
Yap KD profile



Gene sets

Here is the method we used to generate these gene sets. After ATAC-seq we had a list of peaks with reduced accessibility. Homer analysis was performed to identify the top 25 motifs in this peak set. Homer also outputs the locations of these motifs in the peaks. I mapped these motifs to promoters as well as enhancers with known target genes. The output was a set of genes where the regulatory element carries a binding site.

enh <- gmt_import("enhancer_motifs.gmt")
pro <- gmt_import("promoter_motifs.gmt")

Lets look at the make up of the gene set library. Reactome has more smaller sets while TFT targets has mostly 1000 genes.

## [1] 26
## [1] 26
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##     0.0    11.5    54.5   111.9   114.8   835.0
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##   0.000   1.000   2.000   5.769   6.750  35.000

7 day dataset

Here is the Yap knock-down data we generated previously (7 day dataset).

x <- read.table("paired-edgeR.xls",header=TRUE,row.names=1)
##                                 logFC    logCPM       LR       PValue
## ENSMUSG00000031880_Rrad      3.213046 3.8147728 97.23076 6.170060e-23
## ENSMUSG00000097418_Mir155hg  2.073579 5.4823122 67.78697 1.821492e-16
## ENSMUSG00000068614_Actc1    -1.191931 8.1779897 59.15924 1.454148e-14
## ENSMUSG00000023043_Krt18     2.668002 2.1851742 59.08167 1.512616e-14
## ENSMUSG00000053110_Yap1     -1.128658 5.6493272 58.21689 2.347550e-14
## ENSMUSG00000057400_Ces1c    -6.104755 0.7602132 38.15317 6.540352e-10
##                              adj.p.value Dispersion totreads  predLFC1
## ENSMUSG00000031880_Rrad     8.141394e-19 0.05215232     1041  3.177282
## ENSMUSG00000097418_Mir155hg 1.201729e-12 0.03796428     3341  2.068754
## ENSMUSG00000068614_Actc1    4.989743e-11 0.01638376    21540 -1.191579
## ENSMUSG00000023043_Krt18    4.989743e-11 0.03579011      324  2.572206
## ENSMUSG00000053110_Yap1     6.195184e-11 0.01355845     3716 -1.126844
## ENSMUSG00000057400_Ces1c    1.438332e-06 0.11883120      113 -4.319255
##                              predLFC3  predLFC5    Y_YAP1    Y_YAP2    Y_YAP3
## ENSMUSG00000031880_Rrad      3.099560  3.027000  4.414797  4.131310  5.188433
## ENSMUSG00000097418_Mir155hg  2.057827  2.047042  6.214675  6.702181  5.303606
## ENSMUSG00000068614_Actc1    -1.190775 -1.189973  6.965110  7.992973  7.331905
## ENSMUSG00000023043_Krt18     2.379678  2.218070  3.514757 -1.997335  3.493719
## ENSMUSG00000053110_Yap1     -1.122720 -1.118627  4.999306  4.578748  5.303606
## ENSMUSG00000057400_Ces1c    -2.846752 -2.233624 -5.633764 -3.367146 -5.633764
##                                   C_C1       C_C2      C_C3 Y_YAP1.1 Y_YAP2.1
## ENSMUSG00000031880_Rrad      2.1810119  0.9584748 0.8019469      254      228
## ENSMUSG00000097418_Mir155hg  3.5479142  4.2223398 4.2523728      885     1356
## ENSMUSG00000068614_Actc1     8.5485078  8.9090382 8.4132372     1489     3318
## ENSMUSG00000023043_Krt18     0.9170423 -3.2687604 0.6593102      136        3
## ENSMUSG00000053110_Yap1      6.1546449  6.0295060 6.0954641      381      311
## ENSMUSG00000057400_Ces1c    -5.6337641 -0.5373202 3.0967067        0        1
##                             Y_YAP3.1 C_C1.1 C_C2.1 C_C3.1
## ENSMUSG00000031880_Rrad          457     58     23     21
## ENSMUSG00000097418_Mir155hg      495    150    223    232
## ENSMUSG00000068614_Actc1        2020   4810   5749   4154
## ENSMUSG00000023043_Krt18         141     24      1     19
## ENSMUSG00000053110_Yap1          495    915    781    833
## ENSMUSG00000057400_Ces1c           0      0      8    104
sig <- subset(x,adj.p.value<0.05)
plot(x$logCPM, x$logFC, col="gray", xlab="logCPM",ylab="log2 fold change")
points(sig$logCPM, sig$logFC, col="red")

