Cytokine analysis of orthopedic patients


Mark Ziemann


December 21, 2022

Load data

Also putting the columns in order.

pg1 <- read.table("pg_ml.tsv",sep="\t",header=TRUE,row.names=1)
pg2 <- read.table("pg_ml_part2.tsv",sep="\t",header=TRUE,row.names=1)
pg <- cbind(pg1,pg2)

     b.NGF  CTACK Eotaxin FGF.basic  G.CSF GM.CSF   GRO.a    HGF IFN.a2 IFN.g
2001 23.60 282.95   34.43     40.54  80.60   7.46 1345.60 253.58     NA    NA
2002    NA 452.07   57.31     40.54 107.43  12.48 1270.00 253.58     NA    NA
2003 22.52 203.75   45.29     40.54 107.43   3.33  966.54 225.76     NA  6.23
2004 18.16 588.87   44.78     59.24  96.93     NA 1036.02 239.77     NA  6.23
     IL.1a IL.1b IL.1ra IL.2 IL.2Ra IL.3 IL.4   IL.5 IL.6 IL.7  IL.8   IL.9
2001  4.73  0.45 324.85 8.44  91.34 3.22 8.37     NA 1.56   NA 13.54 585.45
2002 25.09  2.81 610.80 7.15  65.42 4.99   NA 365.01 2.84   NA 18.41 517.99
2003  4.73  2.26 374.34 7.15  42.05 5.40 4.37     NA 5.08   NA 12.13 413.08
2004  4.73  1.69 183.04 9.70  63.66 2.22 7.69     NA   NA   NA  9.26 346.61
     IL.10 IL.12.p70. IL.12.p40. IL.13  IL.15  IL.16 IL.17A IL.18  IP.10   LIF
2001    NA       0.38     123.44    NA 529.04 127.76  11.83 79.69 221.82 46.45
2002  3.27       4.49     123.44    NA     NA 112.55   9.65    NA 224.25 70.52
2003  8.82      11.13      55.15   1.6 638.16  96.79   0.79    NA 125.81 58.79
2004    NA       2.60     325.39    NA 294.37 127.76  11.83    NA 215.31 92.69
     M.CSF MCP.1.MCAF. MCP.3     MIF    MIG MIP.1a MIP.1b  RANTES   SCF
2001 23.64       89.85  2.25 1559.62 226.93   1.86 278.07  608.61 4560.55 49.56
2002 44.19      115.49    NA 1007.59 180.49   2.73 245.57  525.17 4049.74 61.52
2003 29.78       33.79    NA 1847.22 208.32   2.11 138.60  525.17  650.50 80.77
2004 35.77       82.46    NA  918.96 280.73   1.86 164.51  567.11 2030.22 72.26
        SCGF.b  SDF.1a TNF.a  TNF.b  TRAIL   VEGF   VEGF.D   Ghrelin    MMP.13
2001 133243.15 1426.25 67.00 710.67  13.93 327.54 159.4830  142.5643  70.97097
2002  92790.18 1648.88 40.22 696.51 389.79 425.02 189.3592  262.1537  44.53349
2003  94154.71  972.72 36.78 252.92     NA 511.57 272.1746        NA 777.39888
2004 126081.46 1578.06 36.78 388.74     NA 425.02 272.1746 2973.9200 658.18179
     Collagen    TGF.b
2001 33344.52 7588.821
2002 26524.18 5731.419
2003 31607.60 8595.072
2004 33834.11 5292.231
pg <- t(pg)
pg <- pg[,order(colnames(pg))]
            1001   1002   1003   1004   1005   1006   1007   1008
b.NGF       6.03  20.81  13.39  13.39  22.04  15.86  15.86  14.63
CTACK     317.46 459.95 328.23 345.01 547.81 378.08 704.72 338.93
Eotaxin    32.08  47.89  76.44  78.25  74.74  47.59  85.15 102.43
FGF.basic 120.72  71.84  82.73  71.84  59.13  59.13  59.13  16.68
G.CSF     167.73  99.35  99.35 131.83 115.83 126.55 121.22  99.35
GM.CSF        NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA     NA  11.02

Sample sheet

Here are the groups:

