
In this report, I will take you through a re-analysis methylation data first described by Kok et al (2015).

In their study, they analysed the DNA methylation patterns of 87 participants of aged 65-75 years with midly elevated Homocysteine levels. THese individuals were randomly asigned to take 400 μg folic acid and 500 μg vitamin B12 per day or a placebo during an intervention period of 2 years.

The platform used in the study is the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450k BeadChip assay. The authors used a pipeline based on DMRs (Peters et al, 2017), together with Benjamini-Hochberg(BH) procedure (Benjamini et al, 1995).

The methylation data have been deposited to NCBI GEO repository accession number GSE74548

The main conclusions from the original study were:

  • Long-term supplementation with folic acid and vitamin B12 resulted in DNA methylation changes in leukocytes of older persons.

  • A change in DNA methylation was observed to be different between the participants receiving folic acid and vitamin B12 versus placebo.

  • DNA methylation levels of several genomic loci were found to correlate to serum levels of either folate, vitamin B12, or plasma homocysteine.

  • Most prominent DNA methylation patterns associated with supplemental intake or status of B-vitamins are related to developmental processes as well as carcinogenesis.

The aim of this work is to;

  1. Asses the relationship between Homocysteine to DNA methylation patterns

  2. develop the analytical pipelines required for efficient re-analysis of 450K array data,

  3. to confirm that we are able to obtain differential methylation results that are similar to those obtained in the original study, and

  4. to critically evaluate the conclusions made in the original study.

Loading packages

These packackes will help us to perform vital steps such as normalisation, filtering, differential analysis, etc, and provide information about the array probe annotaions.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(dev = "png")


# Annotation
ann450k <- getAnnotation(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19)
myann <- data.frame(ann450k[,c("UCSC_RefGene_Name","Regulatory_Feature_Group")])
promoters <- grep("Prom",myann$Regulatory_Feature_Group)

Loading functions

These functions provide shortcuts to help with charts and other analysis. They will eventually be shoved into another Rscript or package but can stay here for now.

myranks<-function(x) {
  x$score <- sign(x$logFC)/log10(x$adj.P.Val)
  y <- x[,"score",drop=FALSE]
  y$rn <- x$Row.names

# heatmap for continuous data
heatmap_c<-function(dm,name,mx,n, groups) {
  my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))(25)
  topgenes <-  rownames(head(dm[order(dm$P.Value),],n))
  ss <- mx[which(rownames(mx) %in% topgenes),]
  mycols <- colorRampPalette(c("white","yellow", "orange", "red","darkred"))(n = length(groups))
  colCols <- mycols[order(groups)]
  heatmap.2(ss,scale="row",margin=c(10, 10),cexRow=0.6,trace="none",cexCol=0.4,
  ColSideColors=colCols ,  col=my_palette, main=name)

# heatmap for continuous data - topconfects
make_heatmap2_c <- function(confects,name,mx,n, groups) {
  topgenes <-  head(confects$table$name,n)
  my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))(25)
  ss <- mx[which(rownames(mx) %in% topgenes),]
  mycols <- colorRampPalette(c("white","yellow", "orange", "red","darkred"))(n = length(groups))
  colCols <- mycols[order(groups)]
  heatmap.2(ss,scale="row",margin=c(10, 10),cexRow=0.6,trace="none",cexCol=0.4,
  ColSideColors=colCols ,  col=my_palette, main=name)  

Data import

Data will be imported from GEO data base under the accession number-GSE74548

## Warning in dir.create("GSE74548"): 'GSE74548' already exists
# only download it if it is not present on the system
if ( !file.exists(ARRAY_SAMPLESHEET ) ) {
        destfile = DLFILE)

# only download it if it is not present on the system
if ( !dir.exists("GSE74548/IDAT") ) {
    destfile = ARRAY_DATA)
    untar(exdir = "GSE74548/IDAT", tarfile = ARRAY_DATA)

baseDir <- "GSE74548"
R.utils::gunzip("GSE74548/IDAT/GPL13534_HumanMethylation450_15017482_v.1.1.csv.gz",overwrite=TRUE, remove=FALSE)
targets <- read.metharray.sheet(baseDir,pattern="csv")
## [read.metharray.sheet] Found the following CSV files:
## [1] "GSE74548/IDAT/GPL13534_HumanMethylation450_15017482_v.1.1.csv"   
## [2] "GSE74548/IDAT/GPL13534_HumanMethylation450_15017482_v.1.1.csv.gz"
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Could not infer array name for file: GSE74548/IDAT/
## GPL13534_HumanMethylation450_15017482_v.1.1.csv
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Could not infer slide name for file: GSE74548/IDAT/
## GPL13534_HumanMethylation450_15017482_v.1.1.csv
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Could not infer array name for file: GSE74548/IDAT/
## GPL13534_HumanMethylation450_15017482_v.1.1.csv.gz
## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Could not infer slide name for file: GSE74548/IDAT/
## GPL13534_HumanMethylation450_15017482_v.1.1.csv.gz
if (! file.exists("GSE74548_series_matrix.txt.gz") ) { 
  download.file(URL,destfile = "GSE74548_series_matrix.txt.gz")
gse<- getGEO(filename = "GSE74548_series_matrix.txt.gz")
## ── Column specification ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## cols(
##   .default = col_double(),
##   ID_REF = col_character()
## )
## ℹ Use `spec()` for the full column specifications.
## File stored at:
## /tmp/RtmpXt1SCk/GPL13534.soft
## Warning: 65 parsing failures.
##    row     col           expected     actual         file
## 485513 SPOT_ID 1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE rs10796216 literal data
## 485514 SPOT_ID 1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE rs715359   literal data
## 485515 SPOT_ID 1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE rs1040870  literal data
## 485516 SPOT_ID 1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE rs10936224 literal data
## 485517 SPOT_ID 1/0/T/F/TRUE/FALSE rs213028   literal data
## ...... ....... .................. .......... ............
## See problems(...) for more details.
targets <- pData(phenoData(gse))
targets <- targets[order(rownames(targets)),]
mybase <- unique(gsub("_Red.idat.gz" ,"", gsub("_Grn.idat.gz", "" ,list.files("./GSE74548",pattern = "GSM",recursive = TRUE))))
mybase <- paste("GSE74548/", mybase, sep = "")
# sample number discrepancy. 311 IDAT FILES but GEO states 174 subjects.
gsm <-sapply(strsplit(mybase,"_"),"[[",1)
gsm <-gsub("GSE74548/IDAT/","",gsm)
#only using sampels described in meta data
targets$Basename<- mybase[which(gsm %in% rownames(targets))]
rgSet <- read.metharray.exp(targets = targets)
## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls
## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls

## Warning in readChar(con, nchars = n): truncating string with embedded nuls
##                                        title geo_accession
## GSM1922494  Buffy_Placebo_Baseline_Subject_1    GSM1922494
## GSM1922495 Buffy_Placebo_Follow-up_Subject_1    GSM1922495
## GSM1922496  Buffy_Placebo_Baseline_Subject_2    GSM1922496
## GSM1922497 Buffy_Placebo_Follow-up_Subject_2    GSM1922497
## GSM1922498  Buffy_Placebo_Baseline_Subject_3    GSM1922498
## GSM1922499 Buffy_Placebo_Follow-up_Subject_3    GSM1922499
##                           status submission_date last_update_date
## GSM1922494 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## GSM1922495 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## GSM1922496 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## GSM1922497 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## GSM1922498 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## GSM1922499 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016


mSet <- preprocessRaw(rgSet)
mSetSw <- SWAN(mSet,verbose=FALSE)
## [SWAN] Preparing normalization subset
## 450k
## [SWAN] Normalizing methylated channel
## [SWAN] Normalizing unmethylated channel
par(mfrow=c(1,2), cex=0.8)
densityByProbeType(mSet[,1], main = "Raw")
densityByProbeType(mSetSw[,1], main = "SWAN")
Figure 1. Normalisation of bead-array data with SWAN.

Figure 1. Normalisation of bead-array data with SWAN.

Filter probes

Here we are running parallel analyses, both including and excluding sex chromosomes.

# include sex chromosomes
detP <- detectionP(rgSet)
keep <- rowSums(detP < 0.01) == ncol(rgSet)
mSetSw <- mSetSw[keep,]

# exclude SNP probes
mSetSw <- mapToGenome(mSetSw)
mSetSw_nosnp <- dropLociWithSnps(mSetSw)
## [1] 446510    174
## [1] 432127    174
mSetSw <- mSetSw_nosnp

# exclude sex chromosomes
keep <- !(featureNames(mSetSw) %in% ann450k$Name[ann450k$chr %in% c("chrX","chrY")])
mSetFlt <- mSetSw[keep,]
## class: GenomicMethylSet 
## dim: 6 5 
## metadata(0):
## assays(2): Meth Unmeth
## rownames(6): cg13869341 cg14008030 ... cg00381604 cg20253340
## rowData names(0):
## colnames(5): GSM1922494_9373550096_R03C01 GSM1922495_9373550096_R04C01
##   GSM1922496_9374343071_R03C01 GSM1922497_9374343071_R04C01
##   GSM1922498_9374343068_R03C01
## colData names(57): title geo_accession ... Basename filenames
## Annotation
##   array: IlluminaHumanMethylation450k
##   annotation: ilmn12.hg19
## Preprocessing
##   Method: SWAN (based on a MethylSet 
##                                                     preprocessed as 'Raw (no normalization or bg correction)')
##   minfi version: 1.34.0
##   Manifest version: 0.4.0
## [1] 422374    174

Extracting Beta and M-values

# include sex chromosomes
meth <- getMeth(mSetSw)
unmeth <- getUnmeth(mSetSw)
Mval <- log2((meth + 100)/(unmeth + 100))
beta <- getBeta(mSetSw)

# exclude sex chromosomes
meth <- getMeth(mSetFlt)
unmeth <- getUnmeth(mSetFlt)
Mval_flt <- log2((meth + 100)/(unmeth + 100))
beta_flt <- getBeta(mSetFlt)

sex chromosome diagnostic


cgx<-rownames(Locations[which(Locations$chr %in% "chrX"),])
cgy<-rownames(Locations[which(Locations$chr %in% "chrY"),])

mvx<-Mval[which(rownames(Mval) %in% cgx),]
mvy<-Mval[which(rownames(Mval) %in% cgy),]

##  chr [1:80] "GSM1922496" "GSM1922497" "GSM1922504" "GSM1922505" ...

Mvalm<-Mval[,colnames(Mval) %in% targets_m]
Mvalf<-Mval[,colnames(Mval) %in% targets_f]

mvxm<-Mvalm[which(rownames(Mvalm) %in% cgx),]
mvym<-Mvalm[which(rownames(Mvalm) %in% cgy),]

mvxf<-Mvalf[which(rownames(Mvalf) %in% cgx),]
mvyf<-Mvalf[which(rownames(Mvalf) %in% cgy),]


text(colMeans(mvx),colMeans(mvy),labels = colnames(mvx),cex=0.75)

MDS analysis

[Multidimensional scaling( plot is a method used to identify the major sources of variation in a dataset. In the MDS plots below, I will be plotting the first two dimensions (principal components [PCs]), with each sample label coloured either by Hcy classification, sample group,age, folate levels and vitb12 levels.

We will begin with MDS analysis including the sex chromosomes and then exclude them.

First, let’s quantify the contribution of the major principal components. with a scree plot, so we can see whether most of the variation is captured in the first two PCs or whether it is spread over more PCs. As we can see in Figure 2, the main source of variation is what is shown in PC1, and a much lesser extent on the other dimensions. Interestingly, excluding sex chromosomes does not seem to change the relative contributions of PCs very much.

