

In this study we are looking at the effect of knock-down of two genes which are required for the supply of acetyl units. It is hypothesised that knock-down of these genes could lead to problems with the response to exercise. We have both ctrl and kd under either sedentary or exercise conditions.

The focus of this report is to look at the overall structure of the dataset, understand whether the knock-down was successful and identify any outliers.


Import read counts

Importing RNA-seq data

tmp <- read.table("3col.tsv.gz",header=F)
x <- as.matrix(acast(tmp, V2~V1, value.var="V3", fun.aggregate = sum))
x <-
accession <- sapply((strsplit(rownames(x),"\\|")),"[[",2)
x$geneid <- paste(accession,symbol)
xx <- aggregate(. ~ geneid,x,sum)
rownames(xx) <- xx$geneid
xx$geneid = NULL
xx <- round(xx)
xx <- xx[,which(colnames(xx)!="test")]
##                             5176140_S26_L001 5176140_S26_L002 5176141_S27_L001
## ENSMUSG00000000001.5 Gnai3                23               17               29
## ENSMUSG00000000003.16 Pbsn                 0                0                0
## ENSMUSG00000000028.16 Cdc45                1                1                2
## ENSMUSG00000000031.17 H19                441              448              281
## ENSMUSG00000000037.18 Scml2                0                0                0
## ENSMUSG00000000049.12 Apoh                 0                1                3
##                             5176141_S27_L002 5176142_S28_L001 5176142_S28_L002
## ENSMUSG00000000001.5 Gnai3                11               17               13
## ENSMUSG00000000003.16 Pbsn                 0                0                0
## ENSMUSG00000000028.16 Cdc45                1                1                1
## ENSMUSG00000000031.17 H19                289              355              384
## ENSMUSG00000000037.18 Scml2                0                0                0
## ENSMUSG00000000049.12 Apoh                 0                1                0
## [1] 55357   112

Fix the sample names.

They are duplicated for lane 1 and 2, which I will aggregate.

labels <- unique(sapply(strsplit(colnames(xx),"_"),"[[",1))
l <- lapply(labels,function(x) { rowSums(xx[,grep(x,colnames(xx))]) } )
ll <-,l)
colnames(ll) <- labels
ll <-[,order(colnames(ll))])
rpm <- ll/colSums(ll) *1e6

##                             5176140 5176141 5176142 5176143 5176144 5176145
## ENSMUSG00000000001.5 Gnai3       40      40      30      43      37      26
## ENSMUSG00000000003.16 Pbsn        0       0       0       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000028.16 Cdc45       2       3       2       0       1       1
## ENSMUSG00000000031.17 H19       889     570     739     686     536     639
## ENSMUSG00000000037.18 Scml2       0       0       0       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000049.12 Apoh        1       3       1       0       0       0
##                             5176146 5176147 5176148 5176149 5176150 5176151
## ENSMUSG00000000001.5 Gnai3       28      40      45      40      37      60
## ENSMUSG00000000003.16 Pbsn        0       0       0       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000028.16 Cdc45       3       1       2       5       0       6
## ENSMUSG00000000031.17 H19       554     901     441     614     945     410
## ENSMUSG00000000037.18 Scml2       0       0       1       1       0       1
## ENSMUSG00000000049.12 Apoh        0       0       0       1       0       4
##                             5176152 5176153 5176154 5176155 5176156 5176157
## ENSMUSG00000000001.5 Gnai3       56      28      19      47      29      27
## ENSMUSG00000000003.16 Pbsn        0       0       0       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000028.16 Cdc45       6       7       3       7       4       7
## ENSMUSG00000000031.17 H19       235     479     736     284     377     580
## ENSMUSG00000000037.18 Scml2       1       1       0       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000049.12 Apoh        0       0       0       0       0       0
##                             5176158 5176159 5176160 5176161 5176162 5176163
## ENSMUSG00000000001.5 Gnai3       39      30      34      45      37      24
## ENSMUSG00000000003.16 Pbsn        0       0       0       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000028.16 Cdc45       6       3       2       2       3       3
## ENSMUSG00000000031.17 H19       628     754     327     612     656     883
## ENSMUSG00000000037.18 Scml2       1       1       2       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000049.12 Apoh        0       0       0       0       0       0
##                             5176164 5176165 5176166 5176167 5176168 5176169
## ENSMUSG00000000001.5 Gnai3       29      31      58      39      55      63
## ENSMUSG00000000003.16 Pbsn        0       0       0       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000028.16 Cdc45       1       7       2       3      12       5
## ENSMUSG00000000031.17 H19       674     839    1451    1102     889     707
## ENSMUSG00000000037.18 Scml2       0       1       0       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000049.12 Apoh        2       1       1       0       1       0
##                             5176170 5176171 5176172 5176173 5176174 5176175
## ENSMUSG00000000001.5 Gnai3       37      38      32      39      30      36
## ENSMUSG00000000003.16 Pbsn        0       0       0       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000028.16 Cdc45       3       3       4       2       1       4
## ENSMUSG00000000031.17 H19       899     937     968     512     850     426
## ENSMUSG00000000037.18 Scml2       0       0       0       0       1       0
## ENSMUSG00000000049.12 Apoh        0       0       0       1       2       0
##                             5176176 5176177 5176178 5176179 5176180 5176181
## ENSMUSG00000000001.5 Gnai3       42      39      48      40      67      22
## ENSMUSG00000000003.16 Pbsn        0       0       0       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000028.16 Cdc45       5       4       1       3      13       2
## ENSMUSG00000000031.17 H19       998    1025     879     644     273     544
## ENSMUSG00000000037.18 Scml2       2       2       0       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000049.12 Apoh        0       0       0       0       0       0
##                             5176182 5176183 5176184 5176185 5176186 5176187
## ENSMUSG00000000001.5 Gnai3       37      31      30      45      38      49
## ENSMUSG00000000003.16 Pbsn        0       0       0       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000028.16 Cdc45       3       1       3       4       7       7
## ENSMUSG00000000031.17 H19       617     642     977     696     881    1169
## ENSMUSG00000000037.18 Scml2       0       1       1       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000049.12 Apoh        0       2       2       0       1       0
##                             5176188 5176189 5176190 5176191 5176192 5176193
## ENSMUSG00000000001.5 Gnai3       54      47      41      30      34      56
## ENSMUSG00000000003.16 Pbsn        0       0       0       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000028.16 Cdc45       8       5       5       4       2       5
## ENSMUSG00000000031.17 H19       642     581     646     793     697     828
## ENSMUSG00000000037.18 Scml2       0       0       0       0       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000049.12 Apoh        0       0       1       0       1       2
##                             5176194 5176195
## ENSMUSG00000000001.5 Gnai3       33      42
## ENSMUSG00000000003.16 Pbsn        0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000028.16 Cdc45       5       5
## ENSMUSG00000000031.17 H19       988     892
## ENSMUSG00000000037.18 Scml2       0       0
## ENSMUSG00000000049.12 Apoh        0       0
## [1] 55357   112
## [1] 55357    56
xx <- ll

