run deseq2 with Matt's counts from AGRF
read counts from AGRF and genrate MDS plot.
MM1 samples are the treatment group. MMN are the ctrl group. Matt please check this.
# counts
counts <- read.table("CAGRF13809_cnt.tsv",header=T,row.names=1)
## MM1_1 MM1_2 MM1_3 MM1_4 MMN_1 MMN_2 MMN_3 MMN_4
## CCDC80 1592 1779 1706 1583 420 431 286 342
## STK25 2159 2576 2494 2196 560 692 459 762
## TLR4 480 508 558 495 1523 1447 1480 1365
## LUM 39 38 35 43 1 4 1 0
## SH2B3 234 228 320 155 765 1005 790 995
## TFB2M 325 340 375 418 867 909 781 1023
colnames(counts) <- gsub("MMN","CTRL",colnames(counts))
colnames(counts) <- gsub("MM1","M101",colnames(counts))
## M101_1 M101_2 M101_3 M101_4 CTRL_1 CTRL_2 CTRL_3 CTRL_4
## CCDC80 1592 1779 1706 1583 420 431 286 342
## STK25 2159 2576 2494 2196 560 692 459 762
## TLR4 480 508 558 495 1523 1447 1480 1365
## LUM 39 38 35 43 1 4 1 0
## SH2B3 234 228 320 155 765 1005 790 995
## TFB2M 325 340 375 418 867 909 781 1023
# sampleshet
colours = c('lightblue', 'pink')
mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(counts)))
plot( mds , xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2", pch=19, cex=1.5,
col= colours[as.factor(des$grp)], type = "p" , xlim=c(XMIN,XMAX),main="MDS plot",bty="n" )
legend('topright', col=colours, legend=c("Ctrl","miR-101"), pch = 16, cex = 1)
text(mds*1.05, labels=colnames(counts) )
Now run DESeq2 to identify differential expression. Then make some charts.
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = counts , colData = des, design = ~ grp)
## the design formula contains one or more numeric variables with integer values,
## specifying a model with increasing fold change for higher values.
## did you mean for this to be a factor? if so, first convert
## this variable to a factor using the factor() function
res <- DESeq(dds)
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing
z<- results(res)
vsd <- vst(dds, blind=FALSE)
#stick on the normalised expression values to the table
#sort by p-value
#some plots
HEADER=paste("Ctrl vs miR-101:", SIG , "DGEs,", UP ,"upregulated,", DN, "downregulated")
plot(log2(zz$baseMean),zz$log2FoldChange,cex=0.6, xlab="log2 base mean",
ylab="log2 fold change" ,pch=19,col="#838383")
text(log2(top$baseMean)+1, top$log2FoldChange, labels = rownames(top),cex=0.7)
#volcano plot
plot(zz$log2FoldChange, -log2(zz$pvalue) ,cex=0.6, xlim=c(-4,6),
xlab="log2 fold change", ylab="-log2 p-value" ,pch=19,col="#838383")
points(sig$log2FoldChange, -log2(sig$pvalue),cex=0.6,pch=19,col="red")
text(top$log2FoldChange+0.5, -log2(top$pvalue), labels = rownames(top),cex=0.7)
# top N genes
colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))
heatmap.2( as.matrix(zz[1:50,c(7:ncol(zz))]), col=colfunc(25),scale="row",
trace="none",margins = c(6,10), cexRow=0.7, main="Top 50 genes")
#output DGE table
Run the mitch package with gene sets from Reactome. Check out the mitchreport.html file for the full report.
# gene set downloaded 2021-Jan-08
# destfile="")
genesets <- gmt_import("ReactomePathways.gmt")
y <- mitch_import(mm1, DEtype="deseq2")
## The input is a single dataframe; one contrast only. Converting
## it to a list for you.
## Note: Mean no. genes in input = 15982
## Note: no. genes in output = 15982
## Note: estimated proportion of input genes in output = 1
res <- mitch_calc(y, genesets, priority="effect")