##                                        title geo_accession
## GSM1922494  Buffy_Placebo_Baseline_Subject_1    GSM1922494
## GSM1922495 Buffy_Placebo_Follow-up_Subject_1    GSM1922495
## GSM1922496  Buffy_Placebo_Baseline_Subject_2    GSM1922496
## GSM1922497 Buffy_Placebo_Follow-up_Subject_2    GSM1922497
## GSM1922498  Buffy_Placebo_Baseline_Subject_3    GSM1922498
## GSM1922499 Buffy_Placebo_Follow-up_Subject_3    GSM1922499
##                           status submission_date last_update_date
## GSM1922494 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## GSM1922495 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## GSM1922496 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## GSM1922497 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## GSM1922498 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## GSM1922499 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## [1] 174  56
targets$group <- factor(targets$source_name_ch1)
targets$sex <- factor(targets$`gender:ch1`)
colour_palette=brewer.pal(n = length(levels(targets$group)), name = "Paired")
colours <- colour_palette[as.integer(factor(targets$source_name_ch1))]
plot(1,axes = FALSE,xlab="",ylab="",main="treatment groups")
Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by targets groups

Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by targets groups

mydist <- plotMDS(Mval, labels=targets$geo_accession,col=colours,main="sex chromosomes included")
Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by targets groups

Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by targets groups

mydist_flt <- plotMDS(Mval_flt, labels=targets$geo_accession,col=colours,main="sex chromosomes excluded")
Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by targets groups

Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by targets groups

hcy<- targets$characteristics_ch1.10
hcy<-strsplit(as.character(targets$characteristics_ch1.10), " ")
hcy<-sapply(hcy, "[",5)
## Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
hist(hcy,breaks = 20,xlab = "hcy levels")

hcy_groups<-cut(hcy,breaks = c(0,10,16,30),labels = c("low","medium","high"))
## hcy_groups
##    low medium   high 
##     26    108     38
##                                        title geo_accession
## GSM1922494  Buffy_Placebo_Baseline_Subject_1    GSM1922494
## GSM1922495 Buffy_Placebo_Follow-up_Subject_1    GSM1922495
## GSM1922496  Buffy_Placebo_Baseline_Subject_2    GSM1922496
## GSM1922497 Buffy_Placebo_Follow-up_Subject_2    GSM1922497
## GSM1922498  Buffy_Placebo_Baseline_Subject_3    GSM1922498
## GSM1922499 Buffy_Placebo_Follow-up_Subject_3    GSM1922499
##                           status submission_date last_update_date
## GSM1922494 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## GSM1922495 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## GSM1922496 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## GSM1922497 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## GSM1922498 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
## GSM1922499 Public on Nov 16 2015     Oct 30 2015      Apr 25 2016
targets$sex <- factor(targets$`gender:ch1`)
targets$hcy_groups <- hcy_groups

colour_palette=brewer.pal(n = length(levels(sample_group)), name = "Paired")
colours <- colour_palette[as.integer(factor(hcy_groups))]
plot(1,axes = FALSE,xlab="",ylab="",main="hcy levels")
Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by homocysteine levels

Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by homocysteine levels

plotMDS(mydist, labels=targets$geo_accession,col=colours,main="sex chromosomes included")
Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by homocysteine levels

Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by homocysteine levels

plotMDS(mydist_flt, labels=targets$geo_accession,col=colours,main="sex chromosomes excluded")
Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by homocysteine levels

Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by homocysteine levels

age<- targets$characteristics_ch1.5
age<-strsplit(as.character(targets$characteristics_ch1.5), " ")
age<-sapply(age , "[",4)
hist(age,breaks = 20,xlab = "age levels")

age_groups<-cut(age,breaks = c(0,65,70,75),labels = c("old","older","oldest"))
## age_groups
##    old  older oldest 
##      8     62    104
targets$age <- factor(age_groups)
sample_group <-factor(age_groups)
colour_palette=brewer.pal(n = length(levels(sample_group)), name = "Paired")
colours <- colour_palette[as.integer(factor(age_groups))]
plot(1,axes = FALSE,xlab="",ylab="",main="age")
Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by age

Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by age

plotMDS(mydist, labels=targets$geo_accession,col=colours,main="sex chromosomes included")
Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by age

Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by age

plotMDS(mydist_flt,labels=targets$geo_accession,col=colours,main="sex chromosomes excluded")
Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by age

Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by age

folate_levels<- targets$characteristics_ch1.8
folate_levels<-strsplit(as.character(targets$characteristics_ch1.8), " ")
folate_levels<-sapply(folate_levels , "[",5)
hist(folate_levels,breaks = 20,xlab = "folate levels")

folate_levels<-cut(folate_levels,breaks = c(0,20,35,50,70,90),labels = c("lowest","low","medium","high","highest"))
## folate_levels
##  lowest     low  medium    high highest 
##      68      63      17      18       6
##   [1] low     low     low     low     low     low     low     low     low    
##  [10] lowest  lowest  lowest  lowest  low     low     low     lowest  lowest 
##  [19] low     medium  lowest  low     lowest  lowest  lowest  low     lowest 
##  [28] low     lowest  low     lowest  lowest  low     low     lowest  low    
##  [37] lowest  lowest  lowest  lowest  medium  medium  lowest  lowest  low    
##  [46] low     lowest  lowest  lowest  low     lowest  medium  lowest  lowest 
##  [55] lowest  lowest  lowest  medium  lowest  low     lowest  lowest  low    
##  [64] low     low     lowest  lowest  lowest  lowest  low     low     low    
##  [73] lowest  lowest  lowest  medium  low     low     lowest  low     low    
##  [82] low     lowest  low     low     low     lowest  low     lowest  medium 
##  [91] lowest  high    low     high    lowest  highest low     high    lowest 
## [100] medium  low     high    low     <NA>    low     high    lowest  highest
## [109] lowest  medium  lowest  low     lowest  highest lowest  medium  lowest 
## [118] low     low     high    low     high    low     highest lowest  medium 
## [127] lowest  medium  lowest  low     lowest  high    lowest  high    lowest 
## [136] highest lowest  high    lowest  medium  lowest  medium  low     low    
## [145] low     high    low     high    lowest  high    low     <NA>    lowest 
## [154] low     low     high    low     medium  low     high    lowest  medium 
## [163] lowest  medium  low     high    lowest  high    low     highest low    
## [172] low     lowest  high   
## Levels: lowest low medium high highest
targets$folate_levels <- folate_levels

colour_palette=brewer.pal(n = length(levels(sample_group)), name = "Paired")
colours <- colour_palette[as.integer(factor(targets$folate_levels))]
plot(1,axes = FALSE,xlab="",ylab="",main="Folate levels")
Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by folate levels

Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by folate levels

plotMDS(mydist, labels=targets$geo_accession,col=colours,main="sex chromosomes included")
Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by folate levels

Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by folate levels

plotMDS(mydist_flt, labels=targets$geo_accession,col=colours,main="sex chromosomes excluded")
Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by folate levels

Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by folate levels

vitb12_levels<- targets$characteristics_ch1.9
vitb12_levels<-strsplit(as.character(targets$characteristics_ch1.9), " ")
vitb12_levels<-sapply(vitb12_levels , "[",6)
hist(vitb12_levels,breaks = 20,xlab = "vitb12 levels")

vitb12_levels<-cut(vitb12_levels,breaks = c(100,300,500,700,900,1115),labels = c("lowest","low","medium","high","highest"))
## vitb12_levels
##  lowest     low  medium    high highest 
##      66      66      25       8       7
##   [1] low     medium  low     medium  low     medium  low     low     lowest 
##  [10] low     lowest  low     lowest  low     medium  medium  low     low    
##  [19] <NA>    <NA>    low     low     low     medium  lowest  lowest  low    
##  [28] low     lowest  lowest  low     low     lowest  lowest  lowest  lowest 
##  [37] lowest  lowest  low     low     lowest  lowest  low     low     low    
##  [46] low     lowest  lowest  low     low     lowest  lowest  lowest  lowest 
##  [55] low     low     lowest  lowest  lowest  lowest  lowest  lowest  low    
##  [64] low     low     lowest  lowest  lowest  lowest  lowest  low     low    
##  [73] lowest  lowest  low     highest low     low     lowest  lowest  low    
##  [82] low     lowest  lowest  low     low     lowest  high    low     highest
##  [91] medium  high    low     high    lowest  high    low     highest lowest 
## [100] low     medium  highest lowest  low     lowest  low     lowest  high   
## [109] lowest  medium  lowest  high    low     medium  lowest  medium  lowest 
## [118] low     lowest  medium  low     medium  lowest  medium  low     medium 
## [127] lowest  high    lowest  low     lowest  medium  lowest  low     lowest 
## [136] low     lowest  low     low     medium  low     high    lowest  low    
## [145] lowest  low     low     highest lowest  highest low     highest lowest 
## [154] medium  low     medium  lowest  low     lowest  low     low     medium 
## [163] lowest  low     lowest  medium  low     medium  lowest  low     medium 
## [172] medium  lowest  medium 
## Levels: lowest low medium high highest
targets$vitb12_levels <- vitb12_levels

colour_palette=brewer.pal(n = length(levels(sample_group)), name = "Paired")
colours <- colour_palette[as.integer(factor(targets$vitb12_levels))]
plot(1,axes = FALSE,xlab="",ylab="",main="vitb12 levels")
Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by vitaminb12 levels

Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by vitaminb12 levels

plotMDS(mydist, labels=targets$geo_accession,col=colours,main="sex chromosomes included")
Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by vitaminb12 levels

Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by vitaminb12 levels

plotMDS(mydist_flt, labels=targets$geo_accession,col=colours,main="sex chromosomes excluded")
Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by vitaminb12 levels

Figure 3. MDS plot coloured by vitaminb12 levels

Differential analysis

There are several differential contrasts that would be of interest to us in this study:

  • placebo(43) vs supplement(44) follow-up

  • placebo(43) vs supplement(44) Baseline

  • hcy levels(172)

  • folate levels(172)

  • vitb12 levels(172)