Make a sample sheet.

ss <- read.table("samplesheet.tsv")

# fix the capitalisation
ss$ex_sed <- gsub("SED","Sed",ss$ex_sed)

colnames(xx) == ss$Sample_ID
rownames(ss) <- ss$Sample_ID

ss$animal_id <- gsub("Right","",gsub("Left","",ss$Orginal_ID))

ss %>% kbl(caption = "Sample sheet") %>%
  kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Sample sheet
Sample_ID Orginal_ID percent num_reads Gbases target_gene ex_sed construct animal_id
5176140 5176140 1Left 0.3412 5860429 1.465107 ATP-CL Sed kd 1
5176141 5176141 2Left 0.2909 4996480 1.249120 ATP-CL Sed kd 2
5176142 5176142 3Left 0.3103 5329693 1.332423 ATP-CL Sed kd 3
5176143 5176143 5Left 0.3037 5216332 1.304083 ACSS2 Sed kd 5
5176144 5176144 6Left 0.2452 4211539 1.052885 ACSS2 Sed kd 6
5176145 5176145 8Left 0.3060 5255836 1.313959 ACSS2 Ex kd 8
5176146 5176146 11Left 0.2811 4828155 1.207039 ATP-CL Ex kd 11
5176147 5176147 13Left 0.3101 5326258 1.331564 ACSS2 Ex kd 13
5176148 5176148 17Left 0.3048 5235225 1.308806 ATP-CL Sed kd 17
5176149 5176149 18Left 0.2875 4938081 1.234520 ATP-CL Ex kd 18
5176150 5176150 23Left 0.3212 5516910 1.379228 ACSS2 Sed kd 23
5176151 5176151 21Left 0.2896 4974151 1.243538 ACSS2 Ex kd 21
5176152 5176152 31Left 0.2603 4470896 1.117724 ACSS2 Ex kd 31
5176153 5176153 36Left 0.3191 5480841 1.370210 ATP-CL Ex kd 36
5176154 5176154 38Left 0.2763 4745711 1.186428 ACSS2 Ex kd 38
5176155 5176155 42Left 0.2947 5061748 1.265437 ATP-CL Sed kd 42
5176156 5176156 43Left 0.3414 5863864 1.465966 ATP-CL Ex kd 43
5176157 5176157 44Left 0.3028 5200873 1.300218 ATP-CL Ex kd 44
5176158 5176158 45Left 0.2799 4807544 1.201886 ACSS2 Ex kd 45
5176159 5176159 46Left 0.3113 5346869 1.336717 ACSS2 Sed kd 46
5176160 5176160 51Left 0.2578 4427956 1.106989 ATP-CL Sed kd 51
5176161 5176161 55Left 0.3013 5175109 1.293777 ACSS2 Sed kd 55
5176162 5176162 57Left 0.3502 6015013 1.503753 ATP-CL Sed kd 57
5176163 5176163 59Left 0.3226 5540957 1.385239 ATP-CL Ex kd 59
5176164 5176164 60Left 0.3099 5322822 1.330706 ATP-CL Ex kd 60
5176165 5176165 61Left 0.3006 5163086 1.290772 ACSS2 Sed kd 61
5176166 5176166 63Left 0.3385 5814054 1.453514 ACSS2 Ex kd 63
5176167 5176167 64Left 0.3145 5401832 1.350458 ACSS2 Sed kd 64
5176168 5176168 1Right 0.3798 6523420 1.630855 ATP-CL Sed ctrl 1
5176169 5176169 2Right 0.3058 5252401 1.313100 ATP-CL Sed ctrl 2
5176170 5176170 3Right 0.3551 6099175 1.524794 ATP-CL Sed ctrl 3
5176171 5176171 5Right 0.3466 5953179 1.488295 ACSS2 Sed ctrl 5
5176172 5176172 6Right 0.3413 5862147 1.465537 ACSS2 Sed ctrl 6