10**: Adhesive capsulitis (not for inclusion)

20**: Control Instability

30**: Rotator cuff (for inclusion)

40**: Case Osteoarthritis

Also I’m putting the rows in order.

ss <- read.table("samplesheet.tsv",header=TRUE,row.names=1,sep="\t")

ss <- ss[order(rownames(ss)),]

ss %>% kbl(caption = "Sample sheet") %>% kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
Sample sheet
Participant.ID Patient_Group Redcap_record_ID Age Sex Primary.OA Cuff_Arthropathy Prosthesis Affected_Side Height_cm Weight_kg BMI ASA Smoking Diabetes Hypercholesterolaemia Hypertension Thyroid CRP Creat eGFR Urea Fast_Glucose hba1c Metabolic.Syndrome
2001 AD-CAB 2001 Control_Instability 27 pub 18 M Left 188 80.0 22.6 2 Yes No No No No 5.2 87 90 3.9 4.9 5.4 No
2002 AD-CAB 2002 Control_Instability 28 pub 22 F Right 164 73.0 27.1 1 No No No No No 2.9 58 90 3.6 3.4 4.8 No
2003 AD-CAB 2003 Control_Instability 29 pvt 21 M Right 178 105.0 33.0 1 Yes No na No Yes 3.0 85 90 5.8 4.3 5.1 No
2004 AD-CAB 2004 Control_Instability 30 pvt 19 M Left 181 94.5 29.0 1 No No No No Normal 2.9 69 90 5.7 4.8 5.4 No
2005 AD-CAB 2005 Control_Instability 31 27 M Right NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA No
2006 AD-CAB 2006 Control_Instability 32 pub 19 F Left 160 47.0 18.4 1 Yes No No No No 8.2 79 90 3.8 4.2 4.9 No
2007 AD-CAB 2007 Control_Instability 33 pub 18 M Right 180 74.0 22.8 1 No No na No Yes 2.9 81 90 5.5 6.6 4.9 No
2008 AD-CAB 2008 Control_Instability 34 pub 21 M Right 195 129.0 33.9 1 No No No No No 2.9 96 90 5.9 4.9 4.7 No
2009 AD-CAB 2009 Control_Instability 35 pub 18 M Right 192 98.0 26.6 2 Yes No No No No 2.9 82 90 4.1 4.6 5.7 No
2010 AD-CAB 2010 Control_Instability 36 pub 21 M Left 180 115.0 35.5 2 Yes No No No No 3.2 84 90 5.4 4.4 5.3 No
2011 AD-CAB 2011 Control_Instability 37 pub 30 M Left 178 82.0 25.9 1 Ex No No No No 2.9 94 90 8.2 5.1 5.3 No
2012 AD-CAB 2012 Control_Instability 38 pvt 35 M Left 188 75.0 21.2 1 No No na No No 2.9 106 78 4.7 5.4 5.2 No
2013 AD-CAB 2013 Control_Instability 39 pub 21 M Left 175 96.0 31.3 1 No No No No No NA 93 90 4.1 4.6 4.9 No
2014 AD-CAB 2014 Control_Instability 40 pub 29 M Right 185 105.0 30.7 1 No No No No No 2.9 81 90 6.5 5.0 4.6 No
2015 AD-CAB 2015 Control_Instability 41 pub 23 M Left 175 82.0 26.8 1 Yes No No No No 2.9 94 90 4.5 4.1 4.9 No
2016 AD-CAB 2016 Control_Instability 42 pvt 35 M Right 187 80.0 22.9 1 No No No No No 2.9 103 81 4.9 4.5 5.0 No
2017 AD-CAB 2017 Control_Instability 43 pub 19 M Right 195 118.0 31.0 2 No No No No No 2.9 95 90 6.2 4.2 4.5 No
2018 AD-CAB 2018 Control_Instability 44 pub 27 M Right 170 82.0 28.4 1 No No No No No NA 95 90 6.2 5.4 5.5 No
2019 AD-CAB 2019 Control_Instability 45 pub 27 M Left 180 76.0 23.5 1 Ex No NA No No 2.9 65 90 6.9 4.5 4.9 No
2020 AD-CAB 2020 Control_Instability 46 pub 20 M Left 181 85.0 25.9 1 No No Normal no No 2.9 105 86 5.8 4.4 5.0 No
2021 AD-CAB 2021 Control_Instability 47 pub 18 M Left 176 65.0 21.0 1 No No No No No 2.9 68 90 4.5 4.3 4.8 No
2022 AD-CAB 2022 Control_Instability 48 pvt 32 F Left 166 66.0 24.0 1 No No na No Yes 2.9 52 90 3.1 4.1 5.3 No