sex <- factor(samplesheet$`gender:ch1`)
age<-samplesheet$`age at baseline:ch1`

groups<-factor(samplesheet$source_name_ch1,levels = c("Buffy coat, placebo, follow-up","Buffy coat, FA/vB12, follow-up"))
mx <-Mval_flt
design <- model.matrix(~age+ sex +groups)
    mxs <- mx[,which(colnames(mx) %in% rownames(samplesheet) )]
    fit.reduced <- lmFit(mxs,design)
    fit.reduced <- eBayes(fit.reduced)
##        (Intercept)    age sexmale groupsBuffy coat, FA/vB12, follow-up
## Down        123901      0     476                                    0
## NotSig      152042 422374  421677                               422374
## Up          146431      0     221                                    0
    dm <- topTable(fit.reduced,coef=4, number = Inf)
    dma <- merge(myann,dm,by=0)
    dma1a <- dma[order(dma$P.Value),]
    head(dma1a, 50) %>% kbl() %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F) 
Row.names UCSC_RefGene_Name Regulatory_Feature_Group logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
194979 cg11922164 SYT15;SYT15 -0.3207440 3.0628125 -5.466346 0.0000004 0.1773779 2.8548096
272834 cg17055959 RB1 Promoter_Associated -0.2579878 -3.5523052 -4.466023 0.0000235 0.9999726 0.5484130
152845 cg09095400 MCF2L;MCF2L -0.2869663 3.0493159 -4.450392 0.0000249 0.9999726 0.5139563
1593 cg00079169 THOP1 -0.2949458 3.1762899 -4.427706 0.0000271 0.9999726 0.4640560
9038 cg00485312 RADIL 0.4223117 3.4557277 4.198764 0.0000638 0.9999726 -0.0322635
352431 cg22907174 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific -0.2805781 -3.7414555 -4.192707 0.0000652 0.9999726 -0.0452071
232944 cg14356440 MGAT5 -0.3155745 3.2499548 -4.090695 0.0000947 0.9999726 -0.2616689
35947 cg02007493 NUDT14 Unclassified -0.2196511 -3.7525626 -3.982487 0.0001397 0.9999726 -0.4880158
410445 cg26973953 GNPTG -0.3423116 5.9634321 -3.926533 0.0001704 0.9999726 -0.6036902
319979 cg20451722 MX1 Promoter_Associated -0.1704236 -3.3387503 -3.912364 0.0001791 0.9999726 -0.6328306
252841 cg15693572 -0.4953480 0.7570441 -3.906532 0.0001828 0.9999726 -0.6448044
270682 cg16895973 TOLLIP 0.3271528 2.6815052 3.888504 0.0001948 0.9999726 -0.6817596
410352 cg26966630 CBLN2 0.4046942 -2.9624521 3.883318 0.0001984 0.9999726 -0.6923708
151462 cg08998375 TBL3 -0.1874329 2.5281804 -3.874526 0.0002046 0.9999726 -0.7103394
67914 cg03852670 SLC10A4 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific -0.4424089 -0.8063450 -3.872034 0.0002064 0.9999726 -0.7154288
252505 cg15672304 GPX5;GPX5 -0.3355514 3.1090028 -3.848088 0.0002244 0.9999726 -0.7642308
315265 cg20089935 ANKLE2 -0.2949441 4.0151169 -3.822348 0.0002455 0.9999726 -0.8164874
93786 cg05392577 0.3460317 2.9111184 3.791762 0.0002730 0.9999726 -0.8783028
87552 cg05021312 CBFA2T2 Promoter_Associated -0.3001565 2.5124807 -3.787561 0.0002770 0.9999726 -0.8867700
140100 cg08267701 TOMM40;TOMM40;TOMM40 Promoter_Associated -0.1740473 -3.1041199 -3.785859 0.0002786 0.9999726 -0.8901981
254727 cg15828427 FBXW9 Unclassified -0.2557794 0.5824044 -3.784076 0.0002803 0.9999726 -0.8937900
164936 cg09887667 NEDD4 -0.4014011 -3.2160336 -3.760417 0.0003041 0.9999726 -0.9413380
21032 cg01142579 -0.3264804 3.3291150 -3.754200 0.0003107 0.9999726 -0.9538023
326613 cg20954533 MAP1B -0.4630739 -0.6714320 -3.752344 0.0003127 0.9999726 -0.9575208
364010 cg23712359 ZEB1;ZEB1;ZEB1;ZEB1;ZEB1 Promoter_Associated -0.2990705 -3.4093399 -3.746015 0.0003196 0.9999726 -0.9701918
336712 cg21697812 C11orf91 Promoter_Associated -0.3423609 0.5137633 -3.723449 0.0003453 0.9999726 -1.0152639
277727 cg17396852 PIK3CG -0.3188207 3.6582971 -3.722313 0.0003466 0.9999726 -1.0175285
333613 cg21478490 PROP1;PROP1 -0.3935315 1.1517228 -3.703347 0.0003698 0.9999726 -1.0552709
268481 cg16728323 RAB20 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific -0.2564711 3.0509414 -3.686191 0.0003921 0.9999726 -1.0893075
122362 cg07162820 NFATC4;NFATC4 Unclassified -0.2654847 -1.0260086 -3.685136 0.0003935 0.9999726 -1.0913986
50638 cg02852873 CNDP2 Promoter_Associated -0.1405710 -2.0239166 -3.677300 0.0004041 0.9999726 -1.1069091
49484 cg02779707 TAP2;TAP2 Promoter_Associated -0.2906797 -3.3337094 -3.675729 0.0004063 0.9999726 -1.1100152
148894 cg08837481 -0.2429505 3.3511260 -3.659913 0.0004287 0.9999726 -1.1412487
148880 cg08836615 0.2866996 3.5243889 3.656941 0.0004330 0.9999726 -1.1471082
344371 cg22304399 CACNA1A;CACNA1A Unclassified -0.2778105 -3.1805269 -3.656575 0.0004335 0.9999726 -1.1478298
363253 cg23666491 -0.2106844 2.6152030 -3.647054 0.0004477 0.9999726 -1.1665811
97120 cg05616472 EHMT1;C9orf37;EHMT1 Promoter_Associated -0.2810570 -2.0786060 -3.644458 0.0004517 0.9999726 -1.1716876
278934 cg17479060 -0.2713071 4.3397625 -3.642974 0.0004539 0.9999726 -1.1746065
149010 cg08844849 SIGLEC10;SIGLEC10;SIGLEC10;SIGLEC10;SIGLEC10;SIGLEC10;SIGLEC10 -0.2787876 1.6726163 -3.630757 0.0004730 0.9999726 -1.1986016
370682 cg24181389 RPTOR;RPTOR Gene_Associated_Cell_type_specific -0.2990377 3.1769511 -3.626237 0.0004803 0.9999726 -1.2074667
258173 cg16066221 CCDC55 -0.1864558 3.3357653 -3.614383 0.0004998 0.9999726 -1.2306821
142022 cg08391356 Promoter_Associated -0.1719292 -3.0256092 -3.596706 0.0005303 0.9999726 -1.2652110
286363 cg18034329 RABEP1;RABEP1 Promoter_Associated -0.2069383 -3.1698977 -3.594818 0.0005337 0.9999726 -1.2688918
260886 cg16258224 -0.3390869 2.2013619 -3.593741 0.0005356 0.9999726 -1.2709919
176620 cg10645648 HLA-DQA2 0.7923688 2.1099234 3.592603 0.0005377 0.9999726 -1.2732096
26385 cg01448562 -0.7166918 3.4088542 -3.592207 0.0005384 0.9999726 -1.2739815
254925 cg15840079 TMEM132A;TMEM132A Unclassified -0.2209829 -2.1738729 -3.585705 0.0005502 0.9999726 -1.2866452
238741 cg14686845 AGPAT5 Promoter_Associated -0.1488296 -3.1824300 -3.581915 0.0005572 0.9999726 -1.2940191
116523 cg06837179 -0.2189942 3.4386469 -3.576507 0.0005674 0.9999726 -1.3045315
375993 cg24571822 CUBN -0.2526041 -0.0494196 -3.575795 0.0005687 0.9999726 -1.3059156

confects <- limma_confects(fit.reduced, coef=3, fdr=0.05)
head(confects$table, 50) %>% kbl() %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
rank index confect effect AveExpr name
1 176632 -2.333 -2.6106572 1.9338004 cg04462931
2 324814 -2.062 -2.4477398 2.6338863 cg23719534
3 265197 -2.062 -2.4664538 1.9332521 cg19097082
4 53347 -1.747 -2.0612973 2.2559876 cg11955727
5 322235 1.737 2.2513803 -2.9627509 cg10631453
6 297838 -1.690 -2.2777656 -2.3976297 cg00804338
7 53343 -1.630 -1.8504308 1.7317535 cg17765025
8 313251 1.322 1.9402360 -3.4657220 cg18382982
9 188638 -1.263 -1.5338367 2.1606074 cg00399683
10 273633 -1.223 -1.6332701 -2.2493411 cg03691818
11 65789 -1.182 -1.4238288 -1.8746964 cg16218221
12 229722 -1.150 -1.7972848 -1.8429331 cg00167275
13 176630 -1.111 -1.3971690 2.3086541 cg12949927
14 75042 -1.057 -1.4369829 3.0685724 cg11643285
15 337459 1.049 1.3643271 1.3583188 cg04946709
16 288528 -0.989 -1.6027117 -2.4907581 cg06710937
17 410835 0.938 1.2718301 -3.6278295 cg17612569
18 271146 -0.849 -1.1995992 0.8388355 cg08037478
19 81288 -0.841 -1.2064637 -2.7222487 cg20891225
20 41029 0.830 1.2424089 -1.1176724 cg27540865
21 41027 0.817 1.1883675 -1.1948976 cg12691488
22 128407 -0.767 -1.2338993 -0.6901004 cg17226602
23 211995 -0.764 -1.0484054 -0.6102350 cg20926353
24 41030 0.724 1.2096172 -1.6754531 cg00500229
25 297839 -0.682 -1.0369250 -3.2268420 cg23778841
26 75043 -0.680 -0.9668562 2.1577334 cg17238319
27 193178 -0.679 -0.9970399 3.2672881 cg17307919
28 254009 0.650 0.9537902 -3.1522686 cg25294185
29 148854 -0.644 -1.0049727 -2.2345692 cg24919522
30 188640 -0.638 -0.8976680 2.3285756 cg26914004
31 128405 -0.638 -0.9248432 -0.8211230 cg23950473
32 51691 -0.620 -0.9436641 -3.9231560 cg09725915
33 370423 -0.615 -0.8623628 -3.4274711 cg22345911
34 306304 -0.614 -0.9532107 -4.1372058 cg22794378
35 30377 -0.609 -1.0762909 -0.4168573 cg20746702
36 322236 0.606 0.9355076 -1.7955885 cg13150977
37 250856 -0.606 -0.9335363 -2.3648054 cg17232883
38 75095 -0.579 -1.0354956 2.2786920 cg03911306
39 211998 -0.562 -0.8203861 -1.6154218 cg08656326
40 115950 -0.557 -0.8936860 0.0713273 cg15633893
41 179533 -0.543 -0.8228527 -3.9376350 cg17743279
42 250857 -0.532 -0.8675442 -2.4132395 cg04858776
43 141981 -0.530 -0.7785561 1.6107933 cg00774458
44 352937 -0.526 -0.8703237 2.0761655 cg20299935
45 209663 -0.478 -0.7917411 -3.7467034 cg02908189
46 211996 -0.475 -0.8194767 -1.5026645 cg14095100
47 101058 -0.474 -0.9607986 -3.4157721 cg09067967
48 52402 0.446 0.8099304 -4.6534035 cg06642617
49 211994 -0.433 -0.7404246 -1.0028903 cg06358300
50 270960 0.429 1.1496584 -2.0488483 cg20248611
colCols <- as.numeric(as.factor(groups))

make_volcano(dma1a,name = "placebo_vs_supplement_follow-up(sex,age)",mx=Mval_flt)

make_beeswarms(dm=dma1a ,name="placebo_vs_supplement_follow-up(sex,age)" , mx=beta_flt , groups=groups , n= 15)

make_beeswarms_confects(confects = confects ,name="placebo_vs_supplement_follow-up(sex,age)" , mx=beta_flt , groups=groups , n= 15)

make_heatmap(dm=dma1a , name="placebo_vs_supplement_baseline(sex,age)" , mx=mxs ,n = 50, groups=groups)

make_heatmap2(confects = confects , name="placebo_vs_supplement_baseline(sex,age)",mx=mxs ,n = 50, groups=groups)