5176173 5176173 8Right 0.3493 5999554 1.499889 ACSS2 Ex ctrl 8
5176174 5176174 11Right 0.2878 4943234 1.235809 ATP-CL Ex ctrl 11
5176175 5176175 13Right 0.2869 4927776 1.231944 ACSS2 Ex ctrl 13
5176176 5176176 17Right 0.4182 7182976 1.795744 ATP-CL Sed ctrl 17
5176177 5176177 18Right 0.3428 5887911 1.471978 ATP-CL Ex ctrl 18
5176178 5176178 23Right 0.3309 5683517 1.420879 ACSS2 Sed ctrl 23
5176179 5176179 21Right 0.3609 6198795 1.549699 ACSS2 Ex ctrl 21
5176180 5176180 31Right 0.3253 5587332 1.396833 ACSS2 Ex ctrl 31
5176181 5176181 36Right 0.2955 5075489 1.268872 ATP-CL Ex ctrl 36
5176182 5176182 38Right 0.3686 6331050 1.582762 ACSS2 Ex ctrl 38
5176183 5176183 42Right 0.2869 4927776 1.231944 ATP-CL Sed ctrl 42
5176184 5176184 43Right 0.3843 6600712 1.650178 ATP-CL Ex ctrl 43
5176185 5176185 44Right 0.3362 5774550 1.443637 ATP-CL Ex ctrl 44
5176186 5176186 45Right 0.3223 5535804 1.383951 ACSS2 Ex ctrl 45
5176187 5176187 46Right 0.3214 5520346 1.380086 ACSS2 Sed ctrl 46
5176188 5176188 51Right 0.3238 5561568 1.390392 ATP-CL Sed ctrl 51
5176189 5176189 55Right 0.3069 5271295 1.317824 ACSS2 Sed ctrl 55
5176190 5176190 57Right 0.3376 5798596 1.449649 ATP-CL Sed ctrl 57
5176191 5176191 59Right 0.3315 5693823 1.423456 ATP-CL Ex ctrl 59
5176192 5176192 60Right 0.2904 4987892 1.246973 ATP-CL Ex ctrl 60
5176193 5176193 61Right 0.3326 5712716 1.428179 ACSS2 Sed ctrl 61
5176194 5176194 63Right 0.3239 5563286 1.390821 ACSS2 Ex ctrl 63
5176195 5176195 64Right 0.2913 5003350 1.250838 ACSS2 Sed ctrl 64

QC analysis

Here I’ll look at a few different quality control measures.

barplot(colSums(ll),horiz=TRUE,las=1,xlab="num reads",col=ss$cols)

sums <- colSums(ll)
sums <- sums[order(sums)]
barplot(sums,horiz=TRUE,las=1,xlab="num reads")

MDS plot for all samples

Multidimensional scaling plot to show the variation between all samples, very similar to PCA.

Firstly with the data before aggregating technical replicates.

mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(xx)))
plot(mds, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2", 
  type = "p",bty="n",pch=19, cex=4 ,col="gray")
text(mds, labels=rownames(mds) )

That doesn’t make much sense. Now I’ll separate ACSS2 and ATP-CL experiments into different charts

lightblue = ctrl

pink = kd

circle = sedentary

square = exercise

I will also make a barplot and boxplot of the ATP-CL gene expression, encoded by Acly. It will show whether there has been a measurable decrease in Acly expression between ctrl and kd groups.