## Note: Enrichments with large effect sizes may not be
## statistically significant.
## set
## 522 Interleukin-35 Signalling
## 755 Peptide chain elongation
## 1253 Viral mRNA Translation
## 1000 Selenocysteine synthesis
## 320 Eukaryotic Translation Elongation
## 322 Eukaryotic Translation Termination
## 999 Selenoamino acid metabolism
## 948 Response of EIF2AK4 (GCN2) to amino acid deficiency
## 695 Nonsense Mediated Decay (NMD) independent of the Exon Junction Complex (EJC)
## 526 Interleukin-6 signaling
## 360 Formation of a pool of free 40S subunits
## 31 Activation of BAD and translocation to mitochondria
## 1050 Signaling by Leptin
## 156 Chemokine receptors bind chemokines
## 358 Formation of Senescence-Associated Heterochromatin Foci (SAHF)
## 546 L13a-mediated translational silencing of Ceruloplasmin expression
## 834 RHO GTPases activate KTN1
## 245 Degradation of cysteine and homocysteine
## 400 GTP hydrolysis and joining of the 60S ribosomal subunit
## 1115 Synthesis of PIPs at the Golgi membrane
## 833 RHO GTPases activate IQGAPs
## 572 MAPK3 (ERK1) activation
## 1116 Synthesis of PIPs at the early endosome membrane
## 1298 tRNA processing in the mitochondrion
## 980 SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane
## 127 Cap-dependent Translation Initiation
## 321 Eukaryotic Translation Initiation
## 306 Early Phase of HIV Life Cycle
## 491 Inhibition of replication initiation of damaged DNA by RB1/E2F1
## 527 Interleukin-7 signaling
## setSize pANOVA s.dist p.adjustANOVA
## 522 10 2.520035e-04 0.6683822 3.276045e-03
## 755 85 1.380194e-24 0.6416579 1.794253e-21
## 1253 85 4.653191e-24 0.6342647 1.928667e-21
## 1000 88 3.640477e-24 0.6248928 1.928667e-21
## 320 89 7.417951e-24 0.6171306 1.928667e-21
## 322 89 2.092458e-22 0.5967343 3.885994e-20
## 999 101 6.140168e-24 0.5805948 1.928667e-21
## 948 97 9.129945e-23 0.5766557 1.978155e-20
## 695 91 1.493911e-20 0.5633550 1.787329e-18
## 526 11 1.284997e-03 0.5605558 1.084737e-02
## 360 97 1.393878e-21 0.5603438 2.265051e-19
## 31 12 8.120316e-04 -0.5582655 7.705409e-03
## 1050 10 2.687708e-03 0.5481092 1.792302e-02
## 156 13 9.708503e-04 0.5284036 8.888066e-03
## 358 11 2.568127e-03 -0.5250255 1.765531e-02
## 546 107 8.216220e-21 0.5233286 1.186787e-18
## 834 10 4.533943e-03 -0.5183571 2.529668e-02
## 245 11 2.964013e-03 -0.5174094 1.870494e-02
## 400 108 1.512355e-20 0.5173239 1.787329e-18
## 1115 15 5.864811e-04 -0.5126615 6.395300e-03
## 833 10 5.312492e-03 -0.5090533 2.796048e-02
## 572 10 5.482446e-03 0.5071876 2.861483e-02
## 1116 15 8.035164e-04 -0.4998100 7.689560e-03
## 1298 24 3.005470e-05 -0.4920729 5.502973e-04
## 980 108 2.112169e-18 0.4872795 2.288183e-16
## 127 115 2.624925e-18 0.4709983 2.437431e-16
## 321 115 2.624925e-18 0.4709983 2.437431e-16
## 306 12 4.768027e-03 -0.4705385 2.615083e-02
## 491 12 4.979772e-03 -0.4682112 2.682830e-02
## 527 17 8.953125e-04 0.4653083 8.434104e-03
mitch_report(res, "mitchreport.html")