2023 AD-CAB 2023 Control_Instability 49 pvt 27 F Left 170 66.0 22.8 1 No No No No No 2.9 91 75 5.5 4.3 4.9 No
2024 AD-CAB 2024 Control_Instability 50 pvt 21 M Right 189 83.0 23.2 1 No No na No No 2.9 87 90 3.9 4.7 4.9 No
2025 AD-CAB 2025 Control_Instability 51 pvt 21 M Right 173 92.0 31.0 1 Yes No na No No 2.9 71 90 4.1 4.7 5.8 No
2026 AD-CAB 2026 Control_Instability 52 pub 23 F Left 169 57.0 20.0 2 Yes No No No Yes 2.9 68 90 4.5 4.6 5.1 No
4001 AD-CAB 4001 Case_Osteoarthritis 84 pvt 69 F Yes No Anatomic Left 158 89.0 36.0 2 No No Yes Yes Yes 2.9 66 82 5.2 5.7 6.1 YES
4002 AD-CAB 4002 Case_Osteoarthritis 80 pvt 59 M Yes No Anatomic Left 182 106.0 32.0 1 Ex No Yes No No 9.3 69 90 4.3 6.2 5.4 YES
4003 AD-CAB 4003 Case_Osteoarthritis 81 pvt 74 F No Yes Reverse Right 153 87.0 37.0 2 Ex No Yes Yes No 6.9 77 66 5.0 5.4 5.4 YES
4004 AD-CAB 4004 Case_Osteoarthritis 82 pvt 69 F Yes No Anatomic Left 165 85.0 32.0 2 No No Yes Yes Yes 3.9 61 89 5.8 5.8 5.6 YES
4005 AD-CAB 4005 Case_Osteoarthritis 83 pvt 74 F Yes No Anatomic Left 169 75.0 26.0 2 Ex No Yes Yes No 2.9 90 72 6.6 5.2 5.7 No
4006 AD-CAB 4006 Case_Osteoarthritis 78 pvt 81 F Yes No Anatomic Right 150 54.0 24.0 3 No No Yes Yes No 2.9 105 43 10.5 5.6 6.0 No
4007 AD-CAB 4007 Case_Osteoarthritis 85 pvt 72 M Yes No Anatomic Right 184 118.0 35.0 2 Ex No Yes Yes No 12.7 66 90 5.8 5.6 5.6 YES
4008 AD-CAB 4008 Case_Osteoarthritis 86 pub 70 M Yes No Anatomic Right 172 86.0 29.0 2 No No No Yes No 2.9 103 64 7.9 5.6 5.6 No
4009 AD-CAB 4009 Case_Osteoarthritis 88 pvt 72 M No Yes Reverse Right 167 80.0 29.0 3 Ex No Yes Yes No 2.9 107 59 6.7 5.8 5.5 No
4010 AD-CAB 4010 Case_Osteoarthritis 90 pvt 80 F No Yes Reverse Left 161 72.0 28.0 2 No No Yes No Yes 11.2 54 86 8.5 7.3 5.6 No
4011 AD-CAB 4011 Case_Osteoarthritis 87 pub 76 M No Yes Reverse Right 180 92.0 28.0 2 No No Yes Yes No 4.0 75 85 7.0 6.0 6.0 No
4012 AD-CAB 4012 Case_Osteoarthritis 91 pub 71 F Yes No Anatomic Right 163 83.0 31.0 2 No No Yes Yes No 2.9 73 72 4.8 6.3 5.7 YES
4013 AD-CAB 4013 Case_Osteoarthritis 89 pvt 69 F No Yes Reverse Left 170 89.0 31.0 2 No No Yes Yes No 2.9 81 85 5.1 5.4 5.9 YES
4014 AD-CAB 4014 Case_Osteoarthritis 92 pvt 71 M No Yes Reverse Right 170 99.0 34.0 2 Yes No Yes No Yes 2.9 69 90 7.0 7.0 7.1 YES
4015 AD-CAB 4015 Case_Osteoarthritis 93 pvt 76 M Yes No Anatomic Left 183 95.0 28.0 2 Ex No Yes Yes No 5.6 90 71 6.6 5.5 5.0 No
4016 AD-CAB 4016 Case_Osteoarthritis 99 pvt 76 F Yes No Anatomic Left 167 54.0 19.0 3 Ex No No No Yes 2.9 60 86 11.0 4.7 5.3 No
4017 AD-CAB 4017 Case_Osteoarthritis 96 pvt 79 F No Yes Reverse Right 155 75.0 31.0 2 No No No No No 9.2 71 70 4.5 5.5 5.1 No
4018 AD-CAB 4018 Case_Osteoarthritis 97 pvt 73 F Yes No Anatomic Right 167 85.0 30.0 3 Yes No Yes No No 1.5 78 65 7.3 5.4 5.9 No
4019 AD-CAB 4019 Case_Osteoarthritis 95 pvt 65 F Yes No Anatomic Left 170 62.0 21.0 2 No No No Yes No 2.9 103 49 11.0 5.3 5.2 No
4020 AD-CAB 4020 Case_Osteoarthritis 98 pvt 62 M Yes No Anatomic Left 180 117.0 36.0 2 No No Yes No No 2.9 80 90 4.9 6.9 5.9 YES