sex <- factor(samplesheet$`gender:ch1`)
age<-samplesheet$`age at baseline:ch1`
##  [1] 73 73 72 72 75 74 69 74 75 73 69 75 72 72 74 72 71 74 65 67 67 69 65 68 72
## [26] 75 75 71 73 70 71 71 73 67 70 66 72 66 70 73 69 66 75 74 68 75 70 75 67 65
## [51] 72 72 75 71 74 72 73 71 71 72 69 75 73 70 73 69 68 66 66 73 73 74 74 70 70
## [76] 70 67 66 73 71 72 65 74 70 71 67 69
groups<-factor(samplesheet$source_name_ch1,levels = c("Buffy coat, placebo, baseline","Buffy coat, FA/vB12, baseline"))
mx <-Mval_flt
design <- model.matrix(~age+ sex +groups)
    mxs <- mx[,which(colnames(mx) %in% rownames(samplesheet) )]
    fit.reduced <- lmFit(mxs,design)
    fit.reduced <- eBayes(fit.reduced)
##        (Intercept)    age sexmale groupsBuffy coat, FA/vB12, baseline
## Down        127995      0     691                                   0
## NotSig      149128 422374  421505                              422374
## Up          145251      0     178                                   0
    dm <- topTable(fit.reduced,coef=4, number = Inf)
    dma <- merge(myann,dm,by=0)
    dma2a <- dma[order(dma$P.Value),]
    head(dma2a, 50) %>% kbl() %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Row.names UCSC_RefGene_Name Regulatory_Feature_Group logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
11210 cg00596687 C20orf166;MIR1-1 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific 0.4059493 3.6530802 4.738182 0.0000082 0.6442329 1.5839252
413732 cg27194173 ADK;ADK -0.1991879 1.6428078 -4.708564 0.0000092 0.6442329 1.5111224
211353 cg13109300 DHH;DHH Unclassified_Cell_type_specific -0.3865678 -3.6526576 -4.662703 0.0000110 0.6442329 1.3988109
100548 cg05839533 KRT36 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific -0.3693614 2.5981589 -4.606993 0.0000136 0.6442329 1.2630697
225839 cg13972202 HLA-DRB5 -0.6535618 0.9934635 -4.484811 0.0000218 0.6442329 0.9681296
173035 cg10417218 MT1DP;MT1DP Unclassified -0.2437147 -0.3404724 -4.445310 0.0000253 0.6442329 0.8736202
249744 cg15475272 CCDC40 -0.3161184 2.4786898 -4.426963 0.0000272 0.6442329 0.8298660
212267 cg13181164 MEIS2;MEIS2;MEIS2;MEIS2;MEIS2;MEIS2;MEIS2 -0.4317426 -1.3377767 -4.421056 0.0000278 0.6442329 0.8158000
254481 cg15815117 LOC100240726 -0.1884227 -0.1043439 -4.416163 0.0000283 0.6442329 0.8041546
169388 cg10175334 Unclassified -0.4090550 -2.4892256 -4.407784 0.0000292 0.6442329 0.7842278
44348 cg02490736 FOXF2 -0.4212099 -2.1707514 -4.392464 0.0000309 0.6442329 0.7478453
94014 cg05407003 Gene_Associated -0.3813003 0.7027350 -4.388086 0.0000315 0.6442329 0.7374616
318725 cg20355486 EMILIN1 -0.3106138 3.3857791 -4.380245 0.0000324 0.6442329 0.7188758
415870 cg27338353 Promoter_Associated_Cell_type_specific -0.4186821 -0.0083816 -4.374199 0.0000332 0.6442329 0.7045543
152554 cg09073838 SS18L1 -0.3786977 3.8238329 -4.368680 0.0000339 0.6442329 0.6914942
27324 cg01508600 -0.1731648 0.8059384 -4.359292 0.0000351 0.6442329 0.6692943
114206 cg06710082 HCG9 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific -0.2377063 -1.8458535 -4.348344 0.0000365 0.6442329 0.6434376
23420 cg01282174 -0.6082823 -1.7803390 -4.313454 0.0000416 0.6442329 0.5612625
287842 cg18128914 LOXL1 -0.5179633 0.3381472 -4.311807 0.0000419 0.6442329 0.5573914
410941 cg27005487 TBX2 Unclassified -0.3160104 2.1006932 -4.287003 0.0000460 0.6442329 0.4992007
420048 cg27624471 NFATC1;NFATC1;NFATC1;NFATC1 -0.6632060 0.1888122 -4.270459 0.0000489 0.6442329 0.4604866
353401 cg22977745 NCOR2;NCOR2 -0.3235785 1.9088217 -4.270219 0.0000489 0.6442329 0.4599244
291802 cg18403480 EXOG;EXOG Promoter_Associated -0.3214085 -4.2495188 -4.246573 0.0000534 0.6442329 0.4047337
138657 cg08180624 -0.2018448 0.1740520 -4.225225 0.0000578 0.6442329 0.3550512
65298 cg03694279 Unclassified -0.3691578 0.5948213 -4.223948 0.0000581 0.6442329 0.3520820
55328 cg03114585 HSPC157;HSPC157 Promoter_Associated -0.3182290 -3.5355408 -4.214670 0.0000601 0.6442329 0.3305370
93046 cg05353710 SESN2 -0.4312160 -5.1117417 -4.214614 0.0000601 0.6442329 0.3304066
104202 cg06061536 ULK4 -0.3701378 2.8049169 -4.207298 0.0000617 0.6442329 0.3134360
258939 cg16121929 PITPNC1;PITPNC1 -0.2931360 -4.7362646 -4.197012 0.0000641 0.6442329 0.2896006
140967 cg08319130 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific -0.3699686 -2.2397584 -4.185729 0.0000668 0.6442329 0.2634951
35463 cg01977082 COX6C Promoter_Associated -0.4569839 -2.5237696 -4.178562 0.0000686 0.6442329 0.2469311
233717 cg14404746 RNF208 -0.2194124 -0.1769275 -4.177486 0.0000689 0.6442329 0.2444456
6731 cg00361017 PDE10A;PDE10A -0.2563714 0.6908272 -4.177020 0.0000690 0.6442329 0.2433692
156392 cg09323400 DTX1 -0.3423220 2.7074468 -4.161551 0.0000730 0.6442329 0.2076830
82061 cg04695077 -0.3372263 -1.5883073 -4.135535 0.0000803 0.6442329 0.1478306
296555 cg18743464 Unclassified -0.5215313 2.1601806 -4.125626 0.0000833 0.6442329 0.1250899
309294 cg19683073 SERINC5 -0.2678489 2.4856089 -4.117220 0.0000859 0.6442329 0.1058224
92275 cg05308617 ARMC8;ARMC8;ARMC8 Promoter_Associated -0.2484864 -4.2442040 -4.105819 0.0000895 0.6442329 0.0797262
285237 cg17955329 DTX1 -0.2411715 2.8839041 -4.093041 0.0000937 0.6442329 0.0505278
236466 cg14555733 -0.3029664 0.5697251 -4.091771 0.0000942 0.6442329 0.0476282
326818 cg20967819 GALNTL4 -0.2599536 2.8674794 -4.089703 0.0000949 0.6442329 0.0429093
213484 cg13270163 -0.2190285 2.8917139 -4.085945 0.0000962 0.6442329 0.0343343
266277 cg16594165 MPZL2;MPZL2 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific -0.3858430 -2.2235659 -4.082617 0.0000973 0.6442329 0.0267469
103740 cg06028917 C3orf67 Promoter_Associated -0.3121932 -0.0620771 -4.067771 0.0001027 0.6442329 -0.0070645
365617 cg23846955 -0.2524743 2.3001638 -4.059978 0.0001056 0.6442329 -0.0247818
86548 cg04960798 -0.1664954 1.6728883 -4.059500 0.0001058 0.6442329 -0.0258692
68276 cg03875632 WBP1;INO80B Promoter_Associated -0.2112879 -2.8856104 -4.039237 0.0001138 0.6442329 -0.0718456
371725 cg24272254 ADAP1 -0.2236222 2.3486922 -4.033549 0.0001162 0.6442329 -0.0847277
340332 cg21983151 C7orf10;C7orf11 Promoter_Associated -0.2907522 -1.4836878 -4.032546 0.0001166 0.6442329 -0.0869990
159443 cg09520904 CCND1 -0.3600314 -1.2963369 -4.030591 0.0001174 0.6442329 -0.0914219

confects <- limma_confects(fit.reduced, coef=3, fdr=0.05)
head(confects$table, 50) %>% kbl() %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
rank index confect effect AveExpr name
1 176632 -2.069 -2.5308948 1.8153693 cg04462931
2 324814 -1.924 -2.3901657 2.5704202 cg23719534
3 265197 -1.825 -2.3179009 1.7666283 cg19097082
4 53347 -1.627 -2.0152874 2.2588835 cg11955727
5 297838 -1.459 -2.1126372 -2.3760004 cg00804338
6 53343 -1.459 -1.7822655 1.6546291 cg17765025
7 313251 1.353 1.9560341 -3.4556757 cg18382982
8 322235 1.326 2.0703602 -2.8667410 cg10631453
9 229722 -1.314 -1.9590167 -1.9006382 cg00167275
10 188638 -1.280 -1.5916747 2.1139101 cg00399683
11 273633 -1.215 -1.5716343 -2.2998759 cg03691818
12 176630 -1.182 -1.4781893 2.2488355 cg12949927
13 65789 -1.104 -1.3711675 -1.8855545 cg16218221
14 75042 -1.067 -1.4025925 2.9989938 cg11643285
15 271146 -0.903 -1.2722945 0.8231207 cg08037478
16 41029 0.839 1.2921667 -1.0983490 cg27540865
17 337459 0.834 1.2015393 1.3519899 cg04946709
18 41030 0.831 1.2401525 -1.7041248 cg00500229
19 211995 -0.784 -1.0530178 -0.6383195 cg20926353
20 410835 0.767 1.1544876 -3.6688186 cg17612569
21 288528 -0.767 -1.3865263 -2.5038099 cg06710937
22 41027 0.756 1.1034492 -1.2247305 cg12691488
23 193178 -0.705 -1.0437069 3.1400423 cg17307919
24 81288 -0.696 -1.0416062 -2.7419348 cg20891225
25 128407 -0.696 -1.1849110 -0.7804492 cg17226602
26 51691 -0.696 -1.0261359 -4.0406337 cg09725915
27 75043 -0.661 -0.9955372 2.0857061 cg17238319
28 148854 -0.640 -1.0208063 -2.2749837 cg24919522
29 322236 0.624 0.9247093 -1.7877385 cg13150977
30 128405 -0.623 -0.9229669 -0.8390964 cg23950473
31 370423 -0.613 -0.8568102 -3.3521714 cg22345911
32 211998 -0.609 -0.8497801 -1.6623215 cg08656326
33 188640 -0.609 -0.8731885 2.2808284 cg26914004
34 211996 -0.579 -0.8960249 -1.5422363 cg14095100
35 254009 0.567 0.8662377 -3.1578103 cg25294185
36 297839 -0.563 -0.9042795 -3.1711853 cg23778841
37 141981 -0.540 -0.8139520 1.5726483 cg00774458
38 211997 -0.506 -0.8416898 -2.1471700 cg07852945
39 115950 -0.494 -0.8053672 0.1431798 cg15633893
40 250856 -0.477 -0.7752258 -2.4110580 cg17232883
41 306304 -0.475 -0.8509578 -4.1331163 cg22794378
42 306409 0.463 0.7550899 1.1329100 cg02325951
43 30377 -0.462 -0.9472634 -0.3470653 cg20746702
44 179533 -0.460 -0.7133119 -3.9566762 cg17743279
45 410648 -0.444 -0.7713124 3.6187520 cg13421194
46 75095 -0.427 -0.8754085 2.2035361 cg03911306
47 280053 -0.418 -0.6859080 -2.2437268 cg12900929
48 250857 -0.418 -0.7621414 -2.4491943 cg04858776
49 390794 0.415 0.7097186 2.1720955 cg12184120
50 252620 0.404 0.9775862 4.4049186 cg21963048
make_volcano(dma2a,name = "placebo_vs_supplement_baseline(sex,age)",mx=Mval_flt)

make_beeswarms(dm=dma2a ,name="placebo_vs_supplement_baseline(sex,age)" , mx=beta_flt , groups=groups , n= 15)

make_beeswarms_confects(confects = confects ,name="placebo_vs_supplement_baseline(sex,age)" , mx=beta_flt , groups=groups , n= 15)

make_heatmap(dm=dma2a , name="plb_supl_baseline" , mx=mxs ,n = 50, groups=groups)

make_heatmap2(confects = confects , name="placebo_vs_supplement_baseline(sex,age)",mx=mxs ,n = 50, groups=groups)

hcy<- samplesheet$characteristics_ch1.10
hcy<-strsplit(as.character(samplesheet$characteristics_ch1.10), " ")

hcy<-sapply(hcy, "[",5)

hcy<- as.numeric(hcy)
## Warning: NAs introduced by coercion

groups<-cut(hcy,breaks = c(0,10,16,30),labels = c("low","medium","high"))

sex <- factor(samplesheet$`gender:ch1`)
## [1] "factor"
age<-samplesheet$`age at baseline:ch1`
mx <-Mval_flt
name="hcy_levels "