ss_atp <- ss[which(ss$target_gene=="ATP-CL"),]
xx_atp <- xx[,which(colnames(xx) %in% rownames(ss_atp))]

rpm_atp <- xx_atp/colSums(xx_atp)*1000000

acly <- unlist(rpm_atp[grep("Acly",rownames(rpm_atp)),,drop=TRUE])
names(acly) <- paste(names(acly), ss_atp$construct)

barplot(acly,horiz=TRUE,las=1,main="Acly expression",xlab="reads per million")

ctrl <- acly[grep("ctrl",names(acly))]
kd <- acly[grep("kd",names(acly))]
mylist <- list("ctrl"=ctrl,"kd"=kd)
boxplot(mylist,col="white",ylab="reads per million",main="Acly expression")
myp <- signif(t.test(kd,ctrl)$p.value,3)

ratio <- kd/ctrl
ratio <- ratio[order(ratio)]
barplot(ratio,horiz=TRUE,las=1,xlab="relative quantification (kd/ctrl)",main="ATP-CL")

# shapes for exercise or sedentary
shapes <- as.numeric(factor(ss_atp$ex_sed))+14
# colours for knock out or control
colours <- as.numeric(factor(ss_atp$construct))
colours <- gsub("2","pink",gsub("1","lightblue",as.character(colours)))

mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(xx_atp)))
plot(mds, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2", 
  type = "p",bty="n",pch=shapes, cex=4 ,col=colours)
mtext("ATP-CL study")
text(mds, labels=ss_atp$animal_id , cex=1)

  legend = c("ctrl sed", "ctrl ex", "kd sed" , "kd ex"), 
  col = c("lightblue","lightblue","pink","pink"), 
  pch = c(16,15,16,15), 
  pt.cex = 2, 
  cex = 1.2, 
  text.col = "black", 
  horiz = F , 
  inset = c(0.1, 0.1))

Look at the effect of the ATP-CL KD in the Sed animals.

ss_atp_sed <- ss_atp[which(ss_atp$ex_sed == "Sed"),]

xx_atp_sed <- xx_atp[,which(colnames(xx_atp) %in% rownames(ss_atp_sed))] 

colours <- as.numeric(factor(ss_atp_sed$construct))
colours <- gsub("2","pink",gsub("1","lightblue",as.character(colours)))

mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(xx_atp_sed)))
plot(mds, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2",
  type = "p",bty="n",pch=16, cex=4 ,col=colours)
mtext("Effect of ATP-CL KD in Sed animals")
text(mds, labels=ss_atp_sed$animal_id , cex=1)

  legend = c("ctrl Sed", "kd Sed"),
  col = c("lightblue","pink"),
  pch = c(16,16),
  pt.cex = 2, 
  cex = 1.2,
  text.col = "black",
  horiz = F ,
  inset = c(0.1, 0.1))

Look at the effect of the ATP-CL KD in the Ex animals.

ss_atp_ex <- ss_atp[which(ss_atp$ex_sed == "Ex"),]

xx_atp_ex <- xx_atp[,which(colnames(xx_atp) %in% rownames(ss_atp_ex))]

colours <- as.numeric(factor(ss_atp_ex$construct))
colours <- gsub("2","pink",gsub("1","lightblue",as.character(colours)))

mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(xx_atp_sed)))
plot(mds, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2",
  type = "p",bty="n",pch=15, cex=4 ,col=colours)
mtext("Effect of ATP-CL KD in Ex animals")
text(mds, labels=ss_atp_ex$animal_id , cex=1)

  legend = c("ctrl Ex", "kd Ex"),
  col = c("lightblue","pink"),
  pch = c(15,15),
  pt.cex = 2,
  cex = 1.2,
  text.col = "black",
  horiz = F ,
  inset = c(0.1, 0.1))

Now look at the ACSS2 study.

I will also make a barplot of the ACSS2 gene expression, encoded by Acss2. It will show whether there has been a measurable decrease in Acss2 expression between ctrl and kd groups.

ss_acs <- ss[which(ss$target_gene=="ACSS2"),]
xx_acs <- xx[,which(colnames(xx) %in% rownames(ss_acs))]

rpm_acs <- xx_acs/colSums(xx_acs)*1000000

acss <- unlist(rpm_acs[grep("Acss2$",rownames(rpm_acs)),,drop=TRUE])
names(acss) <- paste(names(acss) , ss_acs$construct)

barplot(acss,horiz=TRUE,las=1,main="Acss2 expression",xlab="reads per million")

ctrl <- acss[grep("ctrl",names(acss))]
kd <- acss[grep("kd",names(acss))]
mylist <- list("ctrl"=ctrl,"kd"=kd)
boxplot(mylist,col="white",ylab="reads per million",main="Acss2 expression")
myp <- signif(t.test(kd,ctrl)$p.value,3)

ratio <- kd/ctrl
ratio <- ratio[order(ratio)]
barplot(ratio,horiz=TRUE,las=1,xlab="relative quantification (kd/ctrl)",main="Acss2")