To investigate if secreted proteins and biomarkers in plasma are associated with:

  • Differentially expressed cytokines in patients with rotator cuff tears who heal/don’t heal

  • Primary osteoarthritis versus control instability

  • Rotator cuff arthropathy versus control instability

My custom analysis

Basic analysis.

Need to remove 10** samples from the analysis.

[1] 53 98
pg <- pg[,grep("^10",colnames(pg),invert=TRUE)]
[1] 53 72
colcount <- apply(pg,2, function(x) {

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 
  47   44   46   43   49   43 
barplot(colcount,main="num cytokines detected per sample")

rowcount <- apply(pg,1, function(x) {

    b.NGF     CTACK   Eotaxin FGF.basic     G.CSF    GM.CSF 
       67        72        72        69        72        44 
barplot(rowcount,main="number of samples with a cytokine detected")

rowcount <- rowcount[order(rowcount)]

barplot(head(rowcount,20),horiz = TRUE, las=1,cex.names = 0.8,
  xlab="num samples",main="detection rate")

MDS plot

Running an MDS plot.

It shows some variability, in particular 4015, 4012, 2007 and some others are not clustered with the bulk of samples.

mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(pg)))

cols <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(pg),""),"[[",1)
cols <- gsub("2","green",cols)
cols <- gsub("1","lightblue",cols)
cols <- gsub("3","pink",cols)
cols <- gsub("4","darkgray",cols)

plot(mds, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2", 
  col=cols, cex=4 , pch=19, main="MDS plot all samples (not transformed)",

text(mds,labels = colnames(pg))

Now log transform the data and repeat.

It certainly looks better, as there is some clustering of the grops happening. toward the left are the control instability samples (20), on the right are the pink rotator cuff samples (30) and intermediate are the osteoarthritis samples (40**).

lpg <- log(pg)
mds <- cmdscale(dist(t(lpg)))

cols <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(pg),""),"[[",1)
cols <- gsub("2","green",cols)
cols <- gsub("1","lightblue",cols)
cols <- gsub("3","pink",cols)
cols <- gsub("4","darkgray",cols)

plot(mds, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2", 
  col=cols, cex=4 , pch=19, main="MDS plot all samples (log transformed)",

text(mds,labels = colnames(pg))

Now make an MDS plot based on the analytes, rather than samples.