design <- model.matrix(~ age+ sex + groups)
mxs <- mx[,which( colnames(mx) %in% rownames(samplesheet) )]
fit.reduced <- lmFit(mxs,design)
    fit.reduced <- eBayes(fit.reduced)
##        (Intercept)    age sexmale groups
## Down        152122    456    8475      0
## NotSig       78604 421882  409392 422374
## Up          191648     36    4507      0
    dm <- topTable(fit.reduced,coef=4, number = Inf)
    dma <- merge(myann,dm,by=0)
    dma3a <- dma[order(dma$P.Value),]
    head(dma3a, 50) %>% kbl() %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Row.names UCSC_RefGene_Name Regulatory_Feature_Group logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
85619 cg04905210 POLR3D -0.2909751 -2.8181289 -5.371887 2.00e-07 0.1046320 5.870238
156642 cg09338148 Unclassified -0.2931696 -1.1596550 -5.108807 8.00e-07 0.1790773 4.858988
74666 cg04247967 -0.2088138 3.1729506 -5.007905 1.30e-06 0.1892859 4.480509
110052 cg06458106 -0.1899343 1.6656045 -4.777115 3.80e-06 0.2366578 3.635174
402095 cg26425904 OCA2 Unclassified -0.2521839 -4.0202814 -4.734540 4.50e-06 0.2366578 3.482404
162975 cg09762242 SIPA1;SIPA1 Promoter_Associated -0.2087797 -2.5239477 -4.718052 4.90e-06 0.2366578 3.423509
307961 cg19590707 SLC16A3;SLC16A3;SLC16A3 Promoter_Associated -0.2467008 -1.2356286 -4.708482 5.10e-06 0.2366578 3.389395
64125 cg03622371 P2RY6;P2RY6;P2RY6;P2RY6 Unclassified -0.2431608 -1.6675739 -4.682883 5.70e-06 0.2366578 3.298398
177978 cg10746622 PRSSL1 -0.1979079 1.5566666 -4.682073 5.70e-06 0.2366578 3.295523
185437 cg11257888 RCAN3 0.2789381 0.4854828 4.669664 6.00e-06 0.2366578 3.251550
271668 cg16971827 CBL Gene_Associated_Cell_type_specific 0.3011052 1.7634117 4.640064 6.80e-06 0.2366578 3.147010
143226 cg08469255 DDR1;DDR1 Unclassified 0.2427084 1.4992731 4.630262 7.10e-06 0.2366578 3.112500
327265 cg20997993 Unclassified -0.2453986 1.9607420 -4.625325 7.30e-06 0.2366578 3.095137
419067 cg27557428 Unclassified -0.2797007 -2.1746243 -4.582311 8.80e-06 0.2632014 2.944469
9200 cg00493755 LYRM5;CASC1;CASC1;LYRM5;CASC1 Promoter_Associated -0.2460229 -4.0903750 -4.559036 9.70e-06 0.2632014 2.863381
253594 cg15742245 CD177 -0.2552377 1.9001641 -4.529286 1.10e-05 0.2632014 2.760189
270472 cg16879574 NHLRC1 Promoter_Associated -0.2482200 -1.5623319 -4.522584 1.13e-05 0.2632014 2.737016
357413 cg23248150 TLL1 -0.2469338 -1.5131333 -4.518951 1.15e-05 0.2632014 2.724461
50486 cg02845204 KRTAP5-9 -0.3078736 -0.4130480 -4.511190 1.18e-05 0.2632014 2.697673
352974 cg22948808 DGKZ -0.2887675 -0.3387494 -4.491734 1.29e-05 0.2688694 2.630667
69420 cg03946955 LMNA;LMNA;LMNA Unclassified_Cell_type_specific -0.1821841 -2.3265557 -4.462849 1.45e-05 0.2688694 2.531597
347332 cg22537604 CD177 -0.3160844 1.0723564 -4.449111 1.54e-05 0.2688694 2.484650
250246 cg15516314 RTL1;MIR431;MIR433 0.2388790 2.9473348 4.446169 1.56e-05 0.2688694 2.474609
24498 cg01345727 NEK3;NEK3;NEK3;NEK3 Promoter_Associated_Cell_type_specific -0.2348001 1.6307342 -4.440824 1.59e-05 0.2688694 2.456385
53925 cg03032053 MICALL2 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific -0.1589026 0.3925761 -4.438674 1.60e-05 0.2688694 2.449057
303786 cg19284277 SLC16A3;SLC16A3;SLC16A3 -0.2454879 -1.8224276 -4.426545 1.69e-05 0.2688694 2.407775
230154 cg14204064 ZNF8 Promoter_Associated -0.2742361 -3.0217711 -4.409907 1.81e-05 0.2688694 2.351285
363149 cg23659250 BRD1;LOC90834 -0.2585163 0.6609813 -4.405756 1.84e-05 0.2688694 2.337218
260364 cg16223079 PPCDC Unclassified_Cell_type_specific -0.2583710 -1.8110113 -4.384839 2.01e-05 0.2688694 2.266483
14297 cg00772000 NHLRC1 Promoter_Associated -0.2609967 -1.8483604 -4.380251 2.05e-05 0.2688694 2.251002
297698 cg18817487 HAL -0.3790407 -1.7717583 -4.379371 2.05e-05 0.2688694 2.248035
92215 cg05305327 CBFA2T2;CBFA2T2;CBFA2T2 0.2043839 2.3923169 4.378931 2.06e-05 0.2688694 2.246551
410157 cg26954174 NOD2 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific -0.3115589 -1.8832771 -4.373779 2.10e-05 0.2688694 2.229186
144037 cg08521073 HRK -0.2359101 -2.1676858 -4.349141 2.32e-05 0.2888284 2.146366
267311 cg16659510 BANP;BANP Promoter_Associated_Cell_type_specific -0.2229223 2.5750260 -4.329877 2.52e-05 0.2967083 2.081862
144250 cg08533162 ERI3 -0.2850556 -0.7612482 -4.292731 2.93e-05 0.2967083 1.958109
252328 cg15657641 -0.3035536 -1.6322671 -4.289817 2.96e-05 0.2967083 1.948437
2751 cg00138407 KLHL18 -0.2323776 1.3715433 -4.288322 2.98e-05 0.2967083 1.943476
99796 cg05788125 -0.2131635 0.5936882 -4.264690 3.28e-05 0.2967083 1.865242
19616 cg01063280 -0.2672720 1.0662597 -4.263833 3.29e-05 0.2967083 1.862409
15211 cg00822241 FUT2;FUT2 -0.2399254 -1.0038568 -4.248947 3.50e-05 0.2967083 1.813312
416671 cg27392804 -0.2130157 -2.0726691 -4.239815 3.63e-05 0.2967083 1.783256
375956 cg24568579 Unclassified -0.2436754 -1.2119162 -4.239736 3.63e-05 0.2967083 1.782996
302646 cg19203575 ZNF323;ZKSCAN3;ZNF323 -0.1782436 -0.8064745 -4.234647 3.71e-05 0.2967083 1.766271
409681 cg26923863 CTBP1;CTBP1 -0.3047867 -0.9822440 -4.211853 4.06e-05 0.2967083 1.691547
9466 cg00504782 -0.1842581 0.1387713 -4.209512 4.10e-05 0.2967083 1.683892
194260 cg11866943 STAB1 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific -0.2089029 -1.2894131 -4.207078 4.14e-05 0.2967083 1.675935
299655 cg18963859 -0.2801317 0.7266168 -4.195395 4.34e-05 0.2967083 1.637794
112787 cg06625077 CTRL Gene_Associated_Cell_type_specific 0.1254747 2.7974287 4.190018 4.43e-05 0.2967083 1.620268
247629 cg15321306 Promoter_Associated_Cell_type_specific 0.2809539 1.4241166 4.181371 4.59e-05 0.2967083 1.592118
confects <- limma_confects(fit.reduced, coef=3, fdr=0.05)
head(confects$table, 50) %>% kbl() %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
rank index confect effect AveExpr name
1 176632 -2.299 -2.5651523 1.8733626 cg04462931
2 324814 -2.114 -2.4011928 2.5944998 cg23719534
3 265197 -2.066 -2.3870065 1.8494022 cg19097082
4 53347 -1.786 -2.0319150 2.2569505 cg11955727
5 297838 -1.786 -2.2076125 -2.3947466 cg00804338
6 322235 1.699 2.1448515 -2.9115831 cg10631453
7 53343 -1.625 -1.8147372 1.6929714 cg17765025
8 313251 1.534 1.9520019 -3.4576118 cg18382982
9 229722 -1.409 -1.8599069 -1.8654079 cg00167275
10 188638 -1.360 -1.5560497 2.1335683 cg00399683
11 273633 -1.325 -1.5932227 -2.2768331 cg03691818
12 176630 -1.232 -1.4338303 2.2755820 cg12949927
13 65789 -1.231 -1.4015459 -1.8779054 cg16218221
14 75042 -1.171 -1.4179072 3.0325592 cg11643285
15 288528 -1.044 -1.4779074 -2.4993461 cg06710937
16 337459 1.044 1.2800387 1.3549029 cg04946709
17 41029 0.982 1.2807835 -1.1066425 cg27540865
18 271146 -0.972 -1.2189282 0.8297361 cg08037478
19 410835 0.963 1.2133805 -3.6458193 cg17612569
20 41030 0.950 1.2520356 -1.6938549 cg00500229
21 41027 0.900 1.1477128 -1.2066913 cg12691488
22 81288 -0.887 -1.1336542 -2.7286877 cg20891225
23 128407 -0.884 -1.2172473 -0.7308420 cg17226602
24 211995 -0.854 -1.0419647 -0.6220793 cg20926353
25 193178 -0.774 -1.0035034 3.2045161 cg17307919
26 75043 -0.761 -0.9762575 2.1203936 cg17238319
27 51691 -0.747 -0.9747893 -3.9822151 cg09725915
28 148854 -0.746 -1.0082487 -2.2550620 cg24919522
29 297839 -0.731 -0.9724230 -3.2003920 cg23778841
30 128405 -0.727 -0.9280042 -0.8307381 cg23950473
31 322236 0.713 0.9284243 -1.7895491 cg13150977
32 254009 0.705 0.9118034 -3.1570995 cg25294185
33 188640 -0.703 -0.8802871 2.3001218 cg26914004
34 370423 -0.694 -0.8599495 -3.3858844 cg22345911
35 30377 -0.674 -1.0088242 -0.3844653 cg20746702
36 306304 -0.661 -0.9082453 -4.1341714 cg22794378
37 211998 -0.652 -0.8248935 -1.6392284 cg08656326
38 250856 -0.633 -0.8523955 -2.3870446 cg17232883
39 75095 -0.632 -0.9510572 2.2432959 cg03911306
40 115950 -0.624 -0.8480831 0.1107559 cg15633893
41 211996 -0.622 -0.8489614 -1.5257228 cg14095100
42 141981 -0.621 -0.7981709 1.5878170 cg00774458
43 403868 -0.619 -1.3816985 -1.7066753 cg14815891
44 250857 -0.583 -0.8174271 -2.4288200 cg04858776
45 254556 0.579 0.9689510 -3.7586127 cg12052203
46 179533 -0.579 -0.7627629 -3.9454190 cg17743279
47 352937 -0.565 -0.8120516 2.0552523 cg20299935
48 211997 -0.556 -0.7973435 -2.1167179 cg07852945
49 52402 0.530 0.7948238 -4.6558021 cg06642617
50 306409 0.525 0.7437398 1.1029951 cg02325951
make_volcano(dma3a,name = "hcy_levels(sex,age)",mx=Mval_flt)

make_beeswarms(dm=dma3a ,name="hcy_levels(sex,age)" , mx=beta_flt , groups=groups , n= 15)
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

make_beeswarms_confects(confects = confects ,name="hcy_levels(sex,age)" , mx=beta_flt , groups=groups , n= 15)
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf

## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
## Warning in min(x): no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
## Warning in max(x): no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf

heatmap_c(dm=dma3a , name="hcy_levels(sex,age)" , mx=mxs ,n = 50, groups=groups)

make_heatmap2_c(confects = confects , name="hcy_levels(sex,age)",mx=mxs ,n = 50, groups=groups)

folate_levels<- samplesheet$characteristics_ch1.8

folate_levels<-strsplit(as.character(samplesheet$characteristics_ch1.8), " ")
folate_levels<-sapply(folate_levels , "[",5)

sex <- factor(samplesheet$`gender:ch1`)
age<-samplesheet$`age at baseline:ch1`
groups<-factor(samplesheet$source_name_ch1,levels = c("Buffy coat, placebo, baseline","Buffy coat, FA/vB12, baseline"))
mx <-Mval_flt
age<-samplesheet$`age at baseline:ch1`

