472787
LilacR2 21682909930 135780342 21547129588 3800120781 17747008807 1007751957 16739256850
LilacR3 20197805904 129676064 20068129840 7177103369 12891026471 407464170 12483562301

This script creates a pie chart which displays what percentage of bases are removed by each data processing step, the percentage of bases removed due to overlapping reads and the percentage of usable bases left. In whole genome sequencing, a loss of <30% of bases can be considered very low. These results indicate high yield and coverage of the genome.

#Create a data frame containing how many bases have been removed and the leftover bases
DF2 <- data.frame(basecountTRIMMED,basecountUNMAPPED,basecountOVERLAPPING,UseableBP)
##            basecountTRIMMED basecountUNMAPPED basecountOVERLAPPING   UseableBP
## ClearR1           166191078       15318506281            681810860  7726370969
## ClearR2           134554494        3718320388            953647173 16547937507
## ClearR3           156886744        3974158034           1597537447 16292997753
## Foundation        265722377        8058672809            999068909 36444018617
## GreenR1           152850748        4571627102            683697875 20076583515
## GreenR2           125878851        3801015091            878078760 16813219232
## GreenR3           179981797        5229624041            766086300 22310598896
## LilacR1           150950394        4346090573            528430158 19946472787
## LilacR2           135780342        3800120781           1007751957 16739256850
## LilacR3           129676064        7177103369            407464170 12483562301
#Calculate the percentage of wasted bases in each step and usable bases leftover by dividing each vector value by the total bases in the data frame (to 3 significant values)
##     basecountTRIMMED    basecountUNMAPPED basecountOVERLAPPING 
##           1598472889          59995238469           8503573609 
##            UseableBP 
##         185381018427
labels <- c("Trimmed","Unmapped/Duplicate","Overlapping","UseableBP")
percent <- as.character(signif(colSums(DF2)/sum(colSums(DF2))*100,3))
## [1] "0.626" "23.5"  "3.33"  "72.6"
labels2 <- paste(labels,percent,"%")
pie(colSums(DF2),labels = labels2,col = coul)

This script creates a stacked barplot which displays what percentage of bases are removed by each data processing step, the percentage of bases removed due to overlapping reads and the percentage of usable bases left in each of the population DNA samples. The loss of bases was small for most samples, however there were evidently problems mapping reads from the Clear R1 and Lilac R3 samples. We know that the problem was caused due to mapping difficulties as these samples did not contain a large number of duplicate reads.

#Calculate the percentage of bases removed for each sample by each step 
DF3 <- DF2/rowSums(DF2)*100
##            basecountTRIMMED basecountUNMAPPED basecountOVERLAPPING UseableBP
## ClearR1           0.6955674          64.11327             2.853615  32.33755
## ClearR2           0.6301002          17.41238             4.465799  77.49172
## ClearR3           0.7124227          18.04665             7.254418  73.98651
## Foundation        0.5805921          17.60786             2.182923  79.62863
## GreenR1           0.5997732          17.93867             2.682772  78.77878
## GreenR2           0.5822820          17.58248             4.061759  77.77348
## GreenR3           0.6318190          18.35839             2.689316  78.32048
## LilacR1           0.6044799          17.40389             2.116095  79.87553
## LilacR2           0.6262090          17.52588             4.647679  77.20023
## LilacR3           0.6420304          35.53407             2.017368  61.80653
barplot(t(DF3),col=coul, las=2, ylab = "Percent of Bases")
legend(7, 95, legend = c(labels), col = c(coul), cex=0.8, pch = 19)

This script creates a barplot which displays an estimate of the fold coverage of the guppy genome for each DNA population sample. This is done by dividing the number of usable bases in each sample by the number of bases in the guppy genome. The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) Roadmap Epigenomics Project recommends the use of 2 replicates with a combined total coverage of 30×. Combining our 3 replicates, each of our light conditions easily surpass 30x coverage. These results indicate quality coverage of the guppy genome.

coverage <- UseableBP / 731622281
##    ClearR1    ClearR2    ClearR3 Foundation    GreenR1    GreenR2    GreenR3 
##   10.56060   22.61814   22.26969   49.81261   27.44119   22.98074   30.49470 
##    LilacR1    LilacR2    LilacR3 
##   27.26335   22.87964   17.06285
barplot(coverage, main = "Fold Coverage", horiz = TRUE, las = 1, xlim = c(0,50))

##Explanation of results These results tell us more about the quality of the sequencing/methylation profiling than methylation differences between the populations.

For example, the reason why we have so many foundation reads when compared to the light conditions is a deliberate sequencing choice rather than a difference between the samples. This is because we are trying to achieve satisfactory coverage of the genome in order have a greater probability of finding statistically significant results in our differential methylation analysis. As we have 3 replicates of each of the light conditions and only 1 foundation sample, it is important to have a greater number of foundation reads to meet these coverage requirements (the combined total of replicate reads is how we derive our statistical power).

This leads onto the differences in duplicate/unique reads between each of the light conditions and the foundation sample. The greater the number of total reads for a sample, the greater the percentage of duplicate reads for that sample. This is essentially because as we cover more of the genome in our sequencing, we are more likely to sequence regions of the genome that have already been sequenced, hence duplicate reads. This is likely the explanation as to why the foundation, green R1 and green R2 have more duplicate reads (they have more total reads).

The charts which depict CpH methylation, mtDNA methylation, lambda phage methylation and pUC19 plasmid methylation are only controls to provide evidence that the enzymatic methyl-seq kit and sequencing process worked well. mtDNA, lambda phage DNA and CpH methylation should all have either exactly or close to 0% methylation and the pUC19 plasmid should have 100% CpG methylation. Any deviations from this in our results are due to noise/inaccuracies. Whole methylome sequencing is not perfect so we expect small noise/inaccuracies.

The only one of these charts that may tell us something about differences in methylation between the light conditions and the foundation population is the chromosome 1 CpG methylation %. It is interesting that the foundation population has ~2% greater overall methylation when compared to the light condition populations. Because of this, I can’t rule out your speculation that methylation is reduced in order to allow faster evolutionary divergence in these populations. From speaking to Mark a while ago about changes in overall % of chromosomal methylation due to these experimental conditions, he said he did not expect to see significant differences, rather we would find the differences at individual loci (or differentially methylated regions on chromsomes).

Session information

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## R version 4.1.0 (2021-05-18)
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