## Dataset saved as " /tmp/RtmpeGBt3i/mitchreport.rds ".
## processing file: mitch.Rmd
| | 0%
|.. | 3%
## inline R code fragments
|.... | 6%
## label: checklibraries (with options)
## List of 1
## $ echo: logi FALSE
|...... | 9%
## ordinary text without R code
|........ | 12%
## label: peek (with options)
## List of 1
## $ echo: logi FALSE
|.......... | 15%
## ordinary text without R code
|............ | 18%
## label: metrics (with options)
## List of 1
## $ echo: logi FALSE
|.............. | 21%
## ordinary text without R code
|................ | 24%
## label: scatterplot (with options)
## List of 5
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 6
## $ fig.width : num 6.5
## $ message : logi FALSE
## $ warning : logi FALSE
|................... | 26%
## ordinary text without R code
|..................... | 29%
## label: contourplot (with options)
## List of 5
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 6
## $ fig.width : num 6.5
## $ warning : logi FALSE
## $ message : logi FALSE
## Contour plot does not apply to unidimensional analysis.
|....................... | 32%
## ordinary text without R code
|......................... | 35%
## label: input_geneset_metrics1 (with options)
## List of 2
## $ results: chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
|........................... | 38%
## ordinary text without R code
|............................. | 41%
## label: input_geneset_metrics2 (with options)
## List of 5
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 7
## $ fig.width : num 7
## $ : chr "all"
|............................... | 44%
## ordinary text without R code
|................................. | 47%
## label: input_geneset_metrics3 (with options)
## List of 5
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ message : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 7
## $ fig.width : num 7
|................................... | 50%
## ordinary text without R code
|..................................... | 53%
## label: echart1d (with options)
## List of 6
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 7
## $ fig.width : num 7
## $ : chr "all"
## $ message : logi FALSE
|....................................... | 56%
## label: echart2d (with options)
## List of 6
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 7
## $ fig.width : num 7
## $ : chr "all"
## $ message : logi FALSE
|......................................... | 59%
## ordinary text without R code
|........................................... | 62%
## label: heatmap (with options)
## List of 6
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 10
## $ fig.width : num 7
## $ : chr "all"
## $ message : logi FALSE
|............................................. | 65%
## ordinary text without R code
|............................................... | 68%
## label: effectsize (with options)
## List of 6
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 7
## $ fig.width : num 7
## $ : chr "all"
## $ message : logi FALSE
|................................................. | 71%
## ordinary text without R code
|................................................... | 74%
## label: results_table (with options)
## List of 2
## $ results: chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
|...................................................... | 76%
## ordinary text without R code
|........................................................ | 79%
## label: results_table_complete (with options)
## List of 2
## $ results: chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
|.......................................................... | 82%
## ordinary text without R code
|............................................................ | 85%
## label: detailed_geneset_reports1d (with options)
## List of 7
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 6
## $ fig.width : num 6
## $ out.width : chr "80%"
## $ comment : logi NA
## $ message : logi FALSE
|.............................................................. | 88%
## ordinary text without R code
|................................................................ | 91%
## label: detailed_geneset_reports2d (with options)
## List of 7
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 5
## $ fig.width : num 6
## $ out.width : chr "80%"
## $ comment : logi NA
## $ message : logi FALSE
|.................................................................. | 94%
## ordinary text without R code
|.................................................................... | 97%
## label: session_info (with options)
## List of 3
## $ include: logi TRUE
## $ echo : logi TRUE
## $ results: chr "markup"
|......................................................................| 100%
## ordinary text without R code
## output file: /mnt/bfx6/bfx/mmckenzie/deseq2/
## /usr/bin/pandoc +RTS -K512m -RTS /mnt/bfx6/bfx/mmckenzie/deseq2/ --to html4 --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+tex_math_single_backslash --output /tmp/RtmpeGBt3i/mitch_report.html --email-obfuscation none --self-contained --standalone --section-divs --template /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rmarkdown/rmd/h/default.html --no-highlight --variable highlightjs=1 --variable 'theme:bootstrap' --include-in-header /tmp/RtmpeGBt3i/rmarkdown-str36a5acecc7f.html --mathjax --variable 'mathjax-url:'
## Output created: /tmp/RtmpeGBt3i/mitch_report.html
## [1] TRUE
top <- res$enrichment_result
top <- head(subset(top,p.adjustANOVA<0.05),25)
top <- top[order(-top$s.dist),]
par(mar=c(5, 29, 4, 2))
barplot(top$s.dist,horiz=TRUE,las=1,names.arg=top$set,cex.names=0.8, xlab="enrichment score")
Other genesets to look at.
tRNA processing in the mitochondrion
Complex I biogenesis
The citric acid (TCA) cycle and respiratory electron transport, and/or
Respiratory electron transport, ATP synthesis by chemiosmotic coupling, and heat production by uncoupling proteins.
Regulation of lipid metabolism by PPARalpha
mysets <- c("tRNA processing in the mitochondrion",
"Complex I biogenesis",
"The citric acid (TCA) cycle and respiratory electron transport",
"Respiratory electron transport, ATP synthesis by chemiosmotic coupling, and heat production by uncoupling proteins.",
"Regulation of lipid metabolism by PPARalpha")
mysets <- genesets[which(names(genesets) %in% mysets)]
res <- mitch_calc(y, mysets, priority="effect")