design <- model.matrix(~ age+ sex + folate_levels)
    mxs <- mx[,which( colnames(mx) %in% rownames(samplesheet) )]
    fit.reduced <- lmFit(mxs,design)
    fit.reduced <- eBayes(fit.reduced)
##        (Intercept)    age sexmale folate_levels
## Down        152992    582    6294             0
## NotSig       78117 421743  413037        422374
## Up          191265     49    3043             0
    dm <- topTable(fit.reduced,coef=4, number = Inf)
    dma <- merge(myann,dm,by=0)
    dma4a <- dma[order(dma$P.Value),]
    head(dma4a, 50) %>% kbl() %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Row.names UCSC_RefGene_Name Regulatory_Feature_Group logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
381818 cg24973150 HOXB7 Unclassified 0.0071236 -4.8580902 4.568118 0.0000092 0.9999919 1.0632810
247130 cg15276500 ADRM1;ADRM1 Promoter_Associated 0.0064797 -3.3705031 4.340403 0.0000240 0.9999919 0.1470237
192391 cg11754259 ZBTB44;ZBTB44 0.0047836 -3.1951796 4.200945 0.0000422 0.9999919 -0.3954523
46268 cg02601626 CHID1;CHID1;CHID1;CHID1;CHID1 0.0043225 2.0032098 4.165838 0.0000486 0.9999919 -0.5297401
57246 cg03226872 BLCAP;BLCAP;BLCAP;BLCAP;BLCAP 0.0045386 2.7608582 4.109434 0.0000608 0.9999919 -0.7435481
262150 cg16337546 LEMD2 0.0054636 -3.2189034 4.108911 0.0000609 0.9999919 -0.7455175
52836 cg02968854 NOD1 Promoter_Associated -0.0062364 -5.3353079 -4.084096 0.0000672 0.9999919 -0.8388132
135319 cg07973395 BLM Promoter_Associated 0.0041446 -3.5093588 4.066914 0.0000718 0.9999919 -0.9031363
263054 cg16397021 ATP10A 0.0073693 3.2658426 4.066439 0.0000720 0.9999919 -0.9049111
31908 cg01781745 KLF9;KLF9 Promoter_Associated 0.0046187 -3.8158746 4.054553 0.0000754 0.9999919 -0.9492743
33783 cg01884526 BANP;BANP 0.0043175 3.8476799 4.023402 0.0000851 0.9999919 -1.0650280
54275 cg03050907 SNHG3-RCC1;SNHG3-RCC1;SNHG3-RCC1;RCC1;RCC1;RCC1 Promoter_Associated 0.0063583 -5.1741499 3.980437 0.0001005 0.9999919 -1.2234582
268022 cg16702725 PCP4L1 0.0041713 3.1263612 3.966659 0.0001060 0.9999919 -1.2739643
414611 cg27260462 GLRX3 Promoter_Associated_Cell_type_specific 0.0067675 -2.3642002 3.926284 0.0001238 0.9999919 -1.4211215
282609 cg17770813 0.0064121 1.1753881 3.919293 0.0001271 0.9999919 -1.4464738
17615 cg00957505 0.0035735 2.6585336 3.888577 0.0001429 0.9999919 -1.5574138
295020 cg18630811 ILF3;ILF3;ILF3;ILF3;ILF3 0.0044830 3.1207267 3.874315 0.0001508 0.9999919 -1.6086772
54596 cg03067660 KLC4;KLC4;KLC4;KLC4;MRPL2 Promoter_Associated 0.0051393 -3.9098320 3.833774 0.0001757 0.9999919 -1.7535242
385405 cg25230532 GALT Promoter_Associated 0.0048199 -1.4445749 3.832550 0.0001765 0.9999919 -1.7578778
176369 cg10630085 RELT;RELT -0.0056978 3.7335957 -3.829486 0.0001785 0.9999919 -1.7687710
21985 cg01195053 LOC652276 Promoter_Associated 0.0084686 -3.6687370 3.801274 0.0001984 0.9999919 -1.8687120
198667 cg12165758 PRKCH Unclassified_Cell_type_specific 0.0039279 -3.8914122 3.798961 0.0002001 0.9999919 -1.8768778
370353 cg24158205 HCN2 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific 0.0059700 1.0014937 3.748887 0.0002409 0.9999919 -2.0526307
149010 cg08844849 SIGLEC10;SIGLEC10;SIGLEC10;SIGLEC10;SIGLEC10;SIGLEC10;SIGLEC10 -0.0051151 1.7152455 -3.727770 0.0002604 0.9999919 -2.1261534
184607 cg11207127 SORBS2;SORBS2;SORBS2;SORBS2;SORBS2;SORBS2 -0.0052452 3.0271340 -3.720251 0.0002676 0.9999919 -2.1522492
292391 cg18443378 WDR17;WDR17 Promoter_Associated 0.0050128 -2.8181357 3.719372 0.0002685 0.9999919 -2.1552950
326423 cg20941699 FAM96A;FAM96A Promoter_Associated 0.0037577 -3.4535203 3.716566 0.0002713 0.9999919 -2.1650193
88348 cg05065583 CLK1;CLK1;CLK1;CLK1 Promoter_Associated 0.0041903 -3.7007473 3.713937 0.0002739 0.9999919 -2.1741243
398207 cg26169213 SEMA7A;SEMA7A;SEMA7A 0.0053135 2.5494735 3.707901 0.0002800 0.9999919 -2.1950099
42081 cg02360155 0.0059986 5.0408670 3.699656 0.0002886 0.9999919 -2.2234872
402414 cg26450254 PWWP2B;PWWP2B Gene_Associated_Cell_type_specific -0.0073089 4.2912980 -3.698964 0.0002893 0.9999919 -2.2258765
261499 cg16297271 SERPINA12 0.0066996 -2.1901291 3.674056 0.0003168 0.9999919 -2.3115687
64583 cg03649649 Promoter_Associated 0.0062803 -3.5258086 3.673286 0.0003177 0.9999919 -2.3142119
84203 cg04829364 GPR133 0.0043982 3.1193344 3.669226 0.0003224 0.9999919 -2.3281317
93526 cg05378013 ZXDC -0.0057535 2.9129961 -3.663117 0.0003297 0.9999919 -2.3490488
272482 cg17031727 COG2;COG2 Promoter_Associated -0.0066573 -2.2885795 -3.662482 0.0003304 0.9999919 -2.3512193
158576 cg09464206 CASP8;CASP8;CASP8;CASP8;CASP8 0.0037463 -3.5842511 3.661019 0.0003322 0.9999919 -2.3562258
109956 cg06451822 -0.0041623 2.4764852 -3.656121 0.0003381 0.9999919 -2.3729656
134016 cg07895124 GPR114 0.0056314 2.6442008 3.654963 0.0003395 0.9999919 -2.3769229
211097 cg13089318 0.0034547 1.0288610 3.646567 0.0003500 0.9999919 -2.4055663
182034 cg11024450 MAD1L1;MAD1L1;MAD1L1 0.0054800 2.0720688 3.640644 0.0003576 0.9999919 -2.4257400
264506 cg16489826 TCP1;TCP1;MRPL18 Promoter_Associated 0.0059084 -3.7811792 3.638181 0.0003608 0.9999919 -2.4341208
37168 cg02074116 Unclassified 0.0044117 -0.3795878 3.633242 0.0003673 0.9999919 -2.4509140
361042 cg23507761 CANT1;CANT1;CANT1 Gene_Associated_Cell_type_specific 0.0046564 2.5308403 3.625377 0.0003778 0.9999919 -2.4776097
113721 cg06679534 CXCR4 0.0037064 -4.1204716 3.615431 0.0003916 0.9999919 -2.5113001
40865 cg02293991 VEGFB 0.0037897 2.5839972 3.613116 0.0003948 0.9999919 -2.5191302
103353 cg06002197 CENPN;CENPN;CENPN;C16orf61 0.0057178 -0.1228313 3.608650 0.0004012 0.9999919 -2.5342260
50670 cg02854137 0.0038452 2.8310675 3.603358 0.0004089 0.9999919 -2.5520893
26772 cg01471621 NUDT3 0.0048041 3.1945042 3.591610 0.0004264 0.9999919 -2.5916687
105198 cg06126829 HNF4A;HNF4A;HNF4A 0.0070803 3.0664134 3.590151 0.0004287 0.9999919 -2.5965750

confects <- limma_confects(fit.reduced, coef=3, fdr=0.05)
head(confects$table, 50) %>% kbl() %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
rank index confect effect AveExpr name
1 176632 -2.299 -2.5618711 1.8745849 cg04462931
2 324814 -2.116 -2.4094963 2.6021532 cg23719534
3 265197 -2.065 -2.3816489 1.8499402 cg19097082
4 53347 -1.787 -2.0305863 2.2574355 cg11955727
5 297838 -1.761 -2.1904564 -2.3868150 cg00804338
6 322235 1.702 2.1473669 -2.9147459 cg10631453
7 53343 -1.622 -1.8083044 1.6931913 cg17765025
8 313251 1.531 1.9474568 -3.4606989 cg18382982
9 229722 -1.425 -1.8738482 -1.8717857 cg00167275
10 188638 -1.361 -1.5588641 2.1372587 cg00399683
11 273633 -1.324 -1.5936214 -2.2746085 cg03691818
12 176630 -1.231 -1.4317051 2.2787448 cg12949927
13 65789 -1.227 -1.3981023 -1.8801255 cg16218221
14 75042 -1.173 -1.4184867 3.0337831 cg11643285
15 288528 -1.059 -1.4924449 -2.4972840 cg06710937
16 337459 1.059 1.2922211 1.3551544 cg04946709
17 271146 -0.983 -1.2315477 0.8309781 cg08037478
18 41029 0.975 1.2717724 -1.1080107 cg27540865
19 410835 0.968 1.2155384 -3.6483241 cg17612569
20 41030 0.912 1.2198461 -1.6897890 cg00500229
21 41027 0.906 1.1517501 -1.2098140 cg12691488
22 81288 -0.877 -1.1206602 -2.7320918 cg20891225
23 128407 -0.872 -1.2006829 -0.7352748 cg17226602
24 211995 -0.858 -1.0462097 -0.6242773 cg20926353
25 193178 -0.784 -1.0125337 3.2036652 cg17307919
26 75043 -0.761 -0.9739151 2.1217197 cg17238319
27 51691 -0.753 -0.9784046 -3.9818948 cg09725915
28 148854 -0.744 -1.0044218 -2.2547765 cg24919522
29 297839 -0.733 -0.9727861 -3.1990136 cg23778841
30 128405 -0.724 -0.9228725 -0.8301097 cg23950473
31 322236 0.716 0.9302795 -1.7916635 cg13150977
32 254009 0.706 0.9098948 -3.1550395 cg25294185
33 188640 -0.703 -0.8810250 2.3047020 cg26914004
34 370423 -0.698 -0.8637668 -3.3898213 cg22345911
35 30377 -0.679 -1.0110079 -0.3819613 cg20746702
36 211998 -0.659 -0.8304600 -1.6388716 cg08656326
37 306304 -0.655 -0.9005378 -4.1351610 cg22794378
38 403868 -0.645 -1.4096067 -1.6930084 cg14815891
39 75095 -0.636 -0.9517757 2.2411141 cg03911306
40 250856 -0.632 -0.8500472 -2.3879317 cg17232883
41 115950 -0.628 -0.8507060 0.1072535 cg15633893
42 211996 -0.626 -0.8532909 -1.5224504 cg14095100
43 141981 -0.612 -0.7882406 1.5917208 cg00774458
44 179533 -0.581 -0.7631020 -3.9471556 cg17743279
45 250857 -0.578 -0.8124891 -2.4312169 cg04858776
46 352937 -0.574 -0.8199050 2.0575316 cg20299935
47 254556 0.573 0.9593017 -3.7638231 cg12052203
48 211997 -0.559 -0.7969307 -2.1186953 cg07852945
49 101058 -0.539 -0.8622674 -3.4158041 cg09067967
50 52402 0.533 0.7972882 -4.6529575 cg06642617
make_volcano(dma4a,name = "folate_levels(sex,age)",mx=Mval_flt)

make_beeswarms(dm=dma4a ,name="folate_levels(sex,age)" , mx=beta_flt , groups=groups , n= 15)

make_beeswarms_confects(confects = confects ,name="folate_levels(sex,age)" , mx=beta_flt , groups=groups , n= 15)

make_heatmap(dm=dma4a , name="folate_levels(sex,age)" , mx=mxs ,n = 50, groups=groups)

make_heatmap2(confects = confects , name="folate_levels(sex,age)",mx=mxs ,n = 50, groups=groups)

vitb12_levels<- targets$characteristics_ch1.9
vitb12_levels<-strsplit(as.character(samplesheet$characteristics_ch1.9), " ")
vitb12_levels<-sapply(vitb12_levels , "[",6)

sex <- factor(samplesheet$`gender:ch1`)