# shapes for exercise or sedentary
shapes <- as.numeric(factor(ss_acs$ex_sed))+14
# colours for knock out or control
colours <- as.numeric(factor(ss_acs$construct))
colours <- gsub("2","pink",gsub("1","lightblue",as.character(colours)))

mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(xx_acs)))
plot(mds, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2",
  type = "p",bty="n",pch=shapes, cex=4 ,col=colours)
mtext("ACSS2 study")
text(mds, labels=ss_acs$animal_id , cex=1)

  legend = c("ctrl sed", "ctrl ex", "kd sed" , "kd ex"),
  col = c("lightblue","lightblue","pink","pink"),
  pch = c(16,15,16,15), 
  pt.cex = 2, 
  cex = 1.2, 
  text.col = "black", 
  horiz = F , 
  inset = c(0.1, 0.1))

Look at the effect of the ACSS2 KD in the Sed animals.

ss_acs_sed <- ss_acs[which(ss_acs$ex_sed == "Sed"),]

xx_acs_sed <- xx_acs[,which(colnames(xx_acs) %in% rownames(ss_acs_sed))]

colours <- as.numeric(factor(ss_acs_sed$construct))
colours <- gsub("2","pink",gsub("1","lightblue",as.character(colours)))

mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(xx_acs_sed)))
plot(mds, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2",
  type = "p",bty="n",pch=16, cex=4 ,col=colours)
mtext("Effect of ACSS2 KD in Sed animals")
text(mds, labels=ss_acs_sed$animal_id , cex=1)

  legend = c("ctrl Sed", "kd Sed"),
  col = c("lightblue","pink"),
  pch = c(16,16),
  pt.cex = 2,
  cex = 1.2,
  text.col = "black",
  horiz = F ,
  inset = c(0.1, 0.1))

Look at the effect of the ACSS2 KD in the Ex animals.

ss_acs_ex <- ss_acs[which(ss_acs$ex_sed == "Ex"),]

xx_acs_ex <- xx_acs[,which(colnames(xx_acs) %in% rownames(ss_acs_ex))]

colours <- as.numeric(factor(ss_acs_ex$construct))
colours <- gsub("2","pink",gsub("1","lightblue",as.character(colours)))

mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(xx_acs_sed)))
plot(mds, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2",
  type = "p",bty="n",pch=15, cex=4 ,col=colours)
mtext("Effect of ACSS2 KD in Ex animals")
text(mds, labels=ss_acs_ex$animal_id , cex=1)

  legend = c("ctrl Ex", "kd Ex"),
  col = c("lightblue","pink"),
  pch = c(15,15),
  pt.cex = 2,
  cex = 1.2,
  text.col = "black",
  horiz = F ,
  inset = c(0.1, 0.1))

Correlation heatmap

Search for outliers with a correlation heatmap.

5176172 is potentially an outlier.

heatmap.2(cor(xx),trace="n",main="Pearson correlation heatmap",margin=c(8,8))

heatmap.2(cor(xx_atp),trace="n",main="Cor - ATP-CL",margin=c(8,8))

heatmap.2(cor(xx_acs),trace="n",main="Cor - ACSS2",margin=c(8,8))

Set up the different datasets for differential expression analysis

Don’t forget to remove poorly detected genes from the matrix with a threshold of 10 reads per sample on average.

There are 4 contrasts to set up.

  1. Effect of ATP-CL KD in Sed animals. (ss_atp_sed)

  2. Effect of ATP-CL KD in Ex animals. (ss_atp_ex)

  3. Effect of ACSS2 KD in Sed animals. (ss_acs_sed)

  4. Effect of ACSS2 KD in Ex animals. (ss_acs_ex)

There may be other contrasts we will add in future.

DGE 1 Effect of ATP-CL KD in Sed animals

## [1] 55357    14
xx_atp_sed <- xx_atp_sed[which(rowMeans(xx_atp_sed)>=10),]
## [1] 9731   14
ss_atp_sed$construct <- factor(ss_atp_sed$construct,levels=c("ctrl","kd"))

dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = xx_atp_sed , colData = ss_atp_sed, 
  design = ~ construct )
## converting counts to integer mode
res <- DESeq(dds)
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing
## -- replacing outliers and refitting for 5 genes
## -- DESeq argument 'minReplicatesForReplace' = 7 
## -- original counts are preserved in counts(dds)
## estimating dispersions
## fitting model and testing
z<- results(res)
vsd <- vst(dds, blind=FALSE)
zz <- cbind(,assay(vsd))
dge <-[order(zz$pvalue),])