## Note: Enrichments with large effect sizes may not be
## statistically significant.
## set
## 5 tRNA processing in the mitochondrion
## 1 Complex I biogenesis
## 4 The citric acid (TCA) cycle and respiratory electron transport
## 3 Respiratory electron transport, ATP synthesis by chemiosmotic coupling, and heat production by uncoupling proteins.
## 2 Regulation of lipid metabolism by PPARalpha
## setSize pANOVA s.dist p.adjustANOVA
## 5 24 3.005470e-05 -0.4920729 5.009116e-05
## 1 52 7.459594e-05 -0.3176083 9.324493e-05
## 4 147 1.557203e-08 -0.2704252 7.786013e-08
## 3 103 4.323334e-06 -0.2621922 1.080834e-05
## 2 106 5.368419e-04 -0.1947463 5.368419e-04
mitch_report(res, "mygeneset_report.html")
## Dataset saved as " /tmp/RtmpeGBt3i/mygeneset_report.rds ".
## processing file: mitch.Rmd
| | 0%
|.. | 3%
## inline R code fragments
|.... | 6%
## label: checklibraries (with options)
## List of 1
## $ echo: logi FALSE
|...... | 9%
## ordinary text without R code
|........ | 12%
## label: peek (with options)
## List of 1
## $ echo: logi FALSE
|.......... | 15%
## ordinary text without R code
|............ | 18%
## label: metrics (with options)
## List of 1
## $ echo: logi FALSE
|.............. | 21%
## ordinary text without R code
|................ | 24%
## label: scatterplot (with options)
## List of 5
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 6
## $ fig.width : num 6.5
## $ message : logi FALSE
## $ warning : logi FALSE
|................... | 26%
## ordinary text without R code
|..................... | 29%
## label: contourplot (with options)
## List of 5
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 6
## $ fig.width : num 6.5
## $ warning : logi FALSE
## $ message : logi FALSE
## Contour plot does not apply to unidimensional analysis.
|....................... | 32%
## ordinary text without R code
|......................... | 35%
## label: input_geneset_metrics1 (with options)
## List of 2
## $ results: chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
|........................... | 38%
## ordinary text without R code
|............................. | 41%
## label: input_geneset_metrics2 (with options)
## List of 5
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 7
## $ fig.width : num 7
## $ : chr "all"
|............................... | 44%
## ordinary text without R code
|................................. | 47%
## label: input_geneset_metrics3 (with options)
## List of 5
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ message : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 7
## $ fig.width : num 7
|................................... | 50%
## ordinary text without R code
|..................................... | 53%
## label: echart1d (with options)
## List of 6
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 7
## $ fig.width : num 7
## $ : chr "all"
## $ message : logi FALSE
|....................................... | 56%
## label: echart2d (with options)
## List of 6
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 7
## $ fig.width : num 7
## $ : chr "all"
## $ message : logi FALSE
|......................................... | 59%
## ordinary text without R code
|........................................... | 62%
## label: heatmap (with options)
## List of 6
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 10
## $ fig.width : num 7
## $ : chr "all"
## $ message : logi FALSE
|............................................. | 65%
## ordinary text without R code
|............................................... | 68%
## label: effectsize (with options)
## List of 6
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 7
## $ fig.width : num 7
## $ : chr "all"
## $ message : logi FALSE
|................................................. | 71%
## ordinary text without R code
|................................................... | 74%
## label: results_table (with options)
## List of 2
## $ results: chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
|...................................................... | 76%
## ordinary text without R code
|........................................................ | 79%
## label: results_table_complete (with options)
## List of 2
## $ results: chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
|.......................................................... | 82%