age<-samplesheet$`age at baseline:ch1`

mx <-Mval_flt

groups<-factor(samplesheet$source_name_ch1,levels = c("Buffy coat, placebo, baseline","Buffy coat, FA/vB12, baseline"))
design <- model.matrix(~ age+ sex + vitb12_levels)
    mxs <- mx[,which( colnames(mx) %in% rownames(samplesheet) )]
    fit.reduced <- lmFit(mxs,design)
    fit.reduced <- eBayes(fit.reduced)
##        (Intercept)    age sexmale vitb12_levels
## Down        153809    573    6213             0
## NotSig       76635 421750  412723        422374
## Up          191930     51    3438             0
    dm <- topTable(fit.reduced,coef=4, number = Inf)
    dma <- merge(myann,dm,by=0)
    dma5a <- dma[order(dma$P.Value),]
    head(dma5a, 50) %>% kbl() %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Row.names UCSC_RefGene_Name Regulatory_Feature_Group logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
203268 cg12507502 -0.0009416 5.3800262 -5.365645 0.0000003 0.1065226 2.1537502
147408 cg08736516 LOC285456;RPL34;RPL34;RPL34 Promoter_Associated 0.0005836 -3.1538320 4.681644 0.0000057 0.7398785 -0.8662518
393251 cg25807487 MRGPRF;MRGPRF Unclassified -0.0010739 1.8937737 -4.647245 0.0000066 0.7398785 -1.0098314
276611 cg17319849 GBA;GBA;GBA;GBA Promoter_Associated 0.0004946 -3.9746078 4.632719 0.0000070 0.7398785 -1.0702099
369660 cg24116534 0.0007022 -3.2460840 4.481022 0.0000134 0.7674311 -1.6918747
100086 cg05805987 EIF3E Promoter_Associated 0.0004402 -3.6338665 4.439138 0.0000159 0.7674311 -1.8606240
231157 cg14255417 TRIM8 Gene_Associated_Cell_type_specific 0.0007443 -3.1856978 4.438037 0.0000160 0.7674311 -1.8650435
268315 cg16717773 GBA;GBA;GBA;GBA;GBA Promoter_Associated_Cell_type_specific 0.0004738 -3.8451926 4.423236 0.0000170 0.7674311 -1.9243639
26583 cg01459962 CCDC101 Promoter_Associated 0.0004012 -3.9998096 4.387869 0.0000197 0.7674311 -2.0654647
389498 cg25530661 CLOCK Gene_Associated_Cell_type_specific 0.0006179 -2.0667279 4.383782 0.0000200 0.7674311 -2.0817132
217912 cg13529619 RAD18;RAD18 Promoter_Associated 0.0004526 -3.0803031 4.376228 0.0000207 0.7674311 -2.1117096
222818 cg13801712 RRAGC Promoter_Associated 0.0004206 -3.3982579 4.339208 0.0000241 0.7674311 -2.2581163
84404 cg04839664 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific 0.0004595 -4.4607832 4.315898 0.0000265 0.7674311 -2.3497892
20518 cg01110552 MGEA5;MGEA5 Promoter_Associated 0.0005150 -4.0633675 4.312453 0.0000269 0.7674311 -2.3633034
374615 cg24477193 ALG14 Promoter_Associated 0.0007046 -3.9064259 4.309022 0.0000273 0.7674311 -2.3767542
44935 cg02525785 DLG4;DLG4 Promoter_Associated 0.0005586 -3.7905421 4.236954 0.0000365 0.9259187 -2.6572796
369789 cg24124753 GTF2E1;GTF2E1;RABL3 NonGene_Associated 0.0005779 -3.8846718 4.218196 0.0000394 0.9259187 -2.7296656
319418 cg20409368 0.0007158 3.1305905 4.188720 0.0000443 0.9259187 -2.8428800
45545 cg02563389 MED13L Promoter_Associated 0.0005532 -4.2678921 4.168437 0.0000481 0.9259187 -2.9204064
38439 cg02149069 IFFO1;IFFO1;IFFO1 Unclassified 0.0004986 -0.8278389 4.084808 0.0000670 0.9259187 -3.2367902
155983 cg09299381 DNAL4 Promoter_Associated 0.0003822 -4.5540472 4.083046 0.0000674 0.9259187 -3.2433985
6228 cg00335286 MC2R -0.0007496 1.4058116 -4.080952 0.0000680 0.9259187 -3.2512517
189735 cg11575738 DLX1;DLX1 Unclassified 0.0005220 -3.3999921 4.075813 0.0000694 0.9259187 -3.2705023
414693 cg27265630 PCDH21 0.0004658 3.1146707 4.060414 0.0000737 0.9259187 -3.3280775
104375 cg06073402 DBF4B;DBF4B;DBF4B;DBF4B Promoter_Associated 0.0005517 -5.5630127 4.060091 0.0000738 0.9259187 -3.3292855
38408 cg02147443 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific 0.0006420 -3.1155845 4.046539 0.0000778 0.9259187 -3.3798005
392835 cg25774116 TMEM161A Promoter_Associated 0.0006194 -4.6466798 4.017679 0.0000870 0.9259187 -3.4869123
129227 cg07588308 ZNF720;ZNF720 Unclassified 0.0005300 -3.7712579 4.016968 0.0000873 0.9259187 -3.4895420
83533 cg04787325 SYT17 0.0005419 -4.3903604 4.008324 0.0000903 0.9259187 -3.5214968
353196 cg22963133 ARL15 0.0004652 -2.7234020 4.006595 0.0000909 0.9259187 -3.5278806
101640 cg05905482 NonGene_Associated 0.0004048 -3.3762492 4.001623 0.0000926 0.9259187 -3.5462254
77783 cg04431990 BAT1;SNORD84;BAT1 Unclassified 0.0004200 -4.2586832 3.992140 0.0000961 0.9259187 -3.5811653
46151 cg02595280 NOS1 Unclassified 0.0008573 -1.7189406 3.988757 0.0000974 0.9259187 -3.5936136
311546 cg19823793 SGOL1;SGOL1;SGOL1;SGOL1;SGOL1;SGOL1;SGOL1;SGOL1;SGOL1;SGOL1;SGOL1;SGOL1 Promoter_Associated 0.0002946 -2.0987417 3.986399 0.0000983 0.9259187 -3.6022854
379225 cg24792272 MCM4;MCM4;PRKDC;PRKDC Promoter_Associated 0.0004337 -3.7201160 3.973070 0.0001034 0.9259187 -3.6512191
331173 cg21266547 SERPINB8;SERPINB8 0.0006143 3.0747322 3.970049 0.0001046 0.9259187 -3.6622894
232280 cg14317513 SIM2;SIM2 0.0005898 -1.4087609 3.969420 0.0001049 0.9259187 -3.6645964
350929 cg22805909 PAPOLA 0.0006367 -2.8258495 3.958628 0.0001093 0.9259187 -3.7040848
16682 cg00906976 TSNAX-DISC1;TSNAX-DISC1;TSNAX-DISC1;TSNAX;TSNAX-DISC1;TSNAX-DISC1;TSNAX-DISC1;TSNAX-DISC1;TSNAX-DISC1 Promoter_Associated 0.0003862 -3.9548576 3.958157 0.0001095 0.9259187 -3.7058047
1618 cg00080333 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific 0.0006591 -2.1465860 3.946112 0.0001147 0.9259187 -3.7497712
116151 cg06818786 RNF121;LOC100133315;RNF121;RNF121 Promoter_Associated 0.0003323 -3.6566412 3.939152 0.0001178 0.9259187 -3.7751208
278338 cg17441062 GRM5;GRM5 Unclassified 0.0003959 -2.0276002 3.931328 0.0001214 0.9259187 -3.8035774
294635 cg18597434 TBC1D4 Promoter_Associated 0.0004462 -3.4612557 3.927917 0.0001230 0.9259187 -3.8159686
97151 cg05617927 FAM103A1 Promoter_Associated 0.0004792 -3.9902884 3.923137 0.0001253 0.9259187 -3.8333160
281834 cg17713910 PARD3 -0.0005427 1.6129594 -3.908944 0.0001322 0.9259187 -3.8847223
189545 cg11561665 Promoter_Associated 0.0005168 -3.6222908 3.885221 0.0001447 0.9259187 -3.9702982
267447 cg16667631 0.0005275 -2.2090323 3.885201 0.0001447 0.9259187 -3.9703697
388208 cg25432323 AARS Promoter_Associated 0.0004723 -4.3107747 3.884792 0.0001449 0.9259187 -3.9718418
381205 cg24926775 SNX27 Promoter_Associated 0.0004397 -3.6262528 3.874580 0.0001506 0.9259187 -4.0085416
274648 cg17180977 WNT9A 0.0004509 -3.3265757 3.868108 0.0001544 0.9259187 -4.0317555
    dma5a_d<- nrow(subset(dm,adj.P.Val<0.05,logFC<0))
confects <- limma_confects(fit.reduced, coef=3, fdr=0.05)
head(confects$table, 50) %>% kbl() %>% kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
rank index confect effect AveExpr name
1 176632 -2.279 -2.5433782 1.8745849 cg04462931
2 324814 -2.110 -2.4079759 2.6021532 cg23719534
3 265197 -2.045 -2.3651916 1.8499402 cg19097082
4 53347 -1.776 -2.0224392 2.2574355 cg11955727
5 297838 -1.766 -2.2030100 -2.3868150 cg00804338
6 322235 1.693 2.1463491 -2.9147459 cg10631453
7 53343 -1.608 -1.7966819 1.6931913 cg17765025
8 313251 1.555 1.9748795 -3.4606989 cg18382982
9 229722 -1.415 -1.8707366 -1.8717857 cg00167275
10 188638 -1.354 -1.5546785 2.1372587 cg00399683
11 273633 -1.315 -1.5887049 -2.2746085 cg03691818
12 176630 -1.226 -1.4298886 2.2787448 cg12949927
13 65789 -1.218 -1.3922487 -1.8801255 cg16218221
14 75042 -1.162 -1.4106724 3.0337831 cg11643285
15 288528 -1.053 -1.4944865 -2.4972840 cg06710937
16 337459 1.045 1.2840252 1.3551544 cg04946709
17 41029 0.985 1.2863989 -1.1080107 cg27540865
18 410835 0.980 1.2302290 -3.6483241 cg17612569
19 271146 -0.978 -1.2290161 0.8309781 cg08037478
20 41030 0.939 1.2493632 -1.6897890 cg00500229
21 41027 0.901 1.1514586 -1.2098140 cg12691488
22 128407 -0.879 -1.2157541 -0.7352748 cg17226602
23 81288 -0.871 -1.1192663 -2.7320918 cg20891225
24 211995 -0.853 -1.0435152 -0.6242773 cg20926353
25 193178 -0.763 -0.9925476 3.2036652 cg17307919
26 75043 -0.758 -0.9753124 2.1217197 cg17238319
27 51691 -0.744 -0.9739468 -3.9818948 cg09725915
28 148854 -0.735 -0.9999035 -2.2547765 cg24919522
29 297839 -0.728 -0.9716996 -3.1990136 cg23778841
30 128405 -0.718 -0.9198280 -0.8301097 cg23950473
31 322236 0.716 0.9341674 -1.7916635 cg13150977
32 254009 0.709 0.9161505 -3.1550395 cg25294185
33 370423 -0.698 -0.8671886 -3.3898213 cg22345911
34 188640 -0.697 -0.8773760 2.3047020 cg26914004
35 30377 -0.674 -1.0115557 -0.3819613 cg20746702
36 306304 -0.657 -0.9066482 -4.1351610 cg22794378
37 211998 -0.657 -0.8307659 -1.6388716 cg08656326
38 403868 -0.650 -1.4298864 -1.6930084 cg14815891
39 115950 -0.631 -0.8575188 0.1072535 cg15633893
40 75095 -0.631 -0.9514234 2.2411141 cg03911306
41 250856 -0.620 -0.8414512 -2.3879317 cg17232883
42 211996 -0.619 -0.8492679 -1.5224504 cg14095100
43 141981 -0.605 -0.7845165 1.5917208 cg00774458
44 179533 -0.577 -0.7622108 -3.9471556 cg17743279
45 250857 -0.562 -0.8001730 -2.4312169 cg04858776
46 254556 0.562 0.9550760 -3.7638231 cg12052203
47 352937 -0.561 -0.8107545 2.0575316 cg20299935
48 211997 -0.558 -0.8012666 -2.1186953 cg07852945
49 403863 -0.550 -1.2525109 -1.4886381 cg07753967
50 306409 0.522 0.7430095 1.1062536 cg02325951
make_volcano(dma5a,name = "vitmin_b12_levels(sex,age)",mx=Mval_flt)

make_beeswarms(dm=dma5a ,name="vitmin_b12_levels" , mx=beta_flt , groups=groups , n= 15)

make_beeswarms_confects(confects = confects ,name="vitmin_b12_levels" , mx=beta_flt , groups=groups , n= 15)

make_heatmap(dm=dma5a , name="vitmin_b12_levels(sex,age)" , mx=mxs ,n = 50, groups=groups)

make_heatmap2(confects = confects , name="vitmin_b12_levels(sex,age)",mx=mxs ,n = 50, groups=groups)

downs<-c(dma1a_d,dma2a_d,dma3a_d, dma4a_d,dma5a_d)
ups<-c(dma1a_u,dma2a_u, dma3a_u,dma4a_u,dma5a_u)
row.names(my_summary)<-c("placebo vs supplement follow-up(sex,age)",
                         "placebo vs supplement Baseline(sex,age)",
                         "hcy levels(sex,age)",
                         "folate levels(sex,age)",
                         "vitb12 levels(sex,age)")
downs ups
placebo vs supplement follow-up(sex,age) 0 0
placebo vs supplement Baseline(sex,age) 0 0
hcy levels(sex,age) 0 0
folate levels(sex,age) 0 0
vitb12 levels(sex,age) 0 0

Venn diagrams of the differential methylated probes for each contrast

First, we look at the similarity of dmps altered by fresh and frozen procedures. The overlap is very large. This indicates a high degree of similarity between the profiles.

v1 <- list("plb v sup fl(up)" =dma1a_u , 
           "hcy(up)" =dma3a_d ,
           "plb v sup fl(dwn)" =dma1a_d ,
           "hcy(dwn)" =dma3a_d)
## $`plb v sup fl(up)`
## [1] 0
## $`hcy(up)`
## [1] 0
## $`plb v sup fl(dwn)`
## [1] 0
## $`hcy(dwn)`
## [1] 0
plot(euler(v1, shape = "ellipse"), quantities = TRUE)
Comparison of probes in related to placebo vs supplement in follow-up(sex,age)