Here we will run the mitch package.

gt <-
gt$gn <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(x),"_"),"[[",2)

m <- mitch_import(x=x,DEtype="edger",geneTable=gt)
## The input is a single dataframe; one contrast only. Converting
##         it to a list for you.
## Note: Mean no. genes in input = 13195
## Note: no. genes in output = 13193
## Note: estimated proportion of input genes in output = 1
    res <- mitch_calc(x=m,genesets=pro,priority="effect")
    , file = "/dev/null", append = FALSE,
    type = c("output", "message"), split = FALSE)
## Note: Enrichments with large effect sizes may not be
##             statistically significant.
##                                  set setSize    pANOVA     s.dist p.adjustANOVA
## 1           motif2.motif.bed_PGR(NR)      12 0.2196094 0.20470121     0.4392189
## 2 motif7.motif.bed_NF1-halfsite(CTF)      15 0.6347389 0.07086558     0.6347389
    res <- mitch_calc(x=m,genesets=enh, priority="effect")
    , file = "/dev/null", append = FALSE,
    type = c("output", "message"), split = FALSE)
## Note: Enrichments with large effect sizes may not be
##             statistically significant.
##                                   set setSize     pANOVA       s.dist
## 9            motif21.motif.bed_PR(NR)      20 0.04048406 -0.264700524
## 14    motif5.motif.bed_Six1(Homeobox)      15 0.37263892  0.132989326
## 6        motif19.motif.bed_TGA1(bZIP)      61 0.07601755 -0.131467121
## 1       motif10.motif.bed_Mef2a(MADS)      47 0.12986664  0.127789053
## 2        motif11.motif.bed_Atf1(bZIP)      18 0.61922390  0.067678684
## 5         motif17.motif.bed_TEAD(TEA)      21 0.59188061  0.067603719
## 7     motif1.motif.bed_Six2(Homeobox)      80 0.33855160  0.061969038
## 13       motif4.motif.bed_GRE(NR),IR3      26 0.58561790 -0.061797851
## 17        motif8.motif.bed_TEAD4(TEA)      26 0.58561790 -0.061797851
## 15           motif6.motif.bed_ARE(NR)      63 0.45630445 -0.054321256
## 11           motif2.motif.bed_PGR(NR)     171 0.29884386 -0.046172873
## 3        motif12.motif.bed_TEAD2(TEA)      60 0.57494900 -0.041897002
## 10     motif23.motif.bed_bZIP50(bZIP)      65 0.64769129  0.032808325
## 12       motif3.motif.bed_GRE(NR),IR3      27 0.80531766 -0.027416297
## 16 motif7.motif.bed_NF1-halfsite(CTF)     511 0.30105725  0.026942049
## 4    motif14.motif.bed_Six4(Homeobox)     113 0.62396194  0.026743525
## 8        motif20.motif.bed_Atf2(bZIP)     325 0.88959168  0.004502044
##    p.adjustANOVA
## 9      0.6461492
## 14     0.7340501
## 6      0.6461492
## 1      0.7340501
## 2      0.7340501
## 5      0.7340501
## 7      0.7340501
## 13     0.7340501
## 17     0.7340501
## 15     0.7340501
## 11     0.7340501
## 3      0.7340501
## 10     0.7340501
## 12     0.8556500
## 16     0.7340501
## 4      0.7340501
## 8      0.8895917