mds <- cmdscale(dist(lpg))

cols <- sapply(strsplit(colnames(pg),""),"[[",1)
cols <- gsub("2","green",cols)
cols <- gsub("1","lightblue",cols)
cols <- gsub("3","pink",cols)
cols <- gsub("4","darkgray",cols)

plot(mds, xlab="Coordinate 1", ylab="Coordinate 2", 
  col="gray", cex=4 , pch=19, main="MDS plot all cytokines (log transformed)",

text(mds,labels = rownames(pg))

Correlation heatmap

This can identify groups of samples with similar profiles, or groups of analytes that are co-regulated.

colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "yellow", "red"))

mc <- cor(lpg,method="pearson",use = "pairwise.complete")

heatmap.2( mc, col=colfunc(25),scale="none",
  trace="none",margins = c(5,5), cexRow=0.6, cexCol=0.6,  main="Pearson correlation of samples")

mc <- cor(lpg,method="spearman",use = "pairwise.complete")

heatmap.2( mc, col=colfunc(25),scale="none",
  trace="none",margins = c(5,5), cexRow=0.6, cexCol=0.6,  main="Spearman correlation of samples")

mc2 <- cor(t(lpg),method="pearson",use = "pairwise.complete")

heatmap.2( mc2, col=colfunc(25),scale="none",
  trace="none",margins = c(5,5), cexRow=0.6, cexCol=0.8,  main="Pearson correlation of cytokines")

mc2 <- cor(t(lpg),method="spearman",use = "pairwise.complete")

heatmap.2( mc2, col=colfunc(25),scale="none",
  trace="none",margins = c(5,5), cexRow=0.6, cexCol=0.8,  main="Spearman correlation of cytokines")

Heatmap of all measurements

colfunc <- colorRampPalette(c("yellow", "red"))

heatmap.2( lpg, col=colfunc(25),scale="none",
  trace="none",margins = c(5,5), cexRow=0.6, cexCol=0.6,
  main="Heatmap of all measurements - no scaling")

Signatures of healing in rotator cuff patients

TODO: Differentially expressed cytokines in patients with rotator cuff tears who heal/don’t heal

Primary osteoarthritis versus control instability

Using a t-test approach

# filter ss and lpg for only OA and ctrl samples
ss1 <- subset(ss,Patient_Group=="Case_Osteoarthritis" | Patient_Group=="Control_Instability")
lpg1 <- lpg[,colnames(lpg) %in% rownames(ss1)]
ss1 <- ss1[rownames(ss1) %in% colnames(lpg1),]

case <- factor(ss1$Patient_Group,levels=c("Control_Instability","Case_Osteoarthritis"))
sex <- factor(ss1$Sex)
age <- scale(ss1$Age)

# ttest approach (control vs case)

res <- lapply(1:nrow(lpg1), function(i) {
  cy <- lpg1[i,]
  NAME <- rownames(lpg1)[i]
  ttest <- t.test(cy ~ case )
  LFC <- log2(ttest$estimate[2]/ttest$estimate[1])
  P <- signif(ttest$p.value,3)
  BASEMEAN <- mean(ttest$estimate[2]/ttest$estimate[1])
  res <- c(BASEMEAN,LFC,P)
  names(res) <- c("basemean","log2fc","pvalue")
names(res) <- rownames(lpg1)
resdf <-,res))
resdf$fdr <- p.adjust(resdf$pvalue)
resdf <- resdf[order(resdf$pvalue),]
head(resdf,15) %>% 
  kbl(caption = "cytokine t-test results") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
cytokine t-test results
basemean log2fc pvalue fdr
MIP.1a 1.4621765 0.5481175 6.90e-05 0.0036570
MIG 1.1176339 0.1604477 9.24e-05 0.0048048
SCF 1.1015783 0.1395720 8.80e-04 0.0448800
CTACK 1.0657225 0.0918318 1.49e-03 0.0745000
IL.8 1.2513194 0.3234501 2.55e-03 0.1249500
MCP.1.MCAF. 1.0762154 0.1059669 3.27e-03 0.1569600
IP.10 1.0746904 0.1039211 8.04e-03 0.3778800
MMP.13 0.8261946 -0.2754464 1.83e-02 0.8418000
Ghrelin 0.7755925 -0.3666293 2.42e-02 1.0000000
Collagen 0.9870389 -0.0188212 3.18e-02 1.0000000 0.9615476 -0.0565699 3.22e-02 1.0000000
G.CSF 1.0909800 0.1256247 4.34e-02 1.0000000
IL.10 0.7104481 -0.4931988 4.46e-02 1.0000000
IL.1ra 1.0530692 0.0746003 4.70e-02 1.0000000
TGF.b 0.9761830 -0.0347764 7.54e-02 1.0000000