dge[1:20,1:6] %>% 
  kbl(caption = "Top gene expression differences for contrast 1: Effect of ATP-CL KD in Sed mice") %>% 
  kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Top gene expression differences for contrast 1: Effect of ATP-CL KD in Sed mice
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
ENSMUSG00000052305.7 Hbb-bs 1991.61520 2.7445520 0.6585414 4.167623 0.0000308 0.1314082
ENSMUSG00000073940.4 Hbb-bt 298.94874 2.7360817 0.6619947 4.133087 0.0000358 0.1314082
ENSMUSG00000069917.8 Hba-a2 937.22103 2.8861833 0.7031687 4.104539 0.0000405 0.1314082
ENSMUSG00000069919.8 Hba-a1 895.64500 2.8292112 0.7071852 4.000665 0.0000632 0.1536638
ENSMUSG00000025270.14 Alas2 32.23192 2.8753901 0.7345283 3.914608 0.0000906 0.1762311
ENSMUSG00000032754.15 Slc8b1 15.52746 -0.8772522 0.2553896 -3.434956 0.0005926 0.9611794
ENSMUSG00000035443.11 Thyn1 30.79490 0.5978610 0.1879002 3.181801 0.0014636 0.9998239
ENSMUSG00000031448.13 Adprhl1 80.54420 0.6183200 0.2156025 2.867870 0.0041325 0.9998239
ENSMUSG00000030878.12 Cdr2 10.26062 1.0041048 0.3504475 2.865208 0.0041674 0.9998239
ENSMUSG00000097392.5 Thoc2l 51.38669 0.4773075 0.1690408 2.823623 0.0047484 0.9998239
ENSMUSG00000083012.10 Fam220a 32.46395 0.8736736 0.3120714 2.799595 0.0051167 0.9998239
ENSMUSG00000027102.5 Hoxd8 120.35253 -0.4902413 0.1751403 -2.799135 0.0051240 0.9998239
ENSMUSG00000028580.16 Pum1 71.18988 -0.3325650 0.1202664 -2.765236 0.0056882 0.9998239
ENSMUSG00000062683.12 Atp5g2 28.39540 -0.8140740 0.2984961 -2.727252 0.0063864 0.9998239
ENSMUSG00000034800.16 Zfp661 13.08517 -0.7300091 0.2745900 -2.658542 0.0078480 0.9998239
ENSMUSG00000055491.15 Pprc1 33.78304 0.4933753 0.1872039 2.635496 0.0084014 0.9998239
ENSMUSG00000022837.15 Iqcb1 11.44752 0.8078495 0.3092115 2.612611 0.0089853 0.9998239
ENSMUSG00000035372.3 1810055G02Rik 12.01980 0.7490477 0.2921792 2.563659 0.0103575 0.9998239
ENSMUSG00000100826.7 Snhg14 30.51278 0.5609355 0.2191422 2.559687 0.0104766 0.9998239
ENSMUSG00000044876.16 Zfp444 18.12292 -0.6051971 0.2408291 -2.512974 0.0119718 0.9998239
dge1 <- dge
d1up <- rownames(subset(dge1,padj <= 0.05 & log2FoldChange > 0))
d1dn <- rownames(subset(dge1,padj <= 0.05 & log2FoldChange < 0))

DGE 2 Effect of ATP-CL KD in Ex animals

## [1] 55357    14
xx_atp_ex <- xx_atp_ex[which(rowMeans(xx_atp_ex)>=10),]
## [1] 9350   14
ss_atp_ex$construct <- factor(ss_atp_ex$construct,levels=c("ctrl","kd"))

dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = xx_atp_ex , colData = ss_atp_ex,
  design = ~ construct )
## converting counts to integer mode
res <- DESeq(dds)
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing
## -- replacing outliers and refitting for 1 genes
## -- DESeq argument 'minReplicatesForReplace' = 7 
## -- original counts are preserved in counts(dds)
## estimating dispersions
## fitting model and testing
z<- results(res)
vsd <- vst(dds, blind=FALSE)
zz <- cbind(,assay(vsd))
dge <-[order(zz$pvalue),])

dge[1:20,1:6] %>%
  kbl(caption = "Top gene expression differences for contrast 1: Effect of ATP-CL KD in Ex mice") %>%
  kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Top gene expression differences for contrast 1: Effect of ATP-CL KD in Ex mice
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
ENSMUSG00000025085.17 Ablim1 80.83082 -0.5830156 0.1363528 -4.275787 0.0000190 0.1780835
ENSMUSG00000032285.16 Dnaja4 176.93117 -0.5125999 0.1501048 -3.414946 0.0006379 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000015882.19 Lcorl 13.27752 -0.9419652 0.2802011 -3.361747 0.0007745 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000039126.11 Prune2 19.41197 -1.0216183 0.3201392 -3.191169 0.0014170 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000035891.17 Cerk 15.22785 -0.8450373 0.2649997 -3.188824 0.0014285 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000071748.3 Styx-ps 20.27826 -1.0192650 0.3208714 -3.176553 0.0014904 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000042688.17 Mapk6 85.97710 -0.4433145 0.1404235 -3.156983 0.0015941 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000057229.12 Dmac2 69.82397 -0.4132302 0.1348957 -3.063331 0.0021889 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000082585.4 Gm15387 15.71188 -1.2743908 0.4173266 -3.053701 0.0022604 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000025810.10 Nrp1 32.37937 -0.6343818 0.2085990 -3.041155 0.0023567 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000032355.17 Mlip 116.21198 0.3613513 0.1197469 3.017625 0.0025476 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000022228.15 Zscan26 49.86120 -0.4824735 0.1613334 -2.990537 0.0027849 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000118841.1 Rn7s2 40.22956 0.7861496 0.2633795 2.984854 0.0028371 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000118866.1 Rn7s1 40.22956 0.7861496 0.2633795 2.984854 0.0028371 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000001630.14 Stk38l 29.16045 -0.5777016 0.1944549 -2.970877 0.0029695 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000044788.11 Fads6 23.09655 -0.6487560 0.2213555 -2.930833 0.0033805 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000022748.9 Cmss1 80.79703 0.4021062 0.1377294 2.919538 0.0035055 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000047205.13 Dusp18 50.90863 -0.7855929 0.2701439 -2.908053 0.0036369 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000085795.9 Zfp703 48.20385 -0.5600892 0.1937655 -2.890551 0.0038457 0.9999758
ENSMUSG00000044068.8 Zrsr1 76.79049 0.4587746 0.1594409 2.877395 0.0040097 0.9999758
dge2 <- dge
d2up <- rownames(subset(dge2,padj <= 0.05 & log2FoldChange > 0))
d2dn <- rownames(subset(dge2,padj <= 0.05 & log2FoldChange < 0))