28 day dataset

Here is the Yap knock-down data we generated previously (28 day dataset).

x <- read.table("edgeR_rna_LacZvsYap.xls",header=TRUE,row.names=1)
##                                   logFC    logCPM       LR       PValue
## ENSMUSG00000090556_Olfr753-ps1 2.902399 0.2753907 278.4418 1.641213e-62
## ENSMUSG00000020641_Rsad2       2.898768 0.4462312 266.5600 6.377743e-60
## ENSMUSG00000028874_Fgr         3.031279 1.3941254 258.6872 3.316488e-58
## ENSMUSG00000040264_Gbp2b       3.519186 1.4699838 256.2288 1.139138e-57
## ENSMUSG00000038037_Socs1       2.801552 0.7219252 256.6370 9.281046e-58
## ENSMUSG00000074896_Ifit3       3.026735 0.9071686 256.2250 1.141291e-57
##                                 adj.p.value       disp    Lacz.1    Lacz.2
## ENSMUSG00000090556_Olfr753-ps1 2.697498e-58 0.01898323  3.277764  2.513037
## ENSMUSG00000020641_Rsad2       5.241229e-56 0.01945147  5.861156  4.493704
## ENSMUSG00000028874_Fgr         1.816993e-54 0.02157487 22.126610 16.964305
## ENSMUSG00000040264_Gbp2b       3.126377e-54 0.03213525 12.758172  9.781594
## ENSMUSG00000038037_Socs1       3.126377e-54 0.01776111 12.075605  9.258276
## ENSMUSG00000074896_Ifit3       3.126377e-54 0.02256274 11.321296  8.679952
##                                   Lacz.3    Yap.1    Yap.2    Yap.3 sampleLacz
## ENSMUSG00000090556_Olfr753-ps1  4.158072 183.3558 126.7408 159.7393  -14.87752
## ENSMUSG00000020641_Rsad2        7.435284 205.4915 142.0417 179.0239  -14.77293
## ENSMUSG00000028874_Fgr         28.069145 388.7369 268.7062 338.6670  -14.27751
## ENSMUSG00000040264_Gbp2b       16.184629 423.2850 292.5868 368.7652  -14.53526
## ENSMUSG00000038037_Socs1       15.318746 243.7032 168.4547 212.3138  -14.55147
## ENSMUSG00000074896_Ifit3       14.361852 280.6797 194.0140 244.5277  -14.57815
##                                sampleYap
## ENSMUSG00000090556_Olfr753-ps1 -12.86573
## ENSMUSG00000020641_Rsad2       -12.76366
## ENSMUSG00000028874_Fgr         -12.17639
## ENSMUSG00000040264_Gbp2b       -12.09595
## ENSMUSG00000038037_Socs1       -12.60959
## ENSMUSG00000074896_Ifit3       -12.48018
sig <- subset(x,adj.p.value<0.05)
plot(x$logCPM, x$logFC, col="gray", xlab="logCPM",ylab="log2 fold change")
points(sig$logCPM, sig$logFC, col="red")

Here we will run the mitch package.

gt <-
gt$gn <- sapply(strsplit(rownames(x),"_"),"[[",2)