Volcano plot.

sig <- subset(resdf,fdr<0.05)
  xlab="log2 fold change",ylab="-log10(pvalue)",
  main="volcano plot (ctrl vs OA)")


Boxplot of top results.

cys <- rownames(head(resdf,10))

null <- lapply(cys,function(cyname) {
  cy <- lpg1[rownames(lpg1) == cyname,]
  cydat <- unlist(as.vector(resdf[rownames(resdf) == cyname,]))
  BASEMEAN <- signif(cydat[1],3)
  LFC <- signif(cydat[2],3)
  P <- signif(cydat[3],3)
  FDR <- signif(cydat[4],3)
  boxplot(cy ~ case ,col="white",main=cyname)
  beeswarm(cy ~ case,add=TRUE,pch=19,cex=1.2)
  mtext(paste("p =",P,"FDR =",FDR,"log2FC =",LFC,"basemean =",BASEMEAN))

Next I will use a GLM approach. First I will look at the sex and age in the different groups.

case <- factor(ss1$Patient_Group,levels=c("Control_Instability","Case_Osteoarthritis"))
sex <- factor(ss1$Sex)

age <- as.vector(scale(ss1$Age))

ctrl_age <- age[case=="Control_Instability"]
case_age <- age[case=="Case_Osteoarthritis"]


age <- ss1$Age

ctrl_age <- age[case=="Control_Instability"]
case_age <- age[case=="Case_Osteoarthritis"]


age <- as.vector(scale(ss1$Age))

Now look at the balance of sexes in the control and case groups.

ctrl <- table(sex[case=="Control_Instability"])
case <- table(sex[case=="Case_Osteoarthritis"])

sexes <- cbind(ctrl,case)

  main="sex balance between groups",
  ylab="n participants")

legend("topright", legend=c("male", "female"),
       fill=c("lightblue", "pink"), cex=1.2)

Now run the GLMs.

# glm approach

case <- factor(ss1$Patient_Group,levels=c("Control_Instability","Case_Osteoarthritis"))
sex <- factor(ss1$Sex)
age <- scale(ss1$Age)

cy <- lpg1[i,]
NAME <- rownames(lpg)[i]
myglm <- glm(cy ~ case + sex + age )

glm(formula = cy ~ case + sex + age)

Deviance Residuals: 
     Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
-0.97850  -0.18549   0.02287   0.27734   0.69530  

                         Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)              6.086011   0.252494  24.104   <2e-16 ***
caseCase_Osteoarthritis -0.363854   0.531904  -0.684    0.498    
sexM                     0.006657   0.130693   0.051    0.960    
age                      0.384140   0.272319   1.411    0.166    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 0.1429479)

    Null deviance: 7.5709  on 43  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 5.7179  on 40  degrees of freedom
AIC: 45.081

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 2
P <- summary(aov(myglm))[[1]][["Pr(>F)"]][1]

glmres <- lapply(rownames(resdf), function(cyname) {
  cy <- lpg1[rownames(lpg1) == cyname,]
  fit <- glm(cy ~ sex + age + case)
  P <- summary(aov(fit))[[1]][["Pr(>F)"]][1]
glmres <- abs(unname(unlist(glmres)))

resdf$pglm <- unname(unlist(glmres))
resdf$fdrglm <- p.adjust(resdf$pglm)