DGE 3 Effect of ACSS2 KD in Sed animals

## [1] 55357    14
xx_acs_sed <- xx_acs_sed[which(rowMeans(xx_acs_sed)>=10),]
## [1] 9476   14
ss_acs_sed$construct <- factor(ss_acs_sed$construct,levels=c("ctrl","kd"))

dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = xx_acs_sed , colData = ss_acs_sed,
  design = ~ construct )
## converting counts to integer mode
res <- DESeq(dds)
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing
## -- replacing outliers and refitting for 6 genes
## -- DESeq argument 'minReplicatesForReplace' = 7 
## -- original counts are preserved in counts(dds)
## estimating dispersions
## fitting model and testing
z<- results(res)
vsd <- vst(dds, blind=FALSE)
zz <- cbind(,assay(vsd))
dge <-[order(zz$pvalue),])

dge[1:20,1:6] %>%
  kbl(caption = "Top gene expression differences for contrast 1: Effect of ACSS2 KD in Sed mice") %>%
  kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Top gene expression differences for contrast 1: Effect of ACSS2 KD in Sed mice
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
ENSMUSG00000027605.19 Acss2 69.42746 -0.8668631 0.1416468 -6.119891 0.0000000 0.0000089
ENSMUSG00000025813.15 Homer2 65.86986 -0.7482197 0.1965904 -3.805983 0.0001412 0.6692053
ENSMUSG00000027452.12 Acss1 57.77032 -0.7253830 0.1974947 -3.672924 0.0002398 0.7574204
ENSMUSG00000064356.1 mt-Atp8 526.99810 -0.7406859 0.2078583 -3.563418 0.0003661 0.8671906
ENSMUSG00000041702.8 Btbd7 59.05674 -0.4495734 0.1285848 -3.496319 0.0004717 0.8940114
ENSMUSG00000003808.19 Farsa 44.43966 0.5460277 0.1622555 3.365235 0.0007648 0.9999088
ENSMUSG00000030214.8 Plbd1 45.77055 -0.5496793 0.1641406 -3.348831 0.0008115 0.9999088
ENSMUSG00000036733.17 Rbm42 57.08366 0.4523195 0.1401298 3.227861 0.0012472 0.9999088
ENSMUSG00000031358.18 Msl3 84.25154 -0.3744717 0.1183747 -3.163445 0.0015591 0.9999088
ENSMUSG00000022881.16 Rfc4 20.28920 0.7072034 0.2260305 3.128797 0.0017552 0.9999088
ENSMUSG00000040740.8 Slc25a34 30.28045 -0.9033175 0.2900841 -3.113985 0.0018458 0.9999088
ENSMUSG00000039601.17 Rcan2 110.79367 -0.4653798 0.1501885 -3.098637 0.0019441 0.9999088
ENSMUSG00000102070.2 Gm28661 27794.22808 -0.4702067 0.1525373 -3.082569 0.0020522 0.9999088
ENSMUSG00000041351.17 Rap1gap 23.68455 -0.6884797 0.2242583 -3.070030 0.0021404 0.9999088
ENSMUSG00000096606.3 Tpbgl 187.25003 0.3936662 0.1283491 3.067153 0.0021611 0.9999088
ENSMUSG00000047044.8 D030056L22Rik 10.68044 0.9605605 0.3163285 3.036592 0.0023927 0.9999088
ENSMUSG00000022995.17 Enah 71.52311 -0.5134940 0.1700666 -3.019369 0.0025330 0.9999088
ENSMUSG00000044968.17 Napepld 36.01436 -0.5155553 0.1713665 -3.008495 0.0026255 0.9999088
ENSMUSG00000046058.8 Eid2 10.92884 0.9477383 0.3159202 2.999930 0.0027004 0.9999088
ENSMUSG00000047371.8 Zfp768 70.75257 0.3599124 0.1203944 2.989444 0.0027949 0.9999088
dge3 <- dge
d3up <- rownames(subset(dge3,padj <= 0.05 & log2FoldChange > 0))
d3dn <- rownames(subset(dge3,padj <= 0.05 & log2FoldChange < 0))