m <- mitch_import(x=x,DEtype="edger",geneTable=gt)
## The input is a single dataframe; one contrast only. Converting
##         it to a list for you.
## Note: Mean no. genes in input = 16436
## Note: no. genes in output = 16428
## Note: estimated proportion of input genes in output = 1
    res <- mitch_calc(x=m,genesets=pro,priority="effect")
    , file = "/dev/null", append = FALSE,
    type = c("output", "message"), split = FALSE)
## Note: Enrichments with large effect sizes may not be
##             statistically significant.
##                                  set setSize      pANOVA      s.dist
## 1       motif12.motif.bed_TEAD2(TEA)      12 0.018315723 -0.39333577
## 3 motif7.motif.bed_NF1-halfsite(CTF)      24 0.008878294 -0.30859851
## 2           motif2.motif.bed_PGR(NR)      15 0.653280281 -0.06699974
##   p.adjustANOVA
## 1    0.02747358
## 3    0.02663488
## 2    0.65328028
    mitch_report(res, "yap28d_pro.html")
    , file = "/dev/null", append = FALSE,
    type = c("output", "message"), split = FALSE)
## Dataset saved as " /tmp/RtmpObyPEv/./yap28d_pro.RData ".
## processing file: mitch.Rmd
## Contour plot does not apply to unidimensional analysis.
## output file: /mnt/bfx6/bfx/kevinwatt/homer_analysis/mz_2020/mitch/
## Output created: /tmp/RtmpObyPEv/mitch_report.html
    res <- mitch_calc(x=m,genesets=enh, priority="effect")
    , file = "/dev/null", append = FALSE,
    type = c("output", "message"), split = FALSE)
## Note: Enrichments with large effect sizes may not be
##             statistically significant.
##                                   set setSize       pANOVA       s.dist
## 9            motif21.motif.bed_PR(NR)      21 0.0080758144 -0.333931220
## 3        motif12.motif.bed_TEAD2(TEA)      68 0.0003226246 -0.252292176
## 13       motif4.motif.bed_GRE(NR),IR3      32 0.0610724885 -0.191350024
## 17        motif8.motif.bed_TEAD4(TEA)      32 0.0610724885 -0.191350024
## 5         motif17.motif.bed_TEAD(TEA)      21 0.1715652736  0.172368356
## 14    motif5.motif.bed_Six1(Homeobox)      21 0.2033339881  0.160381603
## 12       motif3.motif.bed_GRE(NR),IR3      34 0.1748999242 -0.134471722
## 7     motif1.motif.bed_Six2(Homeobox)      92 0.0736020785  0.107995678
## 4    motif14.motif.bed_Six4(Homeobox)     114 0.1083407443 -0.087132137
## 2        motif11.motif.bed_Atf1(bZIP)      22 0.4870277054  0.085617235
## 1       motif10.motif.bed_Mef2a(MADS)      51 0.3613695973  0.073911643
## 6        motif19.motif.bed_TGA1(bZIP)      66 0.4375630634 -0.055285158
## 10     motif23.motif.bed_bZIP50(bZIP)      70 0.4425514878 -0.053106387
## 11           motif2.motif.bed_PGR(NR)     186 0.3319571594  0.041308012
## 8        motif20.motif.bed_Atf2(bZIP)     337 0.3081332119 -0.032388306
## 15           motif6.motif.bed_ARE(NR)      73 0.7784406606  0.019055795
## 16 motif7.motif.bed_NF1-halfsite(CTF)     537 0.9257723473 -0.002360236
##    p.adjustANOVA
## 9    0.068644423
## 3    0.005484618
## 13   0.250247067
## 17   0.250247067
## 5    0.371662339
## 14   0.384075311
## 12   0.371662339
## 7    0.250247067
## 4    0.306965442
## 2    0.551964733
## 1    0.511940263
## 6    0.537383949
## 10   0.537383949
## 11   0.511940263
## 8    0.511940263
## 15   0.827093202
## 16   0.925772347
    mitch_report(res, "yap28d_enh.html")
    , file = "/dev/null", append = FALSE,
    type = c("output", "message"), split = FALSE)
## Dataset saved as " /tmp/RtmpObyPEv/./yap28d_enh.RData ".
## processing file: mitch.Rmd
## Contour plot does not apply to unidimensional analysis.
## output file: /mnt/bfx6/bfx/kevinwatt/homer_analysis/mz_2020/mitch/
## Output created: /tmp/RtmpObyPEv/mitch_report.html