Comparison of probes in related to placebo vs supplement in follow-up(sex,age)

v2 <- list("fol(up)" =dma4a_u, 
           "hcy(up)" =dma3a_u,
           "fol(dwn)" =dma4a_d,
           "hcy(dwn)" =dma3a_d)
## $`fol(up)`
## [1] 0
## $`hcy(up)`
## [1] 0
## $`fol(dwn)`
## [1] 0
## $`hcy(dwn)`
## [1] 0
## List of 4
##  $ fol(up) : int 0
##  $ hcy(up) : int 0
##  $ fol(dwn): int 0
##  $ hcy(dwn): int 0
plot(euler(v2, shape = "ellipse"), quantities = TRUE)
Comparison of probes in related to hcy(sex) vs folate level(sex,age)

Comparison of probes in related to hcy(sex) vs folate level(sex,age)

v3 <- list("plb v sup fl(up)" =dma1a_u, 
           "fol(up)" = dma4a_u ,
           "plb v sup fl(dwn)" =dma1a_d ,
           "fol(dwn)" =dma4a_d)
## $`plb v sup fl(up)`
## [1] 0
## $`fol(up)`
## [1] 0
## $`plb v sup fl(dwn)`
## [1] 0
## $`fol(dwn)`
## [1] 0
plot(euler(v3, shape = "ellipse"), quantities = TRUE)
Comparison of probes in related to hcy(age) vs folate level(sex,age)

Comparison of probes in related to hcy(age) vs folate level(sex,age)

v4 <- list("hcy(up)" =dma3a_u, 
           "fol(up)" = dma4a_u ,
           "hcy(dwn)" =dma3a_d ,
           "fol(dwn)" =dma4a_d)
## $`hcy(up)`
## [1] 0
## $`fol(up)`
## [1] 0
## $`hcy(dwn)`
## [1] 0
## $`fol(dwn)`
## [1] 0
plot(euler(v4, shape = "ellipse"), quantities = TRUE)
Comparison of probes in related to hcy vs folate level(sex,age)

Comparison of probes in related to hcy vs folate level(sex,age)

v5<- list("hcy(up)" =dma3a_u, 
           "vitb12(up)" = dma5a_u ,
           "hcy(dwn)" =dma3a_d ,
           "vitb12(dwn)" =dma5a_d)
## $`hcy(up)`
## [1] 0
## $`vitb12(up)`
## [1] 0
## $`hcy(dwn)`
## [1] 0
## $`vitb12(dwn)`
## [1] 0
plot(euler(v5, shape = "ellipse"), quantities = TRUE)
Comparison of probes in related to hcy vs vitb12 level(sex,age)

Comparison of probes in related to hcy vs vitb12 level(sex,age)

Spearman correlations of each contrast

While the above Venn diagrams are suggestive of similarity between contrasts, the best way to assess this is with correlation analysis. I have chosen Spearman as based on the directional p-value ranking metrics

mycontrasts <- list("placebo_vs_supplement-follow-up(sex,age)"=dma1a,"placebo vs supplement Baseline(sex,age)"=dma2a,"hcy levels(sex,age)"=dma3a,"folate levels(sex,age)"=dma4a,"vitb12 levels(sex,age)"=dma5a)
lapply(mycontrasts, head)
## $`placebo_vs_supplement-follow-up(sex,age)`
##             Row.names UCSC_RefGene_Name        Regulatory_Feature_Group
## cg11922164 cg11922164       SYT15;SYT15                                
## cg17055959 cg17055959               RB1             Promoter_Associated
## cg09095400 cg09095400       MCF2L;MCF2L                                
## cg00079169 cg00079169             THOP1                                
## cg00485312 cg00485312             RADIL                                
## cg22907174 cg22907174                   Unclassified_Cell_type_specific
##                 logFC   AveExpr         t      P.Value adj.P.Val           B
## cg11922164 -0.3207440  3.062812 -5.466346 4.199545e-07 0.1773779  2.85480963
## cg17055959 -0.2579878 -3.552305 -4.466023 2.345594e-05 0.9999726  0.54841303
## cg09095400 -0.2869663  3.049316 -4.450392 2.489341e-05 0.9999726  0.51395634
## cg00079169 -0.2949458  3.176290 -4.427706 2.713208e-05 0.9999726  0.46405599
## cg00485312  0.4223117  3.455728  4.198764 6.380356e-05 0.9999726 -0.03226350
## cg22907174 -0.2805781 -3.741456 -4.192707 6.524038e-05 0.9999726 -0.04520707
## $`placebo vs supplement Baseline(sex,age)`
##             Row.names UCSC_RefGene_Name        Regulatory_Feature_Group
## cg00596687 cg00596687  C20orf166;MIR1-1 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific
## cg27194173 cg27194173           ADK;ADK                                
## cg13109300 cg13109300           DHH;DHH Unclassified_Cell_type_specific
## cg05839533 cg05839533             KRT36 Unclassified_Cell_type_specific
## cg13972202 cg13972202          HLA-DRB5                                
## cg10417218 cg10417218       MT1DP;MT1DP                    Unclassified
##                 logFC    AveExpr         t      P.Value adj.P.Val         B
## cg00596687  0.4059493  3.6530802  4.738182 8.161892e-06 0.6442329 1.5839252
## cg27194173 -0.1991879  1.6428078 -4.708564 9.168558e-06 0.6442329 1.5111224
## cg13109300 -0.3865678 -3.6526576 -4.662703 1.096931e-05 0.6442329 1.3988109
## cg05839533 -0.3693614  2.5981589 -4.606993 1.362190e-05 0.6442329 1.2630697
## cg13972202 -0.6535618  0.9934635 -4.484811 2.179604e-05 0.6442329 0.9681296
## cg10417218 -0.2437147 -0.3404724 -4.445310 2.533552e-05 0.6442329 0.8736202
## $`hcy levels(sex,age)`
##             Row.names UCSC_RefGene_Name Regulatory_Feature_Group      logFC
## cg04905210 cg04905210            POLR3D                          -0.2909751
## cg09338148 cg09338148                               Unclassified -0.2931696
## cg04247967 cg04247967                                            -0.2088138
## cg06458106 cg06458106                                            -0.1899343
## cg26425904 cg26425904              OCA2             Unclassified -0.2521839
## cg09762242 cg09762242       SIPA1;SIPA1      Promoter_Associated -0.2087797
##              AveExpr         t      P.Value adj.P.Val        B
## cg04905210 -2.818129 -5.371887 2.477235e-07 0.1046320 5.870238
## cg09338148 -1.159655 -5.108807 8.479561e-07 0.1790773 4.858988
## cg04247967  3.172951 -5.007905 1.344443e-06 0.1892859 4.480509
## cg06458106  1.665604 -4.777115 3.767573e-06 0.2366578 3.635174
## cg26425904 -4.020281 -4.734541 4.539598e-06 0.2366578 3.482403
## cg09762242 -2.523948 -4.718052 4.877913e-06 0.2366578 3.423509
## $`folate levels(sex,age)`
##             Row.names             UCSC_RefGene_Name Regulatory_Feature_Group
## cg24973150 cg24973150                         HOXB7             Unclassified
## cg15276500 cg15276500                   ADRM1;ADRM1      Promoter_Associated
## cg11754259 cg11754259                 ZBTB44;ZBTB44                         
## cg02601626 cg02601626 CHID1;CHID1;CHID1;CHID1;CHID1                         
## cg03226872 cg03226872 BLCAP;BLCAP;BLCAP;BLCAP;BLCAP                         
## cg16337546 cg16337546                         LEMD2                         
##                  logFC   AveExpr        t      P.Value adj.P.Val          B
## cg24973150 0.007123609 -4.858090 4.568118 9.240290e-06 0.9999919  1.0632810
## cg15276500 0.006479704 -3.370503 4.340403 2.396582e-05 0.9999919  0.1470237
## cg11754259 0.004783593 -3.195180 4.200945 4.221986e-05 0.9999919 -0.3954523
## cg02601626 0.004322521  2.003210 4.165838 4.858538e-05 0.9999919 -0.5297401
## cg03226872 0.004538586  2.760858 4.109434 6.077248e-05 0.9999919 -0.7435481
## cg16337546 0.005463556 -3.218903 4.108911 6.089797e-05 0.9999919 -0.7455175
## $`vitb12 levels(sex,age)`
##             Row.names           UCSC_RefGene_Name Regulatory_Feature_Group
## cg12507502 cg12507502                                                     
## cg08736516 cg08736516 LOC285456;RPL34;RPL34;RPL34      Promoter_Associated
## cg25807487 cg25807487               MRGPRF;MRGPRF             Unclassified
## cg17319849 cg17319849             GBA;GBA;GBA;GBA      Promoter_Associated
## cg24116534 cg24116534                                                     
## cg05805987 cg05805987                       EIF3E      Promoter_Associated
##                    logFC   AveExpr         t      P.Value adj.P.Val          B
## cg12507502 -0.0009416097  5.380026 -5.365645 2.521998e-07 0.1065226  2.1537502
## cg08736516  0.0005836199 -3.153832  4.681645 5.671924e-06 0.7398785 -0.8662518
## cg25807487 -0.0010738661  1.893774 -4.647244 6.581756e-06 0.7398785 -1.0098314
## cg17319849  0.0004946383 -3.974608  4.632719 7.006856e-06 0.7398785 -1.0702099
## cg24116534  0.0007022222 -3.246084  4.481022 1.335912e-05 0.7674311 -1.6918747
## cg05805987  0.0004401503 -3.633866  4.439138 1.592144e-05 0.7674311 -1.8606240
myrnks<-lapply(X = mycontrasts, FUN = myranks)
## List of 5
##  $ placebo_vs_supplement-follow-up(sex,age):'data.frame':    422374 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ score: num [1:422374] 1.33 83901.95 83901.95 83901.95 -83901.95 ...
##   ..$ rn   : 'AsIs' chr [1:422374] "cg11922164" "cg17055959" "cg09095400" "cg00079169" ...
##  $ placebo vs supplement Baseline(sex,age) :'data.frame':    422374 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ score: num [1:422374] -5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 5.24 ...
##   ..$ rn   : 'AsIs' chr [1:422374] "cg00596687" "cg27194173" "cg13109300" "cg05839533" ...
##  $ hcy levels(sex,age)                     :'data.frame':    422374 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ score: num [1:422374] 1.02 1.34 1.38 1.6 1.6 ...
##   ..$ rn   : 'AsIs' chr [1:422374] "cg04905210" "cg09338148" "cg04247967" "cg06458106" ...
##  $ folate levels(sex,age)                  :'data.frame':    422374 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ score: num [1:422374] -283373 -283373 -283373 -283373 -283373 ...
##   ..$ rn   : 'AsIs' chr [1:422374] "cg24973150" "cg15276500" "cg11754259" "cg02601626" ...
##  $ vitb12 levels(sex,age)                  :'data.frame':    422374 obs. of  2 variables:
##   ..$ score: num [1:422374] 1.03 -7.64 7.64 -7.64 -8.7 ...
##   ..$ rn   : 'AsIs' chr [1:422374] "cg12507502" "cg08736516" "cg25807487" "cg17319849" ...
df <- join_all(myrnks,by="rn")

rownames(df) <- df$rn
colnames(df) <- names(mycontrasts)
##            placebo_vs_supplement-follow-up(sex,age)
## cg11922164                                  1.33138
## cg17055959                              83901.94707
## cg09095400                              83901.94707
## cg00079169                              83901.94707
## cg00485312                             -83901.94707
## cg22907174                              83901.94707
##            placebo vs supplement Baseline(sex,age) hcy levels(sex,age)
## cg11922164                               13.594635           -8.912359
## cg17055959                                5.518437          -64.696459
## cg09095400                               25.496993           -5.435198
## cg00079169                                8.740481           -4.019071
## cg00485312                              -10.085751            5.319666
## cg22907174                               10.116209          -46.264302
##            folate levels(sex,age) vitb12 levels(sex,age)
## cg11922164               283373.2               37.84395
## cg17055959               283373.2              -42.64872
## cg09095400               283373.2               29.91580
## cg00079169               283373.2               29.91580
## cg00485312              -283373.2              -43.55018
## cg22907174               283373.2               29.91580
mycors <- cor(df,method = "spearman")
my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("darkred","red", "orange", "yellow","white"))(n = 25)
heatmap.2(mycors,scale="none",margin=c(10, 10),cexRow=0.8,trace="none",cexCol=0.8,
    col=my_palette,main="Spearman correlations")

Enrichment analysis

Will be done in another Rmd file to reduce the size of the final HTML. The next Rmd file is called AccesionnumberGSE74548_mitch.Rmd


Session information

## R version 4.0.5 (2021-03-31)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
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