DGE 4 Effect of ACSS2 KD in Ex animals

## [1] 55357    14
xx_acs_ex <- xx_acs_ex[which(rowMeans(xx_acs_ex)>=10),]
## [1] 9586   14
ss_acs_ex$construct <- factor(ss_acs_ex$construct,levels=c("ctrl","kd"))

dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = xx_acs_ex , colData = ss_acs_ex,
  design = ~ construct )
## converting counts to integer mode
res <- DESeq(dds)
## estimating size factors
## estimating dispersions
## gene-wise dispersion estimates
## mean-dispersion relationship
## final dispersion estimates
## fitting model and testing
## -- replacing outliers and refitting for 77 genes
## -- DESeq argument 'minReplicatesForReplace' = 7 
## -- original counts are preserved in counts(dds)
## estimating dispersions
## fitting model and testing
z<- results(res)
vsd <- vst(dds, blind=FALSE)
zz <- cbind(,assay(vsd))
dge <-[order(zz$pvalue),])

dge[1:20,1:6] %>%
  kbl(caption = "Top gene expression differences for contrast 1: Effect of ACSS2 KD in Ex mice") %>%
  kable_paper("hover", full_width = F)
Top gene expression differences for contrast 1: Effect of ACSS2 KD in Ex mice
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
ENSMUSG00000082368.2 Gm11225 53.815179 0.8217104 0.1901818 4.320657 0.0000156 0.0839587
ENSMUSG00000093445.8 Lrch4 25.392993 -1.0098550 0.2351565 -4.294396 0.0000175 0.0839587
ENSMUSG00000064356.1 mt-Atp8 452.241900 -0.7467557 0.1870716 -3.991818 0.0000656 0.2095137
ENSMUSG00000032280.17 Tle3 11.907164 1.4515449 0.4195112 3.460086 0.0005400 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000036873.14 2410004B18Rik 50.647219 -0.4862178 0.1407441 -3.454623 0.0005511 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000102275.2 Gm37144 17.966059 1.0407117 0.3068971 3.391077 0.0006962 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000053877.13 Srcap 103.651371 0.4004359 0.1266557 3.161611 0.0015690 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000018572.11 Phf23 28.431285 0.6132548 0.1943046 3.156152 0.0015987 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000056569.12 Mpz 14.725827 -0.9203541 0.2944868 -3.125281 0.0017764 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000044037.16 Als2cl 23.569078 0.8052763 0.2627649 3.064627 0.0021794 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000053398.12 Phgdh 8.291418 2.2875045 0.7475731 3.059908 0.0022141 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000026675.13 Hsd17b7 42.227514 -0.5582106 0.1841540 -3.031216 0.0024357 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000043801.8 Oaz1-ps 37.221298 -0.6260365 0.2093052 -2.991023 0.0027804 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000039903.19 Eva1c 10.727972 1.2005710 0.4051821 2.963040 0.0030462 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000105008.2 Gm43652 28.042631 0.8329197 0.2836187 2.936758 0.0033166 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000025153.10 Fasn 36.661576 1.1678799 0.4021245 2.904274 0.0036811 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000035495.16 Tstd2 18.669500 -0.8030495 0.2767248 -2.901979 0.0037081 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000113337.2 Gm19220 1689.618927 0.5417903 0.1877987 2.884953 0.0039147 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000071847.14 Apcdd1 9.474889 1.1876643 0.4159372 2.855393 0.0042984 0.9998986
ENSMUSG00000047153.5 Khnyn 32.188335 0.5299053 0.1902388 2.785475 0.0053449 0.9998986
dge4 <- dge
d4up <- rownames(subset(dge4,padj <= 0.05 & log2FoldChange > 0))
d4dn <- rownames(subset(dge4,padj <= 0.05 & log2FoldChange < 0))


Some observations:

  • Read counts were a bit low which translated to a smaller number of genes detected. Typically this is in the range of ~15000 but we detected ~9500 in the 4 contrasts considered here. This may impact the number of genes that are detected as differentially expressed.

  • Acly (which encodes ATP-CL) was not measured at a sufficiently high level, and did not exhibit a decrease in KD mice.

  • Acly knock-down did not result in any major gene expression changes in Sed or Ex mice.

  • Acss2 was detected at a relatively low level, and it did exhibit a decrease in kd samples.

  • Animal 6 might be an outlier in the Acss2 study (5176172).

  • DESeq2 identified Acss2 as significantly downregulated in the ks mice but there were no other significant differences.

  • In the list of top significant genes for Acss2 kd in Ex mice, there are some mitochondrial and metabolism genes. These are likely themes for pathway analysis.

  • The

Session information

## R version 4.2.0 (2022-04-22)
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