## ordinary text without R code
|............................................................ | 85%
## label: detailed_geneset_reports1d (with options)
## List of 7
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 6
## $ fig.width : num 6
## $ out.width : chr "80%"
## $ comment : logi NA
## $ message : logi FALSE
|.............................................................. | 88%
## ordinary text without R code
|................................................................ | 91%
## label: detailed_geneset_reports2d (with options)
## List of 7
## $ results : chr "asis"
## $ echo : logi FALSE
## $ fig.height: num 5
## $ fig.width : num 6
## $ out.width : chr "80%"
## $ comment : logi NA
## $ message : logi FALSE
|.................................................................. | 94%
## ordinary text without R code
|.................................................................... | 97%
## label: session_info (with options)
## List of 3
## $ include: logi TRUE
## $ echo : logi TRUE
## $ results: chr "markup"
|......................................................................| 100%
## ordinary text without R code
## output file: /mnt/bfx6/bfx/mmckenzie/deseq2/
## /usr/bin/pandoc +RTS -K512m -RTS /mnt/bfx6/bfx/mmckenzie/deseq2/ --to html4 --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+tex_math_single_backslash --output /tmp/RtmpeGBt3i/mitch_report.html --email-obfuscation none --self-contained --standalone --section-divs --template /usr/local/lib/R/site-library/rmarkdown/rmd/h/default.html --no-highlight --variable highlightjs=1 --variable 'theme:bootstrap' --include-in-header /tmp/RtmpeGBt3i/rmarkdown-str36a72fae5bc.html --mathjax --variable 'mathjax-url:'
## Output created: /tmp/RtmpeGBt3i/mitch_report.html
## [1] TRUE
## R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/
## locale:
## attached base packages:
## [1] parallel stats4 stats graphics grDevices utils datasets
## [8] methods base
## other attached packages:
## [1] vioplot_0.3.5 zoo_1.8-8
## [3] sm_2.2-5.6 pkgload_1.1.0
## [5] GGally_2.0.0 reshape2_1.4.4
## [7] beeswarm_0.2.3 gtools_3.8.2
## [9] echarts4r_0.3.3 mitch_1.2.2
## [11] gplots_3.1.0 fgsea_1.16.0
## [13] DESeq2_1.30.0 SummarizedExperiment_1.20.0
## [15] Biobase_2.50.0 MatrixGenerics_1.2.0
## [17] matrixStats_0.57.0 GenomicRanges_1.42.0
## [19] GenomeInfoDb_1.26.0 IRanges_2.24.0
## [21] S4Vectors_0.28.0 BiocGenerics_0.36.0
## [23] forcats_0.5.0 stringr_1.4.0
## [25] dplyr_1.0.2 purrr_0.3.4
## [27] readr_1.4.0 tidyr_1.1.2
## [29] tibble_3.0.4 ggplot2_3.3.2
## [31] tidyverse_1.3.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] colorspace_2.0-0 ellipsis_0.3.1 rprojroot_1.3-2
## [4] XVector_0.30.0 fs_1.5.0 rstudioapi_0.12
## [7] bit64_4.0.5 AnnotationDbi_1.52.0 fansi_0.4.1
## [10] lubridate_1.7.9 xml2_1.3.2 splines_4.0.3
## [13] geneplotter_1.68.0 knitr_1.30 jsonlite_1.7.1
## [16] broom_0.7.2 annotate_1.68.0 dbplyr_2.0.0
## [19] shiny_1.5.0 compiler_4.0.3 httr_1.4.2
## [22] backports_1.2.0 assertthat_0.2.1 Matrix_1.2-18
## [25] fastmap_1.0.1 cli_2.1.0 later_1.1.0.1
## [28] htmltools_0.5.0 tools_4.0.3 gtable_0.3.0
## [31] glue_1.4.2 GenomeInfoDbData_1.2.4 fastmatch_1.1-0
## [34] Rcpp_1.0.5 cellranger_1.1.0 vctrs_0.3.4
## [37] xfun_0.19 ps_1.4.0 testthat_3.0.0
## [40] rvest_0.3.6 mime_0.9 lifecycle_0.2.0
## [43] XML_3.99-0.5 zlibbioc_1.36.0 MASS_7.3-53
## [46] scales_1.1.1 hms_0.5.3 promises_1.1.1
## [49] RColorBrewer_1.1-2 yaml_2.2.1 memoise_1.1.0
## [52] gridExtra_2.3 reshape_0.8.8 stringi_1.5.3
## [55] RSQLite_2.2.1 highr_0.8 genefilter_1.72.0
## [58] desc_1.2.0 caTools_1.18.0 BiocParallel_1.24.1
## [61] rlang_0.4.8 pkgconfig_2.0.3 bitops_1.0-6
## [64] evaluate_0.14 lattice_0.20-41 htmlwidgets_1.5.2
## [67] bit_4.0.4 tidyselect_1.1.0 plyr_1.8.6
## [70] magrittr_1.5 R6_2.5.0 generics_0.1.0
## [73] DelayedArray_0.16.0 DBI_1.1.0 pillar_1.4.6
## [76] haven_2.3.1 withr_2.3.0 survival_3.2-7
## [79] RCurl_1.98-1.2 modelr_0.1.8 crayon_1.3.4
## [82] KernSmooth_2.23-18 rmarkdown_2.5 locfit_1.5-9.4
## [85] grid_4.0.3 readxl_1.3.1 data.table_1.13.2
## [88] blob_1.2.1 reprex_0.3.0 digest_0.6.27
## [91] xtable_1.8-4 httpuv_1.5.4 munsell_0.5.0
## [94] tcltk_4.0.3