head(resdf,15) %>%
  kbl(caption = "cytokine t-test and GLM results") %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)
cytokine t-test and GLM results
basemean log2fc pvalue fdr pglm fdrglm
MIP.1a 1.4621765 0.5481175 6.90e-05 0.0036570 0.0498450 1.0000000
MIG 1.1176339 0.1604477 9.24e-05 0.0048048 0.0530477 1.0000000
SCF 1.1015783 0.1395720 8.80e-04 0.0448800 0.0063282 0.3290685
CTACK 1.0657225 0.0918318 1.49e-03 0.0745000 0.1280656 1.0000000
IL.8 1.2513194 0.3234501 2.55e-03 0.1249500 0.0691095 1.0000000
MCP.1.MCAF. 1.0762154 0.1059669 3.27e-03 0.1569600 0.6514741 1.0000000
IP.10 1.0746904 0.1039211 8.04e-03 0.3778800 0.2279104 1.0000000
MMP.13 0.8261946 -0.2754464 1.83e-02 0.8418000 0.0324642 1.0000000
Ghrelin 0.7755925 -0.3666293 2.42e-02 1.0000000 0.0677190 1.0000000
Collagen 0.9870389 -0.0188212 3.18e-02 1.0000000 0.0007533 0.0399253 0.9615476 -0.0565699 3.22e-02 1.0000000 0.0140289 0.7154722
G.CSF 1.0909800 0.1256247 4.34e-02 1.0000000 0.4451483 1.0000000
IL.10 0.7104481 -0.4931988 4.46e-02 1.0000000 0.1019231 1.0000000
IL.1ra 1.0530692 0.0746003 4.70e-02 1.0000000 0.0998255 1.0000000
TGF.b 0.9761830 -0.0347764 7.54e-02 1.0000000 0.6190283 1.0000000

Look at the effect of the other covariates on the data.

res_sex <- lapply(rownames(resdf), function(cyname) {
  cy <- lpg1[rownames(lpg1) == cyname,]
  fit <- glm(cy ~ sex)
  COEF <- coef(summary(fit))[,1][2]
res_sex <- abs(unname(unlist(res_sex)))

res_age <- lapply(rownames(resdf), function(cyname) {
  cy <- lpg1[rownames(lpg1) == cyname,]
  fit <- glm(cy ~ age)
  COEF <- coef(summary(fit))[,1][2]
res_age <- abs(unname(unlist(res_age)))

res_case <- lapply(rownames(resdf), function(cyname) {
  cy <- lpg1[rownames(lpg1) == cyname,]
  fit <- glm(cy ~ case)
  COEF <- coef(summary(fit))[,1][2]
res_case <- abs(unname(unlist(res_case)))

resl <- list("sex"=res_sex,"age"=res_age,"case"=res_case)

vioplot(resl,ylab="absolute GLM estimates")


barplot(sapply(resl,sum),ylab="sum of GLM estimates")

Rotator cuff arthropathy versus control instability


Session information

It is always a good idea to record information about the environment, which will help reproducibility.

R version 4.2.2 Patched (2022-11-10 r83330)
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/blas/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/

 [1] LC_CTYPE=en_AU.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
 [3] LC_TIME=en_AU.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_AU.UTF-8    
 [7] LC_PAPER=en_AU.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
 [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] vioplot_0.4.0    zoo_1.8-11       sm_2.2-5.7.1     beeswarm_0.4.0  
[5] kableExtra_1.3.4 gplots_3.1.3    

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] highr_0.9          compiler_4.2.2     bitops_1.0-7       tools_4.2.2       
 [5] digest_0.6.31      jsonlite_1.8.4     evaluate_0.19      lifecycle_1.0.3   
 [9] viridisLite_0.4.1  lattice_0.20-45    rlang_1.0.6        cli_3.4.1         
[13] rstudioapi_0.14    yaml_2.3.6         xfun_0.35          fastmap_1.1.0     
[17] httr_1.4.4         stringr_1.5.0      xml2_1.3.3         knitr_1.41        
[21] vctrs_0.5.1        htmlwidgets_1.6.0  gtools_3.9.4       systemfonts_1.0.4 
[25] caTools_1.18.2     webshot_0.5.4      grid_4.2.2         svglite_2.1.0     
[29] glue_1.6.2         R6_2.5.1           rmarkdown_2.19     magrittr_2.0.3    
[33] scales_1.2.1       htmltools_0.5.4    rvest_1.0.3        colorspace_2.0-3  
[37] KernSmooth_2.23-20 stringi_1.7.8      munsell_